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田中仙禽Tanaka Senkin

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1986 Hon, Itoshima, Fukuoka
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Tanaka Senkinオーガニックナチュール 2024 ドブロク生酛生酒にごり酒発泡
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Gentle ginjo aroma. Rich gasiness. It is easy to drink at 13 degrees Celsius.
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地酒 仙丸
Masaaki Sapporo
8.5 points (wife: 7 points) Rice : Yamadanishiki (pesticide-free) produced in Itoshima, Fukuoka Rice polishing ratio : 65 Alcohol content : 14 Sake Degree : Undisclosed Acidity : Not disclosed Store where available Senmaru (Sapporo, Minami-ku) Silent when opened No gas feeling Sweet and sour top taste like white wine The same fruity aroma as the first sip, the full-bodied sweetness and soft rice flavor spread out with an assertive white wine-like acidity, and the wine finishes quickly with a slight bitterness and a touch of alcohol. It is more like a white wine than a sake, with an impressive sweet and sour taste. It goes well with meals and is also delicious on its own. It went well with Obihiro-style pork rice bowl (made with Kuhara-Honke's Hokkaido sauce) and tofu soup. My cherry bonsai is almost all gone and the leaves are turning into cherry blossoms.
Good evening, Masaaki Sapporo 😃. Great photos as always 🥹It's a clear blue sky 🥹and the Tanaka Sentori! I've never had it 🥲 but it would go well with a pork bowl 😋.
Good evening Masaaki Sapporo-san! I would like to try Tanaka Senkou! I've heard it's like wine 😊. I see it's sold in a pork bowl sauce pack 😳
Masaaki Sapporo
Good evening, Jay & Nobby! This picture was taken last December 😁 Due to inventory, it looks like we'll be seeing more snowy sake for a while to come 😅 Tanaka Sentori, I was pretty much out of sake 🍷.
Masaaki Sapporo
Good evening, Pon-chan! I had Tanaka Sentori and Tanaka Rokujugo in stock because they were so good, but if you told me they were white wine, I would have drank them hehe 🍶There are many sauce packs from famous pork bowl restaurants in the supermarkets here 😁.
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Sweetness: 2 Umami: 3 Astringency: 2 Acidity: 4 Bitterness: 3 Fullness, body: 4 Flavor: Green plum Slightly yellow in color, plum aroma with a hint of sourness from the top-tasting aroma (also derived from the sake yeast?). The aroma is a little yellowish, with a hint of sourness from the top-tasting aroma. From the attack, the taste is sweet and sour and fresh, reminiscent of plum wine. After that, the lingering sourness that slowly spreads over the bottom is impressive and new to me 😳. From the aroma, I thought, "Hmm? What is this? and it took me a while to write it down...lol It is good on its own or as a food wine, and I am looking forward to the changes in flavor after the second day! On the second day, there is no major change in aroma or taste, but the sweetness seems to come forward a bit. Still, the unique sourness is addictive 😄.
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Fukuoka! So this is the Kyushu Brewery Shiraito Shuzo. It is different from the Tanaka Rokugo we just drank! Yeast is amazing. My subordinate, who came late, brought in some food. This is a must have for a night out in Fukuoka. Without it, I might not have been able to go home the next day.
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Tanaka Rokugo's Shiraito Sake Brewery sent Yamadanishiki from Itoshima and koji to Sengoku, Sengoku brewed the sake using the raw yeast method, and then brewed it again at Shiraito Sake Brewery. And the price is also amazing 😭 It has a mellow sweetness like grapes🍇 and ripe apples🍎 and a sourness unique to Sentori. It was a very tasty sake, easy to drink with a deep nostalgia. It was amazing when adults took it seriously, like something I longed for as a child 😁.
Hi Maru 😀 I see you drank this sake 😀. I wanted some too and went back and forth in front of the liquor store shelves, but I couldn't afford it at that price... I bought some Awatanaka next to it and went home 🤣. Too bad 😢
Good evening, brother Maru. I'm very happy to hear that you got the rumored Tanaka Sentori 👍I'm curious to know what you think of the taste 😊It's been a while since I've had a Tanaka Rokuugo 💕.
Hi Maru 😃. I'd love to taste this adult serious 🤩 like a hero combined 😋. The price you have to be serious too to go for this one 🤔It's a drink with deep pockets 🥹.
Good evening, Yasbaye 🌘. It was in Sukumasa's New Year set 😅It's not easy to get it on its own 😆. It's a great combination of Tanaka Rokugo and Senkou, which you like 👍.
Good evening, Miss Peco 🌘. I've been feeling a bit financially drained on sake lately 🤣. Please try Tanaka Sentori for a pleasantly sweet experience: ‼️
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 🌘. The combined heroes reminded me of Kikaider🤣. Huh? Kikaider didn't combine? He's such a Tanaka Senkou 🤣.
Hi Maru 😃 I compared it with Sixty-five, so I felt the sourness of Senkou more strongly and described it as rummy! You have a very delicate taste buds👅 to be able to sense grape🍇 and apple🍎👍.
Good evening, Chichi 🌑. What a delicate tongue! Thank you 😊 I basically think I can handle sweet and sour things if I compare them to fruit 🤣.

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