I couldn't buy Risshun sake, but I was able to select something close to it at the event! It is slightly carbonated and has a low alcohol content. It's a delicious, yet clean and juicy taste. 。。。。 I can't get enough of it.
I got it at the event. The aroma was so gorgeous that I couldn't help but sneeze as it passed through my nose. It was a bit acidic right after opening the bottle, but as time went on and it got closer to room temperature, it mellowed out and became more drinkable. I bought it by the bottle, but it's quite good.
It seems to be a hard-to-find sake that happens to be sold at a store I frequent, and I had no idea about it. I had no idea about it, but it has a refreshing acidity and a fruity flavor that seems to be popular with women. It is made by a female master brewer, which makes me want to support this sake.
It is a freshly squeezed sake that has been bottled and aged, and has a fruity and calm sweetness that is very elegant. Harushika is generally easy to drink, and I like many of them,
The sake I drank in Kumamoto was quite sweet, so I looked for a refreshing sake as a souvenir and bought it. It was easy to drink and refreshing from the first sip, with a fruity and sour taste that went down your throat. As it approached room temperature, the umami flavor became stronger, but in general it was easy to drink!
Harushika is a handsome, limited-edition sake brewery that is not available on the market. It is said to be a summer-only product, but it may not be so summery.
I chose it because I have an image that bag suspension is easy to drink. It's a very sweet sake, but it tastes great with Kumamoto's horse meat. !!!!! Both the horse meat and the sake are not overpowered and complement each other.......
Harushika is brewed in wooden vats. The bottle looks like a red wine! The first glass is not too harsh and has a moderate sweetness that makes it easy to drink, but from the second glass, it starts to feel more and more like a sake brewed in a wooden vat! The sweetness is still there, but there is also a kind of umami in it that gives it depth!
It goes down smoothly at the beginning, but the strong, dark flavor spreads to the palate and is very powerful. It is well-balanced and royal! A strong and well-balanced image.
While retaining the flavor of sake, it is sparkling, making it easy to drink and perfect for summer! The carbonation is very effective and it goes down well.
It has a ginjo-like sweetness, but the dryness is subdued and gentle. It also has a sharpness that makes it very easy to drink with a sake-like character!
I got this sake at an antenna store in Shiga. The grapefruit-like acidity and bitterness was so summery that I quickly emptied it out. The cover was cool too, and it was Junmai Dry Taste!
I wanted to try a local sake from Tokyo! It was a sweet sake with a rich aftertaste. I heard it is recommended to drink it heated, but I found out after finishing it cold. I recommend drinking it in small sips.