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胡麻団子At KURAND Sake Gacha Fukubukuro 2021. Since it's Christmas, let's enjoy a light sake. The intense sweetness, acidity, and fruity taste reminiscent of early-ripening apples stimulate the tongue, which is a far cry from the sake we usually drink. At 8% alcohol by volume, it is lower than other sake, making it easy to drink like a light white wine. It should be served chilled. It goes well with basil. It is surprising that such a taste can be produced only with rice.
胡麻団子It has little sourness, and its sweetness and mildness wrap around the tongue in perfect harmony. It has a rich sweetness with a crispness that goes down smoothly. An excellent product that can be enjoyed both cold and warmed up.
Yamamoto天杉 山廃純米
胡麻団子As it heats up, it has a gentle, round flavor that envelops you in a warmed-up version. When cooled down, the sweetness of the flavor adds to the strength of the Sanpai and keeps you coming back for more. The aftertaste disappears nicely, despite the presence of the moment it hits the tongue. Personally, I would recommend warming it up.
Hououbiden碧判 純米吟醸原酒 無濾過本生
胡麻団子Hekihan is read as "Aoban". It has a light ginjo aroma that reminds one of muscat. In the mouth, a surprisingly strong juicy flavor covers the tongue. After going down the throat, a pleasant freshness like that of grapes remains. At room temperature, the sweetness and flavor is even stronger, which is great.
Oze no Yukidoke純米大吟醸 ハロウィン専用酒2020
胡麻団子I didn't make it to Halloween day just in time. No problem, considering it's today until bedtime. On the palate, the firm and round sweetness spreads instantly. The subdued sourness and bitterness helps erase the sweetness, so it's pleasant to drink without getting bored. It was a good Halloween.
胡麻団子If the wine is cooled properly, the clear and distinct fruity taste is pleasantly refreshing as soon as it hits the tongue. The more you roll it around in your mouth, the more you can get a definite rice flavor, and the crisp finish is excellent. It has a crisp finish, and is a great choice for a mid-meal drink.
Hatsumomiji鷹ノ目 ホークアイ
胡麻団子Despite the subdued ginjo aroma, the moment it touches your tongue, you get a powerful sweetness like a thick pineapple. The slight bitterness is pleasant, and it doesn't feel persistent as it goes down your throat. It's a gem that goes down more smoothly than the impression on the palate. (The picture is blurry.)
Suigei純米吟醸 吟麗純米吟醸
胡麻団子The ginjo aroma is subdued. As it rolls off the tongue, the flavor gradually spreads. The overall impression is dry. This is also a dish I would like to drink in the summer, chilled to the bone.
Hakuryu純米吟醸 DRAGON WATER純米吟醸
胡麻団子Fruity and refreshing. I love the carbonation feeling that stimulates the tongue a little bit. I would like to drink it chilled in midsummer. It has a surprisingly rice-like aftertaste.
Eikun純米吟醸 SAKURA
胡麻団子林檎のようなフルーティさに程良い酸味、米の風味が追い掛けて来る。 喉を過ぎるまで存在感が色褪せないものの、気が付くと次の一杯を求めている。
EmishikiSensation white 2019-20 火入れ
胡麻団子米の風味を感じつつも、バナナのようなフルーティな風味で柔らかく包み込まれる。 喉を過ぎると溶けるように消えていく、気持ちの良いお酒でした