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AkabuF 吟醸酒吟醸
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Last night in Sapporo this year We went to Momorin for the first time in a while. It's the season for year-end parties, so it's crowded, but they gave us a seat at the counter. All-you-can-drink price is 2000 yen. ▶️ Now, which one shall we start with? I think I'll start with Akabu! It was a delicious sake with a nice sharp taste 🍶. Stir-fried octopus with garlic 🧄! I've never ordered this before, but it's a great accompaniment to sake... extensive knowledge The "F" in the name is "F" for "For you" and was named after the desire to brew sake that can be enjoyed daily. Ingredients: Iwate rice Rice polishing ratio: 60 Sake meter: +2 Acidity: 1.4 Yeast: F2 Alcohol percentage: 16