Shibaken Iwakikotobuki鈴木酒造店 長井蔵Yamagata8/14/2023, 3:05:59 PM18Shibaken I don't remember what it tastes like.Japanese>English
Shibaken 福司五色彩雲福司酒造Hokkaido8/14/2023, 3:03:30 PM20Shibaken I had it as a souvenir sake. It has a strong acidity and is similar to Senkou.Japanese>English
Shibaken 片野桜くらわんかYamano ShuzoOsaka8/14/2023, 2:57:03 PM21Shibaken Katano cherry blossoms, that's the name. I learned it here. I'm learning a lot. Beautiful bubbles, rather sourJapanese>English
Shibaken TanakarokujugoShiraito ShuzoFukuoka3/8/2023, 12:12:51 AM20Shibaken The one I drank one day. Japanese>English
Shibaken ReisenGyokusendo ShuzoGifu3/8/2023, 12:09:00 AM14Shibaken The first brand you've ever seen Japanese>English
Shibaken GasanryuShindo ShuzotenYamagata3/4/2023, 11:22:54 AMShibaken For the record No memory.Japanese>English
Shibaken KamokinshuKanemitsu ShuzoHiroshima3/4/2023, 10:24:12 AM2Shibaken For the record No memory.Japanese>English
Shibaken RokkonMatsumidori ShuzoAomori3/4/2023, 10:18:55 AM11Shibaken First time I heard of it, Rokune It was good.Japanese>English
Shibaken TakachiyoTakachiyo ShuzoNiigata3/4/2023, 10:17:54 AM13Shibaken Aizan x Omachi‼︎ Sweet like a dessertJapanese>English
Shibaken Fusano KankikuKankiku MeijoChiba2/18/2023, 3:52:38 PM25Shibaken I bought a four-pack last year and cracked it on the way home. I got my revenge. It's sweet but refreshingly delicious!Japanese>English
Shibaken Aramasa陽乃鳥純米貴醸酒Aramasa ShuzoAkita6/16/2022, 2:18:12 PM21Shibaken Adult juice ministry. I don't really like Shinsei because of its high acidity. but this one was delicious!Japanese>English