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something happy Strawberry shop Hana. When the bottle is opened, the aroma of strawberries and rice wafts through the air. The mouthfeel is pleasantly smooth, with a refreshing acidity and a feeling of petit gas, and the sweet and sour strawberry and rice-derived sweetness and umami nuances spread out at once. It tastes as if you are drinking a strawberry smoothie, which is also delicious. It is more than delicious as it is, but if you add milk, the gassy feeling disappears, but the strawberry milk is just as delicious as it is. I would recommend a small percentage, but tonic water would be good if you want to add a little more. Personally, I like to drink it as it is as a dessert drink.
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Shizenryu Umezu's Namaishige Zaru Unfiltered Unrefined Genshu R5/60 Tamakae. When first opened from the ice compartment, it has a gentle aroma with a light hint of melon. When you drink it, light acidity, bitterness and umami spread. When the cage is stirred, the texture is milky, thick, and coarse, but not heavy, with complex umami and acidity and a hint of sweetness. The sake is also good with a high clay-like texture on the tongue, with a hint of sweetness and acidity, and a high clay-like texture in the middle part of the bottle as well. When heated to 60-65 degrees Celsius, it becomes more smooth and gentle. 70 degrees Celsius, the warmth is masked and the bitterness seems to disappear. When cooled down to 40 degrees, the overall line becomes thinner. When slightly added, it is light, but the bitterness is naturally back. I personally like the feeling of the cold or carbonated sake. I don't think it's for everyone, but it's delicious!
Hanaabithe premium 八反錦華やかなカプリル系の純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Hanaoyokyu thepremium Hachitanishiki Junmai Daiginjo Unfiltered Nama-shu. The aroma is gorgeous and elegant, with a hint of tropical fruits like pineapple and apricot curd. When you taste it, you will be pleasantly surprised by the rich mouthfeel, rich sweetness and umami, and gentle acidity. While also feeling a sense of transparency, the taste slowly becomes sharp from the mid-palate, and the beautiful acidity is pleasant, with a slight bitterness and astringency coming in turn in the aftertaste. I like the smoothness of the wine without any sweetness, even though it has been in ice storage for 11 months. I've been drinking experimental Huayouyu recently, but I can say that Huayouyu is also wonderful if it is stored properly, although it depends on the type.
Sarathe starry night Vepper純米吟醸生酒無濾過
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Sairai the starry night Vepper, opened from the ice-cold cellar, has a subtle aroma of lactic acid and lychee-like fruit aroma. The smooth texture, refreshing acidity and sweetness remind me of ripe muscatel and white peach, and the gentle umami spreads in the mouth. From the mid-palate, the fresh taste slowly fades away, leaving a lingering bitterness and a lingering bitterness hidden in the back of the palate. The lactic acid yogurtiness characteristic of Sairai was particularly strong in the last hanpukai, but this time it is just as beautiful and well balanced as usual. I prefer both, but I think I like the Yukikara Ryou this year as well.
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Kozaemon Junmai Ginjo Dewa Sanju Orikarami. The aroma is not flashy, but it reminds of tropical fruits such as caprile and melon. It has a viscous but smooth texture with a gentle umami and richness. There is a complex flavor due to the oli, but the clear, light sweetness and the tangy acidity that comes later are pleasant and well-balanced. From the mid-palate, the sake is well-balanced with a touch of umami, and a slight bitterness in the aftertaste resets it. I think this sake is best served cold, and I prefer a slightly larger sake cup than a wine glass, such as an inokuchi or guginomi.
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HIROSEN HITEN HETEN KUCHO Type A. It has an elegant aroma with a fresh fruity flavor and a gentle lactic acidity when it is first served at ice temperature. Despite the aroma, the mouthfeel is light and clear with sweet and sour tones that spread through the mouth, with a complex flavor in the middle part. In the latter half, the taste is consistently full of various acids, including citric acid and a hint of bitterness. The sake is rated -17 on the sake meter, but the clear, transparent flavor makes it easy to drink without feeling too sweet. I would like to pair it with salads and carpaccio with citrus dressing. It is best to drink it chilled, and it would also go well with a glass of wine.
