SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
栃木県在住です。 備忘録、記録として始めてみました。 これまでは北関東、東北、北陸のお酒を中心に頂いてきましたが、もっと全国各地の美味しい日本酒を見つけ、味わいたいと思います。

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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


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I am finally back from my business trip to the land of everlasting summer😄 Japan is cold ❄⛄❄. I was just drinking beer 🍺. I was in love with Bintang, which is said to have the most calories in the world, Bali Hai, and Shochu. I was on a Bintang, Bali Hai, and Shochu binge 😩. This weekend, I was able to relax at home for the first time in a while, and the first bottle for a long time was a snowman ⛄✨ that I bought at Saito-san last month, and I left it for quite a while. I quietly popped it open and took a sip at first to avoid adding any tailings. It has a refreshing sweetness and acidity like muscat, and is a delicious slightly carbonated juice ❗ Next, I mixed in a light amount of tailings and took a sip. The sizzle increases all at once, and the rice feeling and umami taste increases and it tastes even better. ‼️ Sake is delicious after a long time! I can feel the taste is doubled because it's from SENKOURI! I will spend my New Year's holidays with sake & whiskey 🍶.
Good evening, YasuSake😊Thank you for your business trip to the land of everlasting summer! It's been a while since I've been back to Japan and my home. Please fill yourself with your favorite foods and get healed 🤗I'm drinking ⛄️ today too!
Welcome back, YasuSake 😃! I was worried about you because there was news of the eruption🌋 in Indonesia just around the time you went there😨I'm glad you got back safely 😄I love Tochigi as soon as you got back 🥰It's a stone 👍.
YasuSake, thank you for your Sramatmalan 🌙 - coming back from a hot country, the snowman ⛄️ must be delicious! I went there 3 times on a short business trip 8 years ago and I imagine the traffic is 😳.
Good evening, Kotori-san! I am tired from my business trip 😩(tired from drinking). I couldn't adjust to the subtle time difference of 2 hours again........ Sake 🍶 in Japan and at home is the best! I admire your ability to express yourself, Kotori 😃.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby! We heard about the eruption in Sumatra 2 days before we left, and we were worried about whether we would be okay, but we made it there safely and came back safely 😄. There are many good places to visit, but Japan and Tochigi are the best places to visit✌.
Hello, Mr. Bosuke, it's Marahn! It was really cold just after returning from Tochigi, where the temperature drops below freezing from the country of everlasting summer ❄. But I'm warming up with a snowman! Traffic is still the same, but it has changed with the extension of the highway and Shinkansen to the east: ‼️
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My first Collage at home 😆. I bought it at Mashidaya. The other one is from Mr. Mekada ✨. The first sip, the aroma and sweetness is not so strong? I'm not sure if it's the alcohol or the fact that the image is too much. I thought it was a little too much, but I left it alone for a bit. I thought the aroma and sweetness increased as it warmed up a little ❗ But it tasted good and sharp 😄. I've been drinking rice wine lately, so maybe I've become insensitive to the sweetness. I'm not sure if it's a good idea or not, but I'm sure it's a good idea. I've been out drinking a lot lately, and I realized that I haven't uploaded anything for a while. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to use a new one or not, but I'm sure it's a good idea. I'll make sure to drink it this weekend 😂.
Hello YasuSake 😃 It is the first time to drink at home! Congratulations ㊗️ I'm sure you'll enjoy the change of the day when you drink it at home 🤗. Where are you going on your business trip? Have a safe trip 👋
Good evening, Jay & Nobby! Thank you lol. I've only been drinking outside, so I'm a little happy for the change 😃. My business trip is to Nesia, India. I will be crossing the equator: ✈️
Nesia in India? ‼️ I was in Jakarta for a month over 30 years ago 🤗I know it's very different now 😅 Enjoy and good luck! Watch out for the water 👋
I see that Jay & Nobby were staying with you ‼️ 30 years ago, it's a lot different than it is now 😲. I've only been there before Corona and I've heard it's changed since then too 😄. I'll be very careful with the water✋.
