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KAUSUMORI Junmai Ginjo Namaishu, 60% polished rice Sweet and sour, very fruity. The fizzy taste is also very tasty. After the sweetness and sourness, there is a bit of bitterness, but it It's like it's a good drinker. It's easy to drink but has a deep flavor. Like lemon juice. I think it is easy to recommend to women. When I accidentally opened it vigorously It overflowed with bubbling energy. I'm glad it's so lively, but I'll be careful next time. But I'll be careful next time.
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Mutsu Hachisen Junmai Daiginjo Hanamoi 50 This is my first Mutsu Hachisen. I thought it didn't taste much because it was a daiginjo. Was it because it was a daiginjo? Maybe I drank too much and my tongue was going crazy. Next time, I would like to try junmai ginjo or special junmai. I want to try junmai ginjo or special junmai next time.
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Yuten Junmai Ginjo Sake from Niigata is said to be light and dry. I thought it didn't taste so good. Is it something you can understand if you become an expert? Or maybe I should have heated it up?
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Kikuhime Tokusen Junmai The Yamahai Junmai that I usually drink is very good, but this one is less acidic and more mellow than Yamahai Junmai. It has its own peculiarity, but I like peculiar sake. When served cold, the peculiarity is reduced and it is easy to drink. When heated, the peculiarities become more apparent, but the caramel-like sweetness, umami, and punch increase, which is also delicious. It is better the second day than the first. I am looking forward to drinking it again tomorrow.
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Kayama Junmai Ginjo Unfiltered Nama-shu Koshi-tanrei The water is good, or maybe it's the quality of the water? The sweetness and umami are very rich and delicious. It is made from Niigata's sake rice called Koshitanrei.
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Doukan Yamadanishiki Yamahai Junmai Nama-shu I always wanted to try this sake because I like Chiyoda Kura, and I couldn't find a place where I could buy it, so I bought it at the brewery. It has a strong acidity, but I like it. The sweetness and umami of the rice I like Chiyoda brewery. Delicious chilled in a glass of wine, but also but it is also delicious heated. The sweetness, graininess, and gusto of the wine increases, and it is extremely tasty.
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I love it too much, But I can't find it for sale in my neighborhood. If it is, I secure it. I couldn't drink it right away, so I decided to let it sit for a year in the underfloor storage at home. The usual bubbling when the bottle is opened is still there. The mellowness and acidity are higher than usual. It's very tasty. But I think I like it better if I don't let it sit too long, because it has a freshness to it.
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TEREIKAWA Junmai Ginjyo Nama-no-Genshu Purchased at the brewery. All the sake we were allowed to taste were very good. This sake is very tasty. The aroma is already delicious. The acidity is a little strong. The gentle and pleasant sweetness, combined with the mellow but freshness of the unpasteurized sake, makes this sake It is very tasty. I wondered when I would be able to come back to Kusatsu again, but I would definitely go back to buy some more.
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Hakurakusei Special Junmai The flavor is irresistible and the sharpness is very pleasant, yet it is easy to drink. It has a clear drinkability and is extremely tasty. I tried various drinking vessels, but I personally thought it was most delicious in a wine glass. I really like this kind of sake that I can drink all the time.
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Mikotsuru Suwa Miyamanishiki Junmai Ginjyo Unfiltered Nama-shu It is very clear. It is very clear, and yet it is slowly delicious. It has a strong flavor. It finishes with a very pleasant kick. but gentle at the same time. This is the first sake in a long time that I thought was dramatically delicious.
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Tamagawa Junmai Ginjo Unfiltered Nama-shu, Ichi-go Yeast It has Tamagawa's typical drinkability, but the punch is soft and the acidity is low, making it fresh and extremely tasty. It is fresh and extremely tasty with a soft punch and low acidity.
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Nabeshima Special Junmai Sake Easy to drink and refreshing on the first day of opening. It tastes light and has a strong bitterness. It tastes good in this way, but it is quite dry. impression. In the first month after opening the bottle, the taste suddenly became more intense and the bitterness weakened. It starts with a pleasant twangy alcohol taste, then a little fruity, then juicy and delicious. It is refreshing yet drinkable. It's really tasty.
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Koryu Unfiltered Shu-ban First of all, it smells very good. The color is a little cloudy. It's been a long time since I was excited by the appearance and the smell before drinking. It's spicy, refreshing, and goes down your throat It goes down your throat just right in the summer. but it has a deep and robust flavor. When heated, it has a nice aroma, a nice rice flavor, a spiciness that is pleasant, and an increase in acidity that is also pleasant. I really like it. It has a wonderful balance and drinkability that makes you think that even though it is alsochueted, they did it by calculation. This was priced at 2,200 yen without tax. Conscientious. I'll buy it again.
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Machida Shuzo Omachi As the day goes by after the bottle is opened, it becomes more and more delicious. It becomes more and more delicious as the day goes by. And the taste becomes richer and richer. But it is not heavy. Fresh and juicy, Light and easy to drink, yet full of flavor. It's really tasty. Very satisfying.
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Ancient Capital Millennium Junmai Ginjo I bought this when I went to Kyoto on business. I opened the bottle with the feeling that I wanted to drink a dry sake because I was going to have bonito tataki today. I opened the bottle with the feeling that I wanted to drink a dry sake. I was surprised at how tasty it was! It has a nice aroma, a little fruity and gentle, yet deep flavor, and it finishes with a dry taste that satisfies the palate. It is so good that I am personally close to making a film about it.
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Machida Shuzo Miyamanishiki Yamadanishiki was so good that I bought more. The Yamadanishiki was juicy, rich and delicious, but the Miyamanishiki was light in a good way, but had good umami, sweetness and a lingering aftertaste.
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Tenpoichi Attack Attack Daiginjo Nama Sake Last year, I drank Tenpoichi Attack Hachitan-Nishiki and enjoyed it so much that I bought it. It was so good that I bought it. This time it is Yamada Nishiki. I was thinking that my fridge would be I'm thinking... Yamadanishiki Daiginjyo, raw.... It must be absolutely delicious........ I couldn't resist the temptation. I'm glad I won! It's so good. After a refreshing drink juicy. And it cuts off pleasantly. It's a little spicy though it's served with alcohol. I wonder if they are making it a little spicy. It's so good, I'm sure it will be gone soon.
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Morishima Miyamanishiki Junmai-shu The first day after opening the bottle, it is refreshing. After about a week, the sweetness and umami became more intense. Not too light. It is not too heavy and does not make you tired of drinking. Of course, it is not too much. I really like this kind of feeling I like it very much.