Hakuryu白龍禅 新幹線限定純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Hakuryu Zen super direct kumi-non-filtered raw sake limited to the Shinkansen. This is the second purchase this season and is recommended by Dr. Suzuki in Fukushima. The first time it is opened from ice temperature, it has a gorgeous capsule-like aroma. It spreads smoothly with a light gasiness and gentle viscosity. When you drink it, you can feel the acidity, umami, and sweetness reminiscent of tropical fruits all at once. From the mid-palate, it has a fruity yet sharp taste reminiscent of Kameizumi cel24, with little sweetness, bitterness, and a slight astringency in the aftertaste that also tightens the flavor. Naturally, it is good from snow to cold, but my preference is from snow to cool. I highly recommend it to those who are not accustomed to drinking it and to those who like fruity drinks.
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Katskoma hiragana labels in this production. This is the second Katsikoma Hiragana label this season. It is nice to be able to enjoy it twice in one year. When opened from the ice-cold cellar, it has a moderately gorgeous aroma of iso-type aroma. When you drink it, it spreads smoothly, but you can also feel the viscosity, and after the soft umami and gentle sweetness, the fresh acidity spreads at once. The bitterness can be felt in the mid-palate, and in the latter half, astringency and complexity increase and linger in the aftertaste. The taste is smooth and broad, with just the right amount of sharpness and bitterness, which is only possible with a hiragana label. When cold, the aroma of rice and sweetness increase, from sun to human skin, the sweetness gradually decreases and the umami comes to the fore, and when lukewarm, the smoothness and acidity come out, and from the upper roll to hot, the acidity and aliveness start to come out, and when it flies, the sweetness disappears considerably and the acidity and astringency are masked. When it is cooled down, the sweetness increases and the acidity is also felt. Personally, I prefer it cold from the flowers, but it is also interesting to add a little more.
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Takejaku Yamahai Junmai Ooragarami Nama Sake. The aroma is mildly iso-ish, with hints of banana and melon. The top clear aroma is juicy, with a light gassy feeling and a firm, tangy acidity that spreads at once, giving the sake an umami flavor and a slightly subdued sweetness. When the oli is mixed in, the aroma becomes silky and the mouthfeel is soft and dry, and at the same time, the expression changes considerably, with gently enveloping acidity and light sweetness. From the mid-palate, it is not strong, but you can feel the deep acidity and umami, as well as the bitterness and the complexity of the flavor. From chilled, the sweetness increases, and from sun to human skin, the sullenness also increases, but the bitterness also increases a little. Personally, I would drink it hana (flower) to chilled, and then add a little more. However, in terms of pairing, you can choose the temperature range that fits perfectly with the flavor.
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Takejaku Yamahai Junmai Ooragarami Nama Sake. The aroma is mildly iso-ish, with hints of banana and melon. The top clear aroma is juicy, with a light gassy feeling and a firm, tangy acidity that spreads at once, giving the sake an umami flavor and a slightly subdued sweetness. When the oli is mixed in, the aroma becomes silky and the mouthfeel is soft and dry, and at the same time, the expression changes considerably, with gently enveloping acidity and light sweetness. From the mid-palate, it is not strong, but you can feel the deep acidity and umami, as well as the bitterness and the complexity of the flavor. From chilled, the sweetness increases, and from sun to human skin, the sullenness also increases, but the bitterness also increases a little. Personally, I would drink it hana (flower) to chilled, and then add a little more. However, in terms of pairing, you can choose the temperature range that fits perfectly with the flavor.
YanmaBY4 仕込み12号原酒中取り無濾過
Yamama Junmai Ginjo Brewing No. 12 is a direct-fermented, unfiltered sake. When opened in an ice-temperature cellar, it has a gentle, capsule-like ginjo aroma. It has a light viscosity on the tongue with a soft umami taste. The slightly light sweetness is immediately followed by a light acidity that is slightly stimulating and leaves a bitter aftertaste. Overall, the mild aroma and slightly light but firm core flavor make it easy to drink. The acidity and bitterness increase a little as it goes from human body temperature to lukewarm, and the astringency is good, although there is some masking as it goes from hot sake to lukewarm. When it is cooled down to about 46 to 40 degrees Celsius, you can feel the sweetness like Japanese sweets and the bitterness in turn. The flavor is consistent at various temperatures and changes, and the taste confirms once again that heated sake is a high quality dish. It was great to be able to enjoy the quality of sake and not just drink it.