Denshu純米吟醸 百四捨 紅葉
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Tasake after a long time, autumn leaves 🍁. It was still warm when I bought it, but it finally got colder and the season of autumn leaves 🍁. This Momiji is very sweet and delicious! The fruity sweetness spreads on the palate, yet it is easy to drink without leaving a persistent taste! It is a quintessential rice wine ☺.
Rafa papa
Good morning YasuSake 😃 I also drank Tasake autumn leaves 🍁😋 autumn sake also has Tasake character and is delicious 😋.
Good evening, Rafa! Did you drink? I knew it 😆. I was hoping to drink it soon after seeing Rafa's post ❗ Autumn sake is delicious 🍁. I will learn more about it 💪.
ふかもり純米吟醸 火入 木槽しぼり
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I went to Mashidaya for the first time last weekend! What a nice store ‼️ A little? A little? It's a bit far, but I'd like to go back 😄. This is one of the bottles I bought at Mashidaya (I only bought 2 bottles)! (I bought only 2 bottles) This is also my first sake! It is a fukamori by Yamauchi Shuzo ❗It seems that only about 40 koku are produced, so it is rare in quantity. The label said it was a "food sake" or "dry", so I chose it, wondering how it would taste, but.... It has a softer sweetness and mellowness than I expected. I could taste a little bitterness, but not so much that it bothered me. It is dry and easy to drink with a nice sharpness☺. I enjoy it while savoring it slowly 🍶.
Good evening, YasuSake! From YasuSake's place, Saito-san and Mime-san are close but Mashidaya-san is far away 😅But we are blessed to have a unique liquor store 🤗.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby! Mashidaya is very nice, but a bit far away 😣. We are indeed blessed to have a good liquor store close to us 🎵I'm glad to hear that 😄.
YasuSake-san Good evening.(^o^)I went to Mashidaya for the first time the other day and was surprised at the truly wonderful selection! I also bought a few bottles.
Good evening, Sashiu-san! Mashidaya has a great selection of products ‼️, and they have a lot more than just sake 😄. If it were a little closer, I would go there.
Rafa papa
Good evening YasuSake 😃. I see you went to Mashidaya for the first time😊I also went there the day after the prefectural meeting😆It's a very nice store with a wide variety 😌I would go there every week if it were near me🤣.
Good evening, Rafa! This was my first time at Mashidaya 😆. It takes me less than an hour to get there from my house, so it's not easy to get there ❗ It's a good store with a wide variety of products, I'd like to go there 😄.
Good evening, YasuSake! Oh you went to ❣️ Mashidaya 😆👍 I'm glad to know that it's about 30 minutes away from my place 😁🙌I sometimes go there to take a peek even if I don't buy anything 🤭.
Hi, Tsubu! Sorry I'm late 😰. Mashidaya is very nice, I can go there in 30 minutes ❗ I myself went to ㊗️ Mekada Sake Shop for the first time this week! Megada-san is a nice store too👍.
Senkinあかとんぼ 2023
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How do you feel? Great ❗ I just got back from a business trip and was watching the Japan Series while drinking the rest of my gakki from the other day... The tiger was so hot, I opened it, Senkou Akatombo 😂. I bought it at Saito Sake Shop last month and got it at the prefectural party the other day before drinking it at home... lol... Hmmm, it's still delicious ✴️ It's less sweet and sour sour compared to Gakki, but it's delicious for adults👍. I opened it in a rush, but I'll enjoy it while watching the Japan Series slowly☺.
YasuSake-san Good evening. I also had a chance to enjoy the Japan Series at the prefectural residents' association the other day.
Good evening, Mr. Sashiu! Akatombo is delicious 😄Good including the label design❗. I'm looking forward to the Japan Series the day after tomorrow✌.
Rafa papa
Good morning YasuSake 😃 I'm glad I could drink Akatombo at the Kenmin Kai 😅I'm glad I could drink Akatombo at the Kenmin Kai 👍.
