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あーさけgagaku training place (Heian era) . . . Sado City, Niigata Tenryohai Sake Brewery Co. . . . This winter, I'm Ah-Sake, a Han who was loved by Sado for his work (?). I ran out of sake in the fridge. I rushed to the nearby Doi Shoten! I haven't been able to see the president's face lately 🫢. I was supposed to buy only one bottle of sake today! I went to buy one bottle today, but I ended up buying three bottles! LOL! It's been a while since I've seen the label and I fell in love at first sight😍. Impression I've never had sake like this before! I was like... Fruity aroma, not sweet but not dry either. Super fresh and excellent sharpness! It's not watery, and it's not too much to drink while it's crisp, but it's drinkable and you have to drink it while it's fresh! It's drinkable and you have to drink it while it's fresh! This is the first sake I've ever had, but I'm sure I'll be a repeat customer 👏👏👏. #Asah'sSakeStaglum #Garakuyo #Tenryohai Sake Brewery #Niigata #Sado #Doi Shoten #Sake #I want to connect with people who like #nihon-shu.