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Yatagarasu限定酒 大辛純米原酒生酒
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I went to the brewery to have another go at the Bodaihashi sake I purchased at Shorakuji Temple in January, because the sake smelled like pickles and was far from the taste I tasted at the temple. The location is Yoshino, famous for cherry blossoms in Nara Prefecture, and the Yoshino River flows next to the temple. This time, I tasted four kinds of sake recommended by the brewery and bought a bottle of Daihara instead of Bodeshige. When the bottle was opened, the aroma was not bothersome, even though I could smell pickles in the distance. I like the sweetness like a melon in the mouth and the bitterness that comes in contact with it a little. Novel Sweetish: 13% alcohol, sweet and easy to drink. Special Junmai Sake: Good balance of umami and bitterness. Junmai Daiginjo Yamadanishiki: Beautiful taste and you can feel the flavor of the rice. I am glad I could visit the brewery this time 😄. Across the river from the Yatagarasu brewery, we went to the famous Kakinoha Sushi restaurant, Heimune Yoshino, and bought ayu sushi and sansai maki (wild vegetable rolls) to go with it.
Hi Lutertemi, Yatagarasu, a ramen restaurant I wanted to visit but couldn't when I went to Budokan a few years ago to watch Judo (Abe siblings) 😊. To my wife, all I can think about is alcohol and ramen 😁. Big spicy, with a meal 👍.
Hi Lutemi 🐦. Sometimes there is a sake that smells like pickles, was it too much for you to buy at Shorekiji 💦? Yoshino😳Thanks for the long drive 😊I'm glad you enjoy the drink 🎶.
Good evening Manta 😁. This ramen shop looks delicious, if Manta-san says so, it must be true 😆 I want to try it 📝. This sake was delicious lukewarm.
Good evening, Pon-chan😄 I learned that Yatagarasu's Bodai yeast tastes better if it is laid down for a long time. The other sake was delicious 😋Yoshino is certainly far away. On the way back we were able to see the stone stage 😊.
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It makes me nostalgic for the old days when sake used to have this kind of strong umami flavor. If you are used to today's "huayaka-tanrei," the mellowness of this sake will hit you hard, but after a while, you will find this dry taste delicious. Bakkutoo Orijin. Alcohol content: 15%. Sake degree: +4.5 Acidity: 1.7 Rice used: Gohyakumangoku Rice polishing ratio: 60
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奈良旬菜・創作和食 あをによし
# Nihonbashi Muromachi # W eagle/river The last one is a bird that once lost its way in the mountains of Yoshino. Emperor Jinmu, who once lost his way in the mountains of Yoshino. It is said that the bird used to guide Emperor Jinmu who lost his way in the mountains of Yoshino is called Yatagarasu (three-legged crow). The name "Yatagarasu" comes from the fact that it was made at the local sake brewery 🤔. It is also famous for the mark of Japan Football Association 😆. It is light on the palate and has a rice flavor typical of junmai sake. It is a very refreshing sake. It is perfect for finishing.
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Today, we opened a bottle of Bodai Hashiwado Yatagarasu. Takacho and Sanomorosugi, the three bottles are so spectacular when they are lined up in a row. By the way, when I tasted them in the Shorokakuji set, I enjoyed them in the order of Takacho, then Sanomorosugi, then Yatagarasu, but the order was completely opposite when I drank them at home 😀. Yatagarasu is the most refreshing and tastiest 😀. Today I tried to warm up Takacho's sake, but when the temperature went up, the sweetness became too much and it was a little too sweet 🤣. I'm not sure if it's because of the temperature range, the time since the bottle was opened, or the change in my sense of taste 🤣. But all three bottles of Bodhidhara are delicious and very satisfying 😀.
Good morning, Yasbay 🌞. I see that the taste changed when you let it rest. I regret that I shouldn't have drunk the yatagarasu right away. I would like to try again 😆.
Hi Luteltemi 😀 Luteltemi's post was very helpful, I was patient and let it sit in the fridge, but it tasted rather better than when I drank it at Shonarakuji 😇. Next year, please try to let it sit for 3 months 😀.
Good morning, Yasube! I wish I could have gone to the event at Shorekiji too! I'm sure your taste changes depending on the temperature and your physical condition on the day you drink it. I think it was rather good to know the various expressions 😊.
Hello, Haruei Chichi 😀 I think the event at Shorekiji Temple is worth seeing, so please come and see it if you have a chance 😀. I'm sure it will be even more fun then with all the Kansai members there 🤣.
Yatagarasuやたがらす 菩提酛純米水酛
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I think this was the best sake tasting other than Takacho. It was the most popular among the members of Sake-no-wa 😊. In the end, we didn't buy any sake, only Nara-zuke (pickles) with Bodaihashi sake lees 😅. The rest of the drinks I've already had in the past, so I'll give you a quick digest. Ureshicho I drank this at the brewer's festival. It is less sweet and more complex than I expected. Sanomorosugi I think this one is the easiest to drink out of the 7 varieties, as it has no habits and no pungency. In my postings in the past, I wrote that it was light and easy to drink. Is this the type of Bodhidashi that is popular with everyone? Takacho This is the closest type to Bodai-zumi among the 7 types. It is too different in taste from the other 6 types to be treated in the same category. Personally, I like it the best among the 7 types. After enjoying the sake festival, we left Shorakuji on the 12:00 bus. To be continued.
bouken . Hi 😀 I'm so glad I felt the same way 😀 My family discussed with Kaorin and we brought home three of them, Takacho-san, Mimuro-sugi-san and Yatagarasu-san 😀.
Hi Yasubeyesan 😃 I'm so relieved to see someone with the same opinion 😊I would have bought something if I was going back home, but I thought I'd rather not have more luggage since I'm moving to Kyoto 😅.
Thanks for the sake festival report, bouken! All Bodhidashi is still very attractive! I will refer to your thoughts on sake tasting 🙏 before I die (lol) I would love to go if I get the chance 🚌.
Thank you Ponchan 😊 It was interesting to see the individuality of each brewery even in Bodhidhara 😊. I can't believe I'm going to die....
Yatagarasu大吟醸 雫酒大吟醸
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The last drink is also a fine drink. Yatagarasu no Shizuku-shu. I was too drunk to remember the taste. I am sorry. It must have been delicious. Alcohol content 17 Sake degree ±0 Acidity 1.3 Rice / Polishing ratio: 50% first-class Yamadanishiki from Hyogo Prefecture Yeast M310

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