Akishika千秋 純米酒
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Tonight we have a bottle that was given to us by Rafa papa, who came all the way to the prefectural meeting yesterday! A cute little fawn? No, a cup decorated with a stag because of its horns is available at 👍️ It has the sweetness of Junmai sake with the flavor of rice, and it is easy to drink ❗It was a delicious sake that overturned the image of cups of sake that we used to have 😄. It was also my first Osaka sake check-in, thanks to Rafa papa ❗
Rafa papa
YasuSake, here too... Not many people drink sake in Osaka, but we have many delicious sake 😋 Please come to Osaka for a drink next time 😊.
Good morning YasuSake 🌞Thanks for your help the other day ‼️ this was delicious, I don't remember 🤣
Hi again, Rafa papa! I don't have a good image of Osaka and I honestly didn't know what kind of sake brands they have 😱. I hope we can have a drink in Osaka ❗I'd appreciate it if you do 😆.
Good evening, Mr. Manachie! Thanks for your hard work☺It must have been delicious~ lol Was the onsen good? ♨️ I'm glad you enjoyed the goodness of Tochigi✌.
YasuSake-san Good evening. It is a perfect sake for this season.
Hi Sashu, good evening! The fall deer was delicious ✨Thank you Rafa 😄Would love to drink it again👍.
YasuSake, congrats on your decision. Thanks for the offline meeting *´ㅅㅅ)" Awesome review of a quick one! Congratulations on filling in the Osaka map🗾👏.
Good evening, Erin! Thanks for the offline meeting~☺️ I'm going to forget about it, so I'm going to upload it as soon as possible and ask you all for more details. There are still many places that are not filled yet, so I will do my best to fill them 💪😤.
YasuSake, also here â I had the autumn deer 🦌😋 and it was delicious 💕I didn't drink Osaka sake either and it was my first check in 😉👍Thanks Rafa 😊🙏.
Tsubu, again! The fall deer was delicious👍. The cups are nice too, so I used them instead of cups today 🍶. Rafa, you are quintessential 😄 thanks 😂.
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Yesterday, I was looking forward to it. It was the Sake-no-wa Tochigi Prefectural Association with Legends. Thank you for coming all the way from afar, and we had a lot of fun and precious time talking with you. ✴️Thank you again. 🙇‍♂️ We had a lot of delicious sake again, but we were so excited talking that I didn't take any pictures or remember anything... but I'm sure everyone will upload the photos ❗ Also, I uploaded one from Tsubu-chan (Dora-san)... The aroma wasn't that great, but it was delicious! Fruity sweetness, good aftertaste 👌. It was a little sweet for me, but I enjoyed and appreciated this precious bottle ❗
Yasu Sake, thank you very much for yesterday.
Thank you very much, Sashiu! It was a pleasure 😄. I'm sorry you didn't get a ringback. I didn't see (or remember?) your review either. There were a few drinks 😢. It's just a matter of chance, I hope to see you next time!
Rafa papa
Good morning YasuSake 😃. Thank you very much for letting me join the Tochigi Pref. party😊This sake was "Dora-chan" goodness 😋Let's drink together again 😌.
Good morning, YasuSake 😃. This sake was delicious! I also have a lot of sake that I haven't touched yet 😅I wonder how long it has been since you all are so strong.
Good evening, Rafa papa! Thank you very much for coming all the way to Tochigi! It was great to have a good time with delicious drinks ❗ I hope we can have another opportunity to work together again☺.
Good evening, Mr. Bousuke! This was delicious 🍶. Everyone was drinking so much in a friendly atmosphere that I couldn't keep up with them lol. Let's have more next time👍.
Good evening, YasuSake! Thank you very much for your hard work at the meeting 😊Kanki is a rare sake that is not distributed in liquor stores ✨I'm very happy that you could enjoy it 🤗I see from your post that there are some sake that you haven't had yet.
Good evening, Tsubu-chan! Thanks for your hard work❗and thanks again for the precious drinks (even for Dora-chan lol)✴️ I feel like I drank it when I see you guys uploading it lol.
Good evening, YasuSake 😃. It's a little late, but thank you for your hard work at the prefectural party 🤗I was glad that you could join us for the second meeting this time 😊Let's do it again 👋.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby! Thank you very much for your hard work at the meeting 😄. I know you have been very busy and not feeling well, but once you are back to normal, please take your time and enjoy the sake life again☺ Thank you again!
