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Ubusuna2023 増穂 Kawamaturi純米生酒発泡
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Finally rehabilitated and ready to drink sake today🤣. Ohtani has achieved an amazing record in MLB 🎉🎊㊗️ I learned about the record in the morning, but I wanted to make a toast with Otani as I slowly watched his success on the news... Today we toasted Otani while drinking our family's toast sake, Sansho: ㊗️ Today's sake was Masuho from San-do's Gonoho brewery 🤣. It's a summer sake from San-do, as it's the Natsketsu Festival 😀. As usual, it has a fizziness but with more acidity than usual, probably because it's a summer sake 😇. But it still tastes as good as usual 😇. Still, Otani is great 😀.
Hello, Yasube! If you use ⚾️ as a knob, I'm sure you'll be able to get a good look at the new rehab site 😙!
Hi Yasbay 😃 I see you had a drink at the river festival! It's acidic, summery and intoxicating ☺️ By the way, at the time of filling in this comment, it's 52-52, so it's like a cartoon, or even more awesome than that 😳🏟️⚾️
Hi Jay & Nobby 😀 I drank 3 bottles side by side last night and Mr. Sandon is already less than half full 🤣. I'm sure after I get home from work today, I'll drink them while looking at the picture of 52-52 and they'll be empty 😇
Hi Aladdin 😀 Aladdin-san likes Sanchi, but this sake is classified as a summer sake, which means it has a sour taste, but still maintains the original taste balance of Sanchi. Otani has already surpassed the manga 🤣.
Good morning, Yasube-san. ☀️ kawamatsuri is delicious ❣️ when the temperature rises a bit, it becomes even more delicious with sweet and tasty flavor to my liking 😚. I want to celebrate Otani's success every day 😘.
Good evening, Tsubu-chan 😀 Thanks to Otani's great performance, there is no shortage of sake sakana and reasons to toast all over Japan 😀. I usually compare cold sake with the one brought to room temperature, but since it's Mr. Sando, I'm not doing it out of caution 🤣.
Mimurosugi木桶菩提酛 露葉風純米
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Actually, Maru-san, who is a good friend of mine at Sake-no-wa, and I participate in the hanpukai at the same liquor store 😀. Maru-san drank this Mimuro Sugi the other day and gave it a high rating, so we opened the bottle with high expectations 😇 Well... it's delicious 😀. Maru-san and I have similar taste preferences, so I was full of anticipation, but the sake was even better than I had imagined 😀. The sake that was brought to room temperature for tasting practice and the sake that was chilled were both delicious, though in different directions 😀. The one at room temperature had a powerful fruit flavor with a gorgeous Jun Dai aroma 😀. And the chilled one, after entering the mouth, the taste of quality fruit that is not too strong runs around the entrance of the throat in a circular motion and then it finishes 😀. It is labeled as a wooden vat, but I could hardly feel the wooden vat 😀.
Good evening, Yasbaye! I'm so glad to hear that we share similar tastes! I am so happy to hear that we share similar tastes!
Hi Yasbaye 🐦. I was wondering if you are drinking something similar and I see we have the same hanpukai 😊 I will review it with you guys 🙏. Is it a limited edition sake from the hanpukai? It sounds even more delicious when I think about not being able to drink it 😆.
Hi Maru 😀 We've recently had more opportunities to drink common sake from the hanpukai, so it seems like our tastes are more similar😇. And I think many of Sukumasa's choices suit us too 🤣.
Hi Pon 😀 If you read Maru's comment, you can probably guess my comment 🤣. This drink is a bit expensive, but it is usually sold on the market, so if you have a chance, please give it a try😇.
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I opened a bottle of Amabuki's Fujin Kura, which I got from Sukumasa's hanpukai 😀. I like Saga Prefecture's famous sake like Nabeshima and Koeikiku, but this is my first time drinking Amabuki 😅. I knew the name well but never had a chance to try it 🤣. As soon as I opened the bottle, I was surprised by the sweet fruit aroma 😇. The first sip of this beer has a sweetness that is not too strong and then it finishes nicely 😀 This is delicious 😇 This is delicious 😇 Another one of my favorite brands has increased 😇
Good evening, Yasbaye 🦉. Amabuki Jun Dai 😳Congratulations on your first taste of a great sake ✨Congratulations on your first taste of a great sake 🎉I'm so happy to hear that you like more and more sake 😆. It's divine to see you and Jinzo side by side ✨.
