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体調を崩してしまい暫くチェックインをお休み致します。 而今の美味しさに取り憑かれ、普段からただ色々呑むなら日本酒の美味しいのを呑みたいと買い出しに行く日々です。今のところ十四代、紀土が自分には合ってるかな?日本酒はまだまだ奥深いので、もっと色々呑みたいです。

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ひで坊I've been busy for a while and a state of emergency has been declared, so I've been holding off on posting. I'll post what I've been drinking at home and my parents' house is a restaurant, so I'll post what I've been drinking without comment. I hope that the Corona will end soon m(__)m
MAJHideboy, good evening! 😄 I love all the lineups you've uploaded... 😋 I pray that Corona will end soon and the restaurants will come back to life 😊.
ひで坊It's a good thing that restaurants still get benefits, but it would be nice if the people involved and other industries could work normally. I hope that Corona will end soon(>_<)
ひで坊I want to drink Kido in small amounts and today I made my own horse mackerel namero so I decided to try Drunken Whale for the first time. It's also as refreshing and delicious as Kido😋. It was a good pairing with the namero because it was a little dry at the end. I think it's a sake that goes well with all kinds of food.
ひで坊Tomorrow is the first day of work, so I decided to drink my favorite Kido to get some momentum going. It's as refreshing as ever from sip to finish! It's got a hint of fruity and ginjo aroma, and even though it's not that dry, it's got a great sharpness! I'll be drinking a lot of Kido this year too 😀.
ひで坊Happy New Year to you and your family! I'm looking forward to checking in with you again this year. It's a great way to start the year. It's dry and refreshing and the smell of Japanese cypress is irresistible. This sake has been around for a long time and is usually sold in supermarkets, so if you haven't tried it before, please do 😀.
MAJHappy New Year, Hidebo! 🙇♂️ It's nice to have a barrel of sake for the new year! 😆 I'm on sake time now 😋. I hope you have a great year with sake!
ひで坊I quit after 2 glasses of Zijin (^_^;) because it's too good to waste (>_<) Next, I wanted to try Igarashi Shuzo's Tenranzan! It is easy to drink clearly, and the pairing with sushi is the best in the taste like Yamahai. I'm already drunk from the third glass, and I'm not sure I'll be able to stay awake until midnight (^◇^;)
ひで坊When I saw A205X253's bottle, I wanted to drink it too, so I decided to open a bottle. When I opened the bottle, it was bubbling! The taste is sweet, a bit of bitterness, and a foamy sensation that goes down the throat. I want to drink it carefully, so I'm going to open another one now (^◇^;)
MAJHideboy, good evening! 😄. I was able to buy it for the first time on a liquor store tour the other day, but I didn't want to waste it so it's been sitting in the fridge. 😂 I'm so overwhelmed with wanting to drink it after reading your review it's bad! 😆
ひで坊Good evening MAJ😊. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea. I'm sure you'll love it!
MantaMAJ-san, good evening ^ ^ Nigori of Jikin at the end of the year is good 😆. I couldn't buy this sake once and gave up, but this time I was able to buy it by chance👍. I think it will be opened soon😊.
ひで坊Tomorrow is the end of this year, isn't it? I feel like a year has gone by so fast with the Corona disaster. I was going to open a bottle on New Year's Day, but I opened it for a friend I haven't seen in half a year 😀 . I was excited to buy this one because it's only available once a year. It's not a great beer, but the taste is great. The taste is fruity, but not too sweet, and when it goes down your throat it is a little dry, and at the end it leaves a lingering taste of rice that makes you want to drink it again. It is a waste of time, so I want to drink it little by little while enjoying the changes in taste. I'm not sure what I'll be drinking on New Year's Day, but I'm sure it will be something white. 😅
AkabuSnow2020 Xmas生酒おりがらみ
ひで坊Merry Xmas everyone. It's Akatake today. Is it too good to comment? 😅 My daughters wanted to eat chocolate fondue today, so I did my best to make it. But the bearing was...not so good🤣. I'm not a big fan of Akatake, it's a sweet sake, but this is a great sake to drink while eating, it's so refreshing from start to finish, I finished the whole bottle 😍 Akatake is the best!
KoeigikuSnow crescent原酒生酒無濾過発泡
ひで坊I've had my eye on this Kougei Kiku for a while. The first impact is a bubbling sensation. It tastes like grapefruit, muscat, and other fruity flavors, but with a sharpness that I really like. I think I'm going to be hooked on Kouryugiku.
MAJHideboy, good evening! 😄 It seems Kouyoungiku is getting more and more popular! We also have a new sake called "Hello Aizan", so please try that too 😋
ひで坊Thanks for the comment MAJ! I'm surprised at how good the Koueigiku is 😅I actually couldn't resist drinking it this time so I bought a bottle of "HelloKOUEIGIKU" 😍I'll check in when I drink it!
MAJHi Hideboy!!! 😄. So you bought "Hello Aizan"... 👍The liquor store said that you should let it sit for a week or two after opening the bottle, or a month or two if you haven't opened it yet, because unlike Snokre, it doesn't have much flavor yet 😋.
ひで坊Mr. MAJ. Thank you for the valuable information m(__)m A month or two later 😓I may not be able to wait 😅I'll open a bottle of Akatake's Snow Xmas today and try to be patient😊.
ひで坊We had a year-end party at Sawaya-Matsumoto. It is very easy to drink with 14% alcohol, and has a good balance of aroma, sweetness and a little bitterness. I was not so good at Ihyakumangoku rice, but thanks to this sake, I like it! I hate that I don't know if I'll be able to drink this sake next year. I hope they can do something about the family trouble and make another good sake next year.
ひで坊This is a sake from Saga Prefecture! Speaking of Saga Prefecture, it is the home of Nabeshima, Shichida, and other famous sake breweries. I chose this one this time because I happened to see a YouTube video of it. This one was highly recommended by a YouTube site I happened to see. When I tried it, it was dry at first, but the aftertaste disappears quickly. I'm looking forward to drinking it for a few days.