Gakki Masamune純米吟醸 雄町中取り
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My first instrument Masamune❗ I've been curious about it, but finally 😄. Fruity aroma, melon? Muscat? It has a sweetness like melon or muscat, but with a nice sharp taste ✨. It is a bottle that makes me want to try Junmai Daiginjo next ❗
Good morning, YasuSake 😃. Congratulations on your first gakky ㊗️ 🎉 I haven't had a drink in a while 😊.
Good morning, Jay & Nobby, ☀️ I've been eyeing this at Saito's for a while now, but finally 💦. Wish I had realized how good it tasted sooner 😂. We hope you enjoy it again, Jay & Nobby!
Rafa papa
Good morning YasuSake 😃 Gakki...I'm so jealous 🤣 the liquor stores I go to buy sake don't have it 🥲I bought it at Hasegawa sake store in Tokyo station and haven't had it since 😭.
Good morning, Rafa papa: ☀️ Gakkie, they are delicious! There don't seem to be many places where you can buy them... you are blessed to have a store near you 😣. I'd love to get another kind ❗
Minenohakubaiシン・イジマ 純米大吟醸
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The second bottle of Shin Ijima Junmai Daiginjo that I recently purchased at the Saito Sake Shop❗ It seems to be an interesting attempt at sake. The main thing is the taste, it's delicious✨✨. Exciting from the aroma, exciting to drink, fruity, heavy sweetness and aroma! The aftertaste is also 🙆. Maybe a little sweet for me, but very tasty!
Jokigen純米吟醸 限定品
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Yamagata Small Bottle Series. Kamikigen Junmai Ginjo Limited Edition Sake from Sakata City, Yamagata Prefecture. It is a little dry, but has a moderate sweetness and is easy to drink. It was also available in a small bottle.
Gangiひやおろし 純米吟醸
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The first bottle I bought at the Saito Sake Shop last week ❗ Ganki Hiyoroshi Delicious ✴️ The aroma is not strong, but the fruity sweetness and deliciousness, the sweetness that spreads quickly in the mouth and the subtle acidity are well balanced 🙆🙆. So far, I have bought mainly proven brands that I don't want to miss out on, but last week I tried to buy them all for the first time! Satisfied with the first bottle, looking forward to the 2nd and 3rd bottles 😆.
Good morning, YasuSake 😃. I like the new brand challenge ‼️! Saito Sake Store is a great place for such a challenge 🤗.
Good morning, Jay & Nobby! I've been having a hard time getting into new brands, but I'm thinking of trying more and more ❗ I wonder if I can stop by today too 😄...
Rafa papa
Hi YasuSake 😃 It's exciting when you buy your first sake 😆 I haven't had ganki for a while 😳I'm eager to drink it after reading your review 😋I'm curious what the second and third bottles are too... 😌.
Hatsumago純米大吟醸 生酛造り
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Yamagata Small Bottle Series. Hatsuson Junmai Daiginjo Namahoshi-zukuri 100% Dewa Sanzu When I was in Yamagata, I used to see Hatsuson in many stores as if it was sake. I was under the impression that it was only ever drunk heated, but this is a completely different impression. I didn't feel the fruitiness, but I felt the soft deliciousness of the rice and the sweetness that spread in the mouth. At 300ml, I could drink it in no time at all 😄.
Kamonishiki荷札酒 短稈渡船 純米大吟醸
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Packaged sake purchased last month at Saito ❗ It was my first time to see this sake rice called short-stalked boat 😅. A little tangy and gassy, followed by a fruity sweetness and lingering taste on the palate 🍶. A little different impression from the other sake I've had, very tasty 😄. I can drink more and more of this.... Went to Saito-san again this weekend and got 3 bottles 🎵. Last time it was 5,555 yen, but this time it was exactly 6,000 yen! I was feeling good about myself.
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Yamagata small bottle series given by my father-in-law. I opened it and looked at it, thinking that I had seen it before in a catalog gift 😄. The aroma was light, with a refreshing sweetness that quickly spread, but it was dry and crisp, and tasted better than I expected!
