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Sawanohana超辛口純米吟醸 ささら純米吟醸
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Let's make this the last sake (since we've had many others in the past) Sawa no Hana Sasara The label on this previous sake said it was 🟦 very spicy, but this time it was not! I'm not sure what I remember it tasting like, but it wasn't as spicy as it sounded. It was a delicious sake that went down relatively easily! The pasta was peperoncino with asari! It is served with lots of cheese! The fourth one is the tomato flavored pasta with crab that we had for lunch the day before! I really wanted to pair this with sake too 🍶! After this, I finished it off with a Dabada Fire Swing on the rocks! Thank you very much for the meal! extensive knowledge It has a slightly gorgeous ginjo aroma and a moderate volume of flavor with a dry and dry sharpness at the end of drinking. It goes well with fish dishes. Hitogokochi 60% polished rice. Ingredients : Rice, Rice Koji 100% Nagano Prefecture Hitogochi Polishing ratio: 60 Sake meter degree:+12 Acidity: 1.5 Alcohol content: 15