鎌倉在住屋久島犬Sawayamatsumoto純米吟醸Matsumoto ShuzoKyoto2/23/2025, 10:16:49 AM鎌倉在住屋久島犬Delicious! 🥈Japanese>English
鎌倉在住屋久島犬Banshuikkon純米吟醸San'yohai ShuzoHyogo2/23/2025, 10:16:16 AM鎌倉在住屋久島犬It's so delicious! It's refreshing and aromatic, very much to my liking 🥇.Japanese>English
鎌倉在住屋久島犬Banshuikkon純米吟醸San'yohai ShuzoHyogo2/23/2025, 9:55:08 AM鎌倉在住屋久島犬It's so delicious! It's refreshing and aromatic, very much to my liking 🥇.Japanese>English
鎌倉在住屋久島犬RokkasenRokkasenYamagata1/17/2025, 1:15:42 PM2鎌倉在住屋久島犬I think this might be my favorite of the ones I drank today. It's a bit fruity and refreshing.Japanese>English
鎌倉在住屋久島犬Ryoko峰乃白梅酒造Niigata1/17/2025, 1:14:19 PM2鎌倉在住屋久島犬So-so sweet type, not my favorite but tasty type.Japanese>English
鎌倉在住屋久島犬BakurenKamenoi ShuzoYamagata12/13/2024, 11:03:44 AM19鎌倉在住屋久島犬Good, good, good...delicious!Japanese>English
鎌倉在住屋久島犬GizaemonWakaebisu ShuzoMie12/13/2024, 11:03:16 AM15鎌倉在住屋久島犬Tastes good in general. Taste to consume on a daily basis!Japanese>English
鎌倉在住屋久島犬Kinoenemasamune純米生原酒大辛口しぼりたて新酒Iinuma HonkeChiba12/6/2024, 10:40:19 AM21鎌倉在住屋久島犬Usually when I get a little drunk, these sweet drinks make me feel sick. But this was not the case at all, perhaps because of the refreshing aftertaste. It is delicious.Japanese>English
鎌倉在住屋久島犬Kakurei純米吟醸Aoki ShuzoNiigata12/6/2024, 10:23:15 AM18鎌倉在住屋久島犬Stable and tasty. I love it.Japanese>English
鎌倉在住屋久島犬SuigeiSuigei ShuzoKochi11/3/2024, 9:53:59 AM2鎌倉在住屋久島犬You're a real sure thing, you're a drunken whale when you're lost, and a drunken whale when you're not lost.Japanese>English
鎌倉在住屋久島犬MimurosugiImanishi ShuzoNara11/3/2024, 8:51:57 AM4鎌倉在住屋久島犬Cute handwritten label in a font similar to that of "Memo for myself" and "Wind Forest" A little bit sweet?Japanese>English
鎌倉在住屋久島犬RomanHanaizumi ShuzoFukushima11/3/2024, 8:29:30 AM3鎌倉在住屋久島犬Note to self: sweet, strong flavor, low aroma? Good for the first drinkJapanese>EnglishnabeHello, Thank you for drinking sake from my hometown, Minamiaizu Town!Japanese>English
鎌倉在住屋久島犬Kaze no MoriYucho ShuzoNara11/3/2024, 8:25:58 AM4鎌倉在住屋久島犬Strong taste, refreshingJapanese>English
鎌倉在住屋久島犬Kamonishiki荷札酒Kamonishiki ShuzoNiigata11/2/2024, 12:17:32 PM21鎌倉在住屋久島犬As expected of Niigata's number one 🐶! Good aroma and taste 👍Smooth and clean 👍👍👍 The label is also cute and looks like a packing slip.Japanese>English
鎌倉在住屋久島犬Manrei小松酒造Saga7/27/2024, 12:42:13 PM12鎌倉在住屋久島犬I opened a bottle of Manrei that I bought last time I was in the store and found it particularly delicious 🤤 delicious!Japanese>English
鎌倉在住屋久島犬Manrei純米吟醸 夏の酒 生小松酒造Saga7/5/2024, 12:06:24 PM13鎌倉在住屋久島犬Oh, yummy! Bingo! Bingo!Japanese>English
鎌倉在住屋久島犬Maibijin越前木樽搾りMikawa ShuzojoFukui3/16/2024, 11:30:13 AM19鎌倉在住屋久島犬The white one. Hinoki!!!! I'm not usually a drinker, but it's delicious!Japanese>English
鎌倉在住屋久島犬Maibijin生酛純米Mikawa ShuzojoFukui3/16/2024, 11:25:29 AM18鎌倉在住屋久島犬The orange one. It has a peculiar taste, but I'm sure it has the best flavor of all the pickled cheeses.Japanese>English