Oze no Yukidoke純米大吟醸 ひやおろし
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This is a bottle I purchased last month. Oze no Yukidoke Hiyamoroshi❗ Although it is not very sweet, it is delicious with a pear-like aroma, a clean aftertaste, and a hint of sourness☺. I've been drinking Ozeyuki for a relatively long time, but they are all delicious❗
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I got sick in late August and was dragging a delicate feeling for about two weeks, but I fully recovered🎊. I didn't drink alcohol for 15 days...since my teenage years? I've been drinking Asahitaka again, but it took me a day to finish the bottle 😂 it's still delicious 🎵. To be honest, I wanted to try other sake, but it was taking up 50% of the vegetable compartment in the fridge, so I was told to start with a bottle first.... I'm thinking of buying a small fridge, I found an OSK-9 or some other fancy looking fridge but it's expensive💦. Any recommendations for a good fridge?
YasuSake, congratulations on your full recovery! I didn't realize you couldn't drink for 15 days (; °ㅅㅅ°). It will be a very special drink. You are gradually getting used to it, aren't you?
Good evening, Nanoha! Thank you very much! 15 days, I am surprised myself 😓. I hope you will be able to drive normally soon 🙋.
Hi YasuSake 😃. Congratulations on finally making a full recovery👍🎉. The first taste of sake in half a month must be exceptional 🥹. Please get it back now 😁.
Hi Jay & Nobby❗ Thank you so much, finally 😄 I'm going to get some of the alcohol I've been hoarding now!
Senkinモダン仙禽 亀ノ尾
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The holidays are over and I've been working hard so I'll take it 🎵. I had a lot of out-drinking during the latter half of the holidays, so I didn't have anything to mention, but I enjoyed Tochigi sake 🍶. Tenryo, Kyokko, Ona, and Senkou ❗ All of them were delicious👍 And on Saturday, I went to Saito-san and bought 3 bottles, this is one of them! The aroma is not so much, but when you put it in your mouth, it tastes like citrus lemon? It is easy to drink with a citrusy lemon-like flavor, sweetness, and a refreshing acidity ❗I enjoy it 😄. I just opened another bottle of Asahitaka...so I may not be able to upload anything new for a while 😱.
Good evening, Yasusake-san.......drinking out and drinking Tochigi sake! You love your hometown so much! It's a blessing to be able to enjoy the taste of all of them! I'm waiting for your review of the 3 bottles you got at Saito-san and the upload of Asahitaka.
Dewazakura純米大吟醸 雪女神
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Not that I'm aiming for that, but..., Yamagata today: ‼️ Dewazakura, Snow Goddess! It was my first time to try it, and it's the best 😆. To be honest, when I heard "Dewazakura", I had a bad image of it from the past. My apologies. Snow Goddess is a sake rice that has been developed for more than 30 years for Daiginjo. It was a bottle with no peculiarities, mellow, condensed deliciousness, and a coherent aftertaste 😄. My ability to express myself is not good enough to convey the goodness, but it was really delicious 🎵.
純米大吟醸 生酒
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Sora" Junmai Daiginjo Nama Sake! It has finally opened. Mmmm, delicious! I can't even remember to compare it with the "Sora" hi-ire I got before 😆💣️ Anyway, banana? Fruity, mellow, no peculiarities 😆 I feel like I could drink it forever 😂. Great mouthfeel and aftertaste too‼️
Hi YasuSake 😃. Your wife's parents live in Yamagata, right? Please heal yourself with delicious sake 👋.
Hi Jay & Nobby😄! Your wife's parents live in Niigata! We drank Echigo beer this time, but not yet local sake😅. I will have something tasty today👍.
Toko純米吟醸 生詰
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We started our holiday weekend yesterday, and I immediately went home to my wife's parents for the first run ✨. It's been a long time since I've had a bottle of Toko❗ I had a nostalgic time while enjoying this sake because I used to live near this brewery when I was a student 🍶. Now, I don't know the characteristics of ...... at my level. At any rate, it was delicious (as usual 💧) ❗