Hi Pon 😀 I'm glad that there are more sakes with flavors I like, but there are so many that I'm not sure what to get next 🤣. In that sense, hanpukai is a good system for our family 😀.
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Maru-san, who is a senior in the sake world (I'm a little older than him 🤣), asked me to give his opinion on this sake, so I opened a bottle of Gobashi today 😀 It seems to be quite a strange sake in terms of specs, but my impression was that it was very tasty 😀. It seems to be a very strange sake in terms of specifications, but my impression was that it was very tasty 😀. For the first time in a long time, I was able to hear Kaorin say that this is not sake 😇. Maru-san mentioned fruits like apricots, but I personally imagined a white wine with a fine acidity 😀. I am in a great mood after having a glass of good white wine 😇.
Very fruity and delicious 🍶 with a sweet and sour taste! I loved the mouthfeel.
Good morning, Yasbaye-san: ☀️ It was so good that I wanted to share it with my senior sake drinker, Yasube (actually Kaorin 🤣) 😊. I got Kaorin-san's "this is not sake" 🙌
Good morning, Kaorin! I agree with you so much👍 Don't tell me that the last thing I noticed was that it's lightly cloudy 🤣.
Hi Yasbay & Kaorin 🐦. This series? There are a lot of varieties, right? I had no idea which one was the best, so I went through them, but I didn't know they were that good 😳I should have asked you guys 😅.
Hi Maru 😀 Sukumasa's hanpukai is really good with all good sakes 😀. However, in the previous hanpukai, both bottles were Noto support sake that I had already had, which was a bit disappointing, but it's good because it's delicious 🤣.
Hi Pon 😀 I probably wouldn't have picked up this sake if it wasn't a hanpukai 🤣. It's the fun of hanpukai that you can come across delicious sake even if you don't go through with it yourself 😀.
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When the weather is hot, all I can think about is sparkling 😅. When I went to Sukumasa to look for Kangiku, I ended up reaching for the sparkling dolce😍perfect for a day full of sweat👍✨. This one has the delicious rice flavor that is typical of Manzaku no Hana. But it also has a sourness and a sweetness that is so dolce, it's delicious 😋. The fine bubbles are like champagne, so elegant ✨It was so delicious💕. Not that it matters at all, but the Olympic soccer team got off to a good start and I was happy from the morning news today 😊.
Good morning, Wakata! ☀️ We love this dolce in our house too 🎶. The kind you can guzzle on a hot day❣️ My wife especially loves it 😆.
T.KISO, good evening 😃I know exactly how your wife feels, she is a big fan 😃We drank it so much in our house too, it was gone in no time 😅.
Hi Wakata 😃. I see that it is 15 degrees which can be dolce😚goggles from the acidity of the white yeast 🤗This is one I am interested in! I will pick it up when I see it😊.
Jay & Nobby, Good evening 😃You're right, it's a very good 15° ✨Please pick up a bottle 😊He's a very neat guy, so well fizzed and with a hint of rice, I highly recommend it 😆‼️
Ubusuna2023 山田錦 三農譲純米発泡
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Happy new brewing year 😀 Thank you very much for your support during the last year 🙇. The first bottle of the new year is my most favorite San-do-san 😀. After reading Aladdin's recent post, I remembered that I haven't had any Sansho recently, and after reading Yoohee's post, I wondered which Sansho I should open, but today I opened a bottle of Sannojo's Yamadanishiki 😇. Thankfully, since I started visiting Sukumasa once a month for their hanpukai, I never run out of San-Do sake 😀 I can always have my favorite sake waiting for me. It's nice to know that my favorite sake is always waiting for me 😇. I'm actually taking a little break from Sake no Wa after tomorrow's post 😅. In the meantime, if all goes well, I will be back on July 28th, so I hope to see you again 🙇.
Good evening, Yasube-san. I'm so jealous that you can get Mr. Sanso without running out ✨. I see you're taking some time off 💧I look forward to your post tomorrow and your return 🎵.
