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Ippakusuiseiささにごり 特別純米生特別純米生酒にごり酒
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I ordered a bakuren, but it was already gone! The waiter said, "If you want to order Ippakusuisei instead, it's not on the menu, but that's fine. Please do so! What came out was Sasanigori! Yay! This is delicious, isn't it? Beautiful sake and light nigori Comfortable to drink together! The sweet and spicy taste of the fried Genghis Khan goes well with the light nigori sake 🍶. extensive knowledge Number 16 Rice used: Gin no Sei/Akita Sake Komachi from Gojome-machi Sake Rice Research Association, Akita Prefecture Polishing ratio 55/58 Yeast used - Sake degree +3 Acidity 1.0 Nama/Hiire Nama