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Tanaka Rokuugo Yamadanishiki Nama Sake. When opened in the ice-cold cellar, it has a beautiful ginjo aroma and a thick texture on the tongue. It has a fresh, juicy acidity and a sweet flavor. After mixing in some ori, the aroma becomes mild with a hint of grapes. The slightly smooth texture changes to a slight gasiness, soft acidity, gentle umami, and clear sweetness, with a moderate bitterness from the mid-palate and a slight lingering bitterness that softly envelopes the meal. It is a well-balanced food sake that I like! Personally, I like to drink this consistently brewed sake with stable kohana or cool, and when I want to enjoy the process, I like to drink it cold, where I can feel the richness of the sake.
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This year, it has a melon-like aroma with a slight green tinge. After the gentle sweetness, the acidity and umami spread in the mouth at once. From the mid-palate, the bitter taste and a hint of astringency can be detected, and the wine finishes with a light bitterness. The lingering taste is astringent, and although there are few seasonal brands of Tobiroki, it is delicious every year.
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When opened from the ice temperature cabinet, the ginjo aroma is moderately close to the capsule. The slightly rounded texture on the tongue has a tangy acidity and a soft sweetness and umami. From the mid-palate, the acidity is well balanced with a good amount of bitterness, and it finishes nicely. Even when the temperature is raised, the juiciness does not come out as much as it does when unfiltered, but there is a gentle feeling, and there is a feeling that the intensity of the snowy taste and the cold taste reverse each other's image. The temperature is a little higher when it is hi-ire, but it has a gentle and more food-friendly image, which we prefer.
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Kake rice is from the January lot of Gohyakuman. The aroma upon opening is mild, and when you taste it, it has a juicy capsule-like texture and a slightly rounded feel on the tongue. The second half of the bottle has a tangy taste that spreads in the mouth and has a moderate sweetness and umami. From the mid-palate, it smoothly finishes with a hint of sourness and bitterness, leaving a lingering bitterness in the aftertaste. As the temperature rises, the unfiltered flavor is again delicious.
IbiGOLD BY5純米大吟醸ひやおろし袋吊り無濾過
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The aroma is mild but reminiscent of tropical fruits. The palate is thick and smooth with a slight gasiness, and the rich sweetness, soft acidity, and delicate umami spread across the palate. The characteristic sweetness of Imi can be felt, but the overall impression is elegant and clean. Yet, it also has the juiciness and depth of an unfiltered, unpasteurized sake. We are grateful to have tasted this sake that can only be drunk in an Olympic year!
Oze no Yukidoke桃色にごり純米大吟醸にごり酒
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The aroma is both milky and soft, and is derived from the cage. The top clear taste is sweet and sour and clear. When mixed, the milky, sweet and sour taste reminds one of strawberry milk, but although the overall flavor is strong, the low alcohol content does not leave much sweetness in the aftertaste, and the taste has a well-balanced aftertaste. It really has a taste that I would like to drink with strawberries. If you like refreshing strawberry milk, please try this once!
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Gorgeous aroma with medium cappuccino fruitiness. It has a good balance of light gas, well-balanced acidity, beautiful sweetness, seeping umami, and trifecta. The taste that extends gradually from the mid-palate is pleasant, yet the last part is soft. The lingering bitterness and a hint of astringency are also delicious. It is one of my favorite brands of Jikin. I am looking forward to the hi-ire of this season!
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When opened at room temperature, it has a gentle yet mellow melon-like aroma. The tongue has a light and viscous texture, with a tangy acidity that comes afterwards, and the rich sweetness and umami of fresh juiciness spreading. From the mid-palate, it goes down smoothly without any sweetness, and in the latter half, there is a hint of bitterness and a lingering bitter astringent taste. Personally, I think it is good from snow to a little bit cool. It is sweet and light, and should be drunk slowly while enjoying the aroma.
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It has a gentle, capsule-like ginjo aroma, a hint of gas, soft acidity, and a light, deep umami and light sweetness. The sharpness from the mid-palate is soft and smooth, and the lingering bitterness is rounded and pleasant. It has a gentle and umami taste.