Good morning, Yasbay 😃. Sake brewery new year greeting start to the production! You are full of love for sake 🤗Oh, good night. I'm looking forward to seeing you again 👋
Thank you for your hard work, Yasube! I've never seen sansho, though I'm interested in it, but it looks delicious! I'm looking forward to seeing you post again. I'll be posting less frequently, liver-wise;
Happy New Year, Yasbay! I wish you another drunken brewing year🙏. I see you are taking a little break. We will miss you. I hope all goes well and that you will be back on the 28th, Yumachi Shusho Lees Holder🍶.
Hi Yasbay 🐦. I'm so jealous that you can't run out of birthplace 😳‼️ ✨ Will you be taking a break from drinking as well? Savor it to your heart's content😊. I'll miss you for a while 🥹Let's resume yucho and lees Holder!
Hi, ma-ki- 😀 I guess there are regional differences in the types of sake that are easy to obtain 🤣. I'm thankful that the sake produced in Japan is easy to get, but it's hard to get Kamerei and Yamasan in Nagano 😅. I'll be back again, thank you.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😀 Kiri number is Kaorin's favorite flower eup, so I made it my favorite producing soil for the new year😇. I will take a break for a while and come back with a power up... no need to power up except for this ❓🤣
Hello, freelancer man of the first generation 😀. Sanzu-san is my top choice, so if you get a chance, please do 😀. Don't overwork your liver too much, and be nice to me when I come back 🙇.
Happy New Year, Mr. Maru😇! I will do my best for the next few weeks and will definitely come back on the 28th, so please support me 📣.
Hi Pon 😀 Sake is my energy source instead of gasoline, so I will keep drinking it 😀. I just won't be able to come to Sake-no-Wawa due to time issues😅. When I come back, please forgive me for posting a series of forget-me-nots during my hiatus 🤣.
Michizakura純米 完熟バナナ酵母純米
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Every weekend we enjoy... a hot pot day, served in the air conditioner 😀. Kaorin decided to have banana yeast sake today 😀. Actually, this sake is from the same store as Maru-san's and from the same hanpukai. From the label design, I imagined it was a fully ripe banana from Ouizumo-san that I drank last year, but after hearing Maru-san's comment, I was prepared to open the bottle to find that it was a very tough banana 🤣. Today's hot pot was kimchi nabe, and thanks to the spiciness of the kimchi and Maru's comment, I could taste the strong ripe banana flavor behind the strong flavor😇. Thank you for taking the lead, Maru-san 😀. Next time you have a chance to drink it, please pair it with a spicy dish like kimchi nabe, I think you will be able to taste the slightly old and brown banana flavor deep inside the sake 🤣. I'm a young sake novice and I recommend it😇
Kinoenemasamune林檎 きのえねアップル純米吟醸生酒
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Today's sake is Kouko Ringo from the April Sukumasa hanpukai sake 😀 Actually, this is my first time drinking Kouko-san, but I'm sure it will be quite a change of pace from the start ❓. Actually, this will be my first time drinking Kouko-san, but will it be quite a change of pace from the start❓ Following the pineapple taste of yesterday's multi-acid yeast Akirika-san, the Rinko acid of No. 77 gives it a fruitiness 😀. I compared it with the one that was brought to room temperature for tasting, and I felt more apple when it was brought to room temperature 😀. In its chilled state, it felt more like a wine 😀. The nuances were completely different between the chilled and room temperature versions, but each was a delicious sake with a wide range of flavors to enjoy😇
Good morning, Yasbay 😃I drank Koshi's apple 🍎 last year and I remember I was really surprised how easy it was to drink. It has a very summery taste 😋.
Mr. Yasube. Good morning... I have had Koshi apple several times even before I started sakewa and I remember drinking it with a light and fragrant taste! As you say, it's wine 🍷It's perfect for the coming season 🤩.
Rafa papa
Good morning Yasbay 😃 Kouko is in a store near me and I'm curious about it but I've only had it once 😅I know it's good 😁.
Hello Yasbay 😃 Congratulations on your first Koshi 🎉 ㊗️ This apple 🍎 is a shockingly good one! It's shockingly good 🤗We got hooked on Koshi after drinking this one too 😋.
Good evening, Wakata 😀. I think this might be the first time I've ever had a summer sake that tasted so good 😀. I was surprised to find that this is the first time I've tasted a sake that