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Kid純米吟醸 夏の疾風純米吟醸
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Let's move on to Junmai Ginjo from here. I asked for Kukai, but it's already sold out! Too bad 😢! Then the next one is Kido's summer sake! It has an apple-like taste like rice wine! The next dish was rolled asparagus with meat! Enjoy summer sake while eating snacks dipped in vinegar and soy sauce! Fried Genghis Khan and meat rolls🥓🍖! Guts and Sake Delicious sake is still waiting for you! knowledge Junmai Ginjo-shu made from Gohyakumangoku. When you open the bottle, the fruity, apple-like ginjo aroma invites you in. When you drink it, it is light and gentle on the palate, with a cool breeze like a wind blowing through the mountains. However, it is not only light, but also has a firm umami flavor, and the crisp dryness and refreshing malic acidity will soothe the summer heat while providing plenty of drinking power. Rice used: Gohyakumangoku Polishing: Koji rice: 50% / Kake rice: 55 Specified name sake, etc. Junmai Ginso/Hiirei-shu