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ogw陸奥男山 クラシック スッキリ軽やかな味わい。かすかな吟醸香。辛口と言われているが、あまり辛口感は無い。少し遅れて米の旨みが広がる。後味に少しアルコール感。 キレが良く、油物と合わせるとちょうど良い。 キンキンに冷やすのが個人的にはおすすめ。 喉に引っかかるような感じもなく、一気に流れ込んでくる。 水のようにごくごく飲めてしまう。
Saijotsuru純米酒 大地の風純米
ogwNishi-Cestezuru Junmai Sake Daichi no Kaze Sourness precedes the acidity. When it passes down the throat, there is a slight spiciness from the alcohol. The aroma is subdued. There is a slight alcohol taste. The taste is mild. Later, a slight sweetness gradually spreads in the mouth. There are no special characteristics that should be noted, but it is just right as there are no strange habits.
ogwNiseko Junmai Ginjo-shu Light. Slightly watery. Slightly alcoholic taste. Slightly tangy. Very light and not clingy, so it can be drunk smoothly. It could be drunk like water. Dangerous. Smooth on the palate.
ShinkaiBLACK神開 純米 生原酒純米原酒生酒
ogwJinkai BLACK JINKAI Junmai Nama-zake This sake is made from "Koshihikari" rice. This is the first time for me to drink a sake made with Association No. 6 yeast. It has a broad sweetness. There is a slight sourness. It has a graininess. Flavor of low whiteness. Low stimulation. A firm taste. It tastes great when heated. The aroma becomes more savory and sweet. Umamama.
ogwShichihonryaku Josen Tastes like old-fashioned sake. It has a relatively sweet rice flavor. The taste is fuller than you would expect from an aruzome sake, but it has a lot of body. It is good to drink cold to enjoy its sharpness, but it tastes even better when heated. A good sake for daily evening drinking.
ogwJunmai-shu from Takaragawa Small 180ml bottle. It is a clear, dry sake. I remember the brewer saying that he thought this was the driest sake he had ever tasted. It goes straight in and disappears quickly. It has a good sharpness. It is a straightforward sake. No alcohol smell or peculiarity.
Nabeshima純米吟醸 山田錦純米吟醸
ogwPurple label of Nabeshima. Gassy. Lightly irritating on the tongue. Melon-like flavor and bitterness. Bottled in March, so it is a bit old. The bitterness is a bit forward. If it were a little newer, it might be even better. There are no bad habits, and there is no strange alcohol taste. Before you know it, the sake is gone from the sake cup. The sake goes down smoothly.
ogwKunishi Musou Junmai Ginjo-shu Bought at Takasago Sake Brewery on a visit to Hokkaido. It tastes clean and sweet. Moderate acidity. I had drunk it once before and thought, "Was it this good?" I thought. The taste may be slightly different between last year and this year, but I don't know. At any rate, it is delicious. It has a smooth taste that you don't get tired of drinking. It is not flashy, but it tastes fresh. Takasago Brewery's sake is delicious!
Kamoizumi純米酒 一純米
ogwKamoizumi Junmai Sake Hajime Kamoizumi Junmai Sake Ichi (一) is a sake made from junmai (pure rice). Sake with a slight yellow tinge. The aroma of rice can be felt. It is expected to be a dry sake, but it has a calm taste and is surprisingly refreshing. It is not too stimulating, and seems to go smoothly into the body. It tastes like the embodiment of gentleness. It has a slight acidity in the aftertaste. I think it is a type of wine that can be enjoyed at any temperature. It is a sake with a somewhat autumnal flavor.
ogwKamo Nishiki Junmai Ginjo Found at Ricaman. Kamonishiki that is not a packaged sake. Modest aroma, subdued taste. Fresh sweetness and mild acidity. Moderate ginjo aroma. The taste is rather modern. Although it is fruity, it is not assertive, so it does not interfere with meals as a medium-bodied sake.
山陽鶴特撰 吟醸吟醸
ogwSanyotsuru Tokusen Ginjo Slightly alcoholic, with a slight sake odor. Sake quality is clear and smooth. There is no sense of depth of flavor. It is an easy-drinking sake. Moderately dry.
ogwContinuing from last year, there were 32 sake breweries collaborating on Junmai sake this year. The acidity is more forward than last year. It also has an apple-like taste. Like a sour apple. Slightly sweet. It doesn't seem to have much spiciness, but the acidity makes it refreshing. The taste is a little complex, perhaps because it is a blended sake.
Fukubijin西条酒造學校 大吟醸大吟醸
ogwFukubito Saijo Sake Brewing School Daiginjo Delicious. A little melon-like bitterness. Very light and pleasant to drink. Elegant taste. A little pricey (about 1050 yen for 300ml), but it would be acceptable even if it were more expensive. The aroma is subdued. There is no unpleasant sake smell, and it is clean. It has a high degree of perfection. Very good!
ogwKamikawa Taisetsu Special Junmai I went to the brewery on a trip to Hokkaido to buy some. The Midorigaoka warehouse is located in Kamikawa Town. Refreshing aroma and taste. There is a sense of lameness. Well-balanced, with no flaws. Not too thin and not too thick. Good texture on the tongue. Delicious.
Kamoizumi純米吟醸 朱泉本仕込純米吟醸
ogwKamoizumi Junmai Ginjo Shuizumi Honjikomi The delicious taste of rice. The sweetness spreads slowly in the mouth. There is not much spiciness. Overall, it has a sense of calmness. Tastes good even when heated.
Matsunotsukasa純米吟醸 みずき純米吟醸
ogwMatsu no Tsukasa Junmai Ginjo Mizuki A low-alcohol sake with an alcohol content of 13 degrees. It has a slightly fruity aroma. The sake tastes very light and clear. It may seem a little thin, but this light sake is better in the hot season. It is a little lacking, but it is good.
Furosen山廃仕込み 純米吟醸 原酒山廃原酒
ogwFuroizumi Yamahai Junmai Ginjyo Genshu It has a matured taste, but it is easy to drink without the strong habit of old sake. It has a soft acidity and is refreshing. The flavor doubles when heated. Smooth on the tongue and goes down the throat easily. A delicious sake.
ogwJunmai Ginjyo (Junmai Ginjo) This was given by a friend. It has a taste of grain. It has sweetness. Smoky and savory. Full-bodied taste. It is rather tasty. A shining individuality in a calm sake quality.
ogwCup sake of Kuniumare. It is cup-shaped and has a design of cherries. Cute. There was also one with an apple pattern. It is said that in regions such as Zumo and Rumoi, finished cups are often used as cups. The taste is classic dry. It has a sweetness derived from rice. There is a caramel-like taste. Mellow. Maybe it is best at room temperature.
ogwNiiyu Junmai Ginjo This sake is made by the same pot store that brews "Fudo". It was given to me by a friend who lives in Chiba. The taste is surprisingly fruity. It has a rather strong fruit-like aroma. It tastes like apples. The taste is a little more subdued than the aroma. It has a slight tanginess, but it disappears quickly. The quality of the sake is rather light. It tastes similar to "Chiyomusubi Strong 50," one of the recent sakes we drank. It tastes a bit like a thinner version of Chiyomusubi.