CheckinCountView.label Flavor Chart® A chart created from flavor analysis of user comments.
Flavor Tags ® Tags generated from flavor analysis of user comments.
you It's sweet and refreshing, but there's something strong at first! There is a lot of acidity, and the aftertaste is sweet. sakeko Refreshing and simple taste that enhances the flavor of food! a little sweet
What we ate together
Nameko, Oden 5o4rlOgZDl Wasn't it a system that you could taste much?
あざら酒 Sour and refreshing taste
たか At the recommendation of the Yamaya.
There are so many different kinds! わんわん 🐶
I drank it last year and enjoyed it so much that I repeated it.
It's so soft and smooth that I can drink it in large gulps.
I think I'll reserve two bottles for next year 🐶🍶. RYO32 From my wife to VD.
told me that chocolate makes me fat.
ろみー Very juicy! Peaches, bananas, very bright. Slightly gassy and slightly bitter aftertaste. Delicious!
さけ陽浴 For recordkeeping】 【For recordkeeping
December 2023 Manufacture RecommendedContentsSectionView.title