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緊急事態宣言中の2021年5月初旬に、日本酒沼に足を入れてしまいました。こんなに深いとは… 嫁様との家飲みが、ほとんどで稀に出張中の記録もあります。 4号瓶がほとんどです。 色々な出逢いを楽しみにしたいので… 振り返って見ることを楽しみに付けてます。

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Sake Map

The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


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Today was a fine autumn day. We went hiking to the inner sanctuary of Nakayama Temple. It was very refreshing and fun 😉. Tonight, I opened a bottle of "Ishizuchi", a souvenir from a family trip to Dogo Onsen a while ago😗. It has a fruity pear-like flavor, not too sweet, followed by a hint of rice sweetness. After the fruity, not sweet, pear-like flavor, there was a hint of rice sweetness... The aftertaste fades out nicely! Lovely~ Delicious~! This is the taste of fire-roasted rice! Japan is so big 😗.
EmishikiSensation White特別純米原酒生酒
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I've had it before and it was soooo good! Sensation series by Laughing Four Seasons This time it is White. It has a very sweet rice flavor and a fruity taste. Apple type? Pear type? There is also a light niggo-yellow color, full of elements that I love... Delicious. Great value for money, too. This is a must buy.
Good evening, Mr. Sakenori 🌙 Sensation white, it's delicious😊cosy and my favorite brand too!
Mr. Ponchan. This is the Sensation white that you told me about before. It's great!
Sakenori-san, I'm sorry 💦 you said that when you drank blue 😅I'm very sorry 🙏 I'm glad you said it's the best 🙏 I'm glad you said it's the best! I want to drink the light nigori that is only available this time of year 😄.
Ponchan. No, no, you gave me good information and I found another great sake ☺️. Thank you for your continued support 😄
Gangi純米無濾過生原酒 ノ壱 新酒
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It's time for new sake. I bought "No.1" and "No.2" to keep my favorite "Ganki". Tonight, I opened a bottle of "No.1". I drank "No.1" a while ago, which is not new sake. It was as good as ever... This time, I tasted the new sake "No.1"... Of course, it was delicious. I thought I should have had "No.2" before, but after drinking a few cups of it, I decided to go for it. This time, I tasted the new sake to see how the effect would be different. I felt the freshness that only new sake can have. I guess it's a matter of feeling (laughs). I don't know delicately what the difference is, but the smell is 'more' fresh !!!!! It was similar to the impression I had when I drank fresh juice...
Shinomineろくまる 純米吟醸 山田錦 無濾過生酒純米吟醸
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Shinomine" has been left for a while, but we couldn't resist and opened the bottle! A sweet sake that is popular with women. The fruity first taste is followed by a soft sweetness, and then fades out beautifully. Ahhhh, delicious! I feel it is totally close to the image of Shinomine so far 🤔. The label on the back says "Ura-Shinomine". I see! Shinomine can brew this kind of sake ☺️.
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Sake from Ako, Banshu, famous for Ako Ronin The brewery has a signature brand name "Chushingura," but in fact "Otome" seems to be the origin of this brewery... It is a very clear, clean sake with no cloying taste. As the name suggests, it is "Otome". It has a hint of sweetness, and is not too harsh (laugh). Nothing but a maiden... (laugh) Delicious!
Keiryu初しぼり 限定 純米生原酒
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My father-in-law gave me this sake. When I first saw it, there was no label, so I asked him about it, and he said it was because it was the first pressing of a new sake. I looked closely and saw that it was "Endo Shuzojo" (Endo Sake Brewery). What's that? This is the same brewery as the "Comet: Shah" I drank the other day 😘I opened the bottle with high hopes. The fruity impression was followed by a slight spiciness, then a fruity umami and a delicious aroma 😙. This is with 70% polished rice? I knew this brewery was great 🤔.
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Family trip to Dogo Onsen. After eating udon at "Yoshiya" in Marugame, we went to Mt. Kompira for refreshment! After that, we moved on to Dogo Onsen for sake activities and Nikkatsu 😘. What a surprise, I bought this at a convenience store... A while ago, I was informed that convenience stores have local sake 😙. Along with the mild clear acidity, comes a clear, refreshing umami. Delicious~. Great food and sake today... 😋.
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I was looking forward to "Kuroryu". The first taste was refreshing and clear, with a hint of ginjo aroma and a clean cut. It is a quintessential sake. It is delicious. Nothing to say 😙.
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Comet: Shah" which I drank before and enjoyed. This time, the specs are a little higher "Hatsukumi" label is exactly the "Red Comet" with a red label! It has a clear, fruity sweetness of rice with no acidity. The umami comes and fades out😙. Delicious! I've felt this before, but it's really delicious. I know it's taken up with Shah Zak because of the name, but I don't think it's as good as that one 😁. I'm not sure if it's just Liquor Mountain? I'm going to try to conquer all of them 😍.
Gangi純米無濾過生原酒 ノ壱
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I still end up drinking "GANKI Actually, I've drank about 220 bottles of Yongou since last May. 8 of them are this "GANKI It's my favorite! I really wanted to drink "No-2", but they didn't have it, so here it is. However, it is delicious. I have the impression that this one is a bit acidic, but the "No-2" has the strongest sense of balance. Coming soon, I am waiting for the new sake 😊.
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This is a gift from a hotel in Shimane, Japan. I got it as a travel support discount. I was told that it was recommended to be heated, so I held back my regret 😂. I was told that it was recommended to be heated, so I suppressed my feelings of regret 😂. The soft, smooth mouthfeel, mild acidity, umami, and mild spiciness. I see... I used to prefer cheap, spicy paper packets of hot sake. I've always preferred the cheap and spicy paper packets of hot sake... 🤔🤔🤔🤔. First time for me, delicious 🥰. I learned how to drink a little adult from this sake. I learned how to drink a little more mature from this sake ☺️.
Kankobai純米吟醸 雄町
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I drank "Kanbongubai" before and enjoyed it very much! I found Omachi, so I'm going to drink it when I'm tired from camping 😁. The first taste was very clear and sweet, followed by a rounded acidity 😋, then a blissful sweetness of rice and umami. Ahhhh, this Omachi feeling. A wonderful sense of balance. Not too strong, but the rounded acidity is exquisite. It has the sense of balance that is found in a great sake! Delicious 😘.
Good evening, Mr. Sakenori😄 It used to be at a liquor store near me 😭. I was thinking of having a drink. I was going to try it, but it disappeared 😅. I'm so happy and sad 😩.
Mr. T.KISO Hello. Saku is indeed very good, isn't it? The very famous ones are good, but it's a great feeling when you come across a sake that's not that major, but still tastes good! Please try to find it!
Go純米吟醸原酒 オールスター
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It's been a while since I've seen "Mutual". When I saw the name "All Star" I had to see it (lol). Everything seems to be an addition to the other series😅. It's very clear at first sight, but it has a solid rice flavor and body. And yet it's so clear, it's a strange feeling! Delicious. Tonight we will enjoy this while watching the Japan Series. Great!
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Senkou Akatombo" which I had been putting to sleep for a bit. To drink this, I walked for 2.5 hours today... When I was satisfied, I opened the bottle. Hmmm? It is more acidic than I expected... What's that? I was expecting the ultimate balance that Sentori has, but it's not as good as I expected...? It's good, but maybe it's the result of too high expectations... What's wrong? But my impression changed when I drank it 🤔 lol Delicious... I was expecting "SENKYO NO WAR" which I drank before. I guess it was a little different... Let's go buy a different Sentori...
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I love Tedorigawa River and was also interested in "Yoshidagura II I was also curious about "Yoshidagura II"... Finally, I was able to buy it in Nagoya and opened the bottle. It has a soft acidity and a delicious umami taste. Delicious... It is not as crisp as the raw Tedorigawa, but it is delicious! I have no doubt about it...
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We were told by the manager at an izakaya near our office that we could sell the sake directly to the public. I was told by the manager that direct sales were OK, so I did as he asked and purchased the sake. We immediately opened the bottle. The sake has a beautiful flavor. It does not have the fruity and bright taste that is so popular these days, but it has a good combination of umami, transparency, and acidity. It is delicious. In terms of price and impression, it was a good buy. I am sure it is what my senpai said it is...
Chiyomusubi純米吟醸 強力50 無濾過生
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San'in (Tottori and Shimane) sake at an izakaya in Yonago. We had a glass of locally brewed sake at a tavern in Yonago. We had "Yamata-no-orochi", "Inadahime", and "Juhasahi", and since there was no "Chiyomusubi" which we had expected I was disappointed to find that there was no "Chiyomusubi", which I had expected I was disappointed and decided to go home. On the way back to Yonago, I found something I didn't expect to find at a convenience store. Yonago has a convenience store? I said "Oh" when I found it at the convenience store 😄... So I opened the bottle. From the very fruity aroma comes a light acidity and the delicious taste of rice. This is very elegant. Delicious! I played golf today and I'm exhausted, so I think I'll drop this 🥱 Go back to Osaka tomorrow!
Good evening, Mr. Sakenori! I'd be surprised if I found this sake at a convenience store! Good job on the golf 💦.
北安大国純米吟醸 NANASHI
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I was curious about the face of the thankful Daikoku and ended up purchasing the sake. So-called "Jacket purchase. A little sourness, then a delicious taste, but it feels mediocre... It's delicious, but it just feels that way... The specs are good, too. Apparently, my work wasn't up to par today, so... I guess I felt that way. It doesn't go well every day. Still, I'm thankful for the sake, because it never complains I'm thankful for that😅 I'll try another spec!
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A souvenir brought by my brother. A local product from Komatsu. I thought to myself, "Kannon-shita" is the name of a place, isn't it? I opened the bottle thinking, "I used to go there by bicycle..." and opened the bottle. It has a good aroma, but it has an alkaline taste, and if you subtract the brand name "Noriguchi," it might be average... 😗. I wasn't really impressed... I felt it before, but I think the Nouguchi brand might be expensive but not cosy 🤔... I'm curious about the Junmai series, but it's too expensive to move on 😅
Gangi純米吟醸 無濾過 生原酒
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At a drinking party Long time no see "GANKI I still love this 🥰. The slight acidity is well balanced with the great umami. It's a great balance.... I always use the word "balanced" when describing a great sake, and this sake has it... The popular "piquancy" is good, but it makes me rediscover the original taste of sake... 😆. Delicious.