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A repeat of Toyo Bijin Naokumi, this time in a bottle. I like this one better than Jifengben. The sweet and deep taste lasts for a while. Jibohben has a smooth and crisp taste. After two weeks of opening the bottle, the sourness almost disappears and the sweetness comes to the front. The flavor remains the same. I want to drink Aizan next time (^^)
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It's my first Hououmida! Aoban is said to be a blend of Yamadanishiki and Gohyakumangoku. It is said to have an aroma of Muscat, but I think it is grapes. The acidity is low, and the flavor spreads from the light mouthfeel. The bitterness is not felt so much and it can be drunk easily. It is delicious. It seems to go well with both food and sake.
Second day after opening the bottle The sweetness has increased since the first day, and the flavor spreads and disappears quickly. A mysterious feeling. After the second day, it seems to be suitable for drinking alone.
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This is the Kaze no Mori Akitsuho 807 test brew, which has a sweet, tart flavor that you wouldn't expect from an 80% polish. This is a repeat brew because it was so good last time. But when I looked at the label, I saw the word "2" at the end. When I looked closely at the label, I saw that it had a crisper acidity and a more astringent taste than the last time. I thought it was a repeat, but I didn't realize they had changed the concept... When I opened the bottle, I heard the most powerful opening sound of all the Kaze no Mori bottles so far! I was surprised ^^; The aroma is the usual white grape. It is more acidic than the Kyokumi Arabashiri, but after that the dark flavor spreads and the bitterness lingers. It is different from the last time even if it is the same test brewing. I think this density can be enjoyed as a food sake. I want to repeat it, but I don't think there are any left...
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My favorite Jr. series. This time, it was dry! Basically, I like it sweet, so I used a 4-pack this time. It starts with a slightly strong sourness, then a fruity taste, and then a dry taste. It's delicious. It seems to go well with dishes with strong flavors. I have a feeling that after a few days after opening the bottle, the acidity will be released and the juiciness will increase even more (^^)
Takachiyofor you with my chocolate純米大吟醸原酒生酒生貯蔵酒無濾過
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the first Takachiyo of the year with lots of heart marks for you with my chocolate I have the impression that Niigata's sake disappears quickly, but this is different. When you put it in your mouth, first of all, the sourness, the umami, and the acidity remain. After that, a bitter taste like bitter chocolate! This is an interesting sake. There is more carbonation left than I expected, which is probably why it says not to knock it over. It looks like the taste will change in a few days, but since this is 500ml, I think I'll finish it soon ^^;
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I love the naming of Jipangu (^^) It is a little sharper than the year-round product. It seems to be easy to match as a food sake. It has a mellow flavor and sweetness characteristic of Toyo Bijin, and a slight acidity in the aftertaste. It is a very delicious sake. I have a feeling that as the bottle is opened, the acidity will decrease and the sweetness will come forward. I think I will be addicted to the Toyo Bijin series for a while.
Toyobijin醇道一途 純米吟醸酒純米吟醸生酒
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First drink of the year This is delicious! Slight sense of gas Rich Ginjo aroma The sweetness spreads and the umami spreads slowly. And yet, it is not overpowering and can be drunk with gusto. We had a good time from the New Year.
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They had a stall at the entrance of the vegetable market in Kyoto. They usually have a permanent stall at Nishiki Market. I was interested in the claim that the brewery grows its own rice and has integrated production, so I bought some. I bought a bottle of Yamadanishiki 70% milled Junmai Genshu (pure rice sake) called "Shiboshita Zame". 1,870 yen (tax included) for a #4 bottle, a bit expensive... ^^; It has a light mouthfeel and a sense of transparency. It is a "clean" sake similar to Niigata's Hakkaisan. It has a slight aftertaste. It is a sake that can be drunk easily. It is best for aperitifs. I bought it for New Year's, but it may run out before the end of the year ^^;
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The last Jr. series of the year The experiment of cutting down Bizen Omachi to 30%(^^) It is my favorite sake which is sweet and tart, sweetness front, aftertaste spreads slowly. I think it is good to taste slowly at the end of the day.
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The ultimate ultimate extreme. When you check with your favorite liquor store to see if it's in stock, it's live and they are narrowing it down now. You get a sense of speed when you get a call that it's in stock the next day. There is more gas than the usual Akitsuho, and the flash of arabashiri is pushed to the front. The usual muscat flavor doesn't seem to be present immediately after opening the bottle. Drink it over the course of a week and see how it changes. You can enjoy the change in taste.
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Smells good. A slight acidity underneath, basically sweetness, with a heavy finish. It's still good. (a) good talker I want to drink it up in about a week and enjoy the change in flavor.
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Purchase at the 16th Hankyu Brewery Festival held at the Hankyu Umeda Main Store from today They say it's the best they've had in years. The point is the date of manufacture, December 2020. Honma's freshly squeezed water (today is 12/4) Not much of an aroma, but a rich taste, some acidity. Can be served either as a sipping drink or on its own! It is a Beaujolais nouveau of Japanese sake.
KudokijozuJrのWhite beauty29純米大吟醸生酒
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29%! And yet the price is 4,400 yen (tax included) The unprofitable Jr. series (^^;) The sweetness is thick and spreading Lingering afterwards It's a drink that you can drink slowly and happily when you have time.
Kazenomori秋津穂807 試験醸造純米生酒無濾過
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Carbonation! Melons and white grapes Sweet and sour, with a nice lingering taste. The taste and depth is hard to believe at 80% polish. After a day of opening the bottle, the carbonation is released and the sweetness becomes even stronger.
KudokijozuJr.の未来33 The Future純米大吟醸
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Same as the fourteenth generation, 100 percent future sake The cost of a 33% polish is less than $4,000 Unusually sweet (except for Bakunin) for a good kudoku skill. The aroma, the taste that spreads after drinking, the aftertaste, the aftertaste, it's wonderful! It can be enjoyed slowly and deliberately, either as an aperitif or on its own.
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I tasted a few bottles at the department store and chose the one I liked. I can't get enough of the fragrant, fluffy flavor of the rice that spreads in the mouth. Cold is delicious. Slow down and just enjoy the sake. The alcohol goes around fast (^^;)
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Alcohol on board JAL's international flights in fiscal year 2020 The number of passengers in the airline industry has decreased due to the effects of the new coronavirus, and this in-flight-only sake has also been affected, so the company has expanded its sales channels to special stores. It is a light and dry flavored sake with a strong aroma for the global market. It goes well with a mid-meal drink. It comes in and goes out smoothly, and it's a swiss drink (is it safe to drink so much on board?).
Jokigenbe after純米大吟醸
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I bought a reservation at my favorite liquor store. It's light on the palate! After going down your throat, the flavor spreads throughout your mouth and nose (^^) Slightly dry, so it's perfect for a mid-meal drink.
KazenomoriALPHA TYPE1 夏の夜空純米生酒無濾過
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Right after opening the bottle, it's positively carbonated! It tastes similar to a lemonade. Perfect for after a bath (^^) Three days after opening the bottle, the carbonation subsides and a fruity taste like Muscat appears. You can enjoy the change in taste for about a week.
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The first time to experience the sake of Sado Island (^^) I've always had an image of Niigata's sake as being light and easy to drink. This one had a solid flavor and the aroma coming off the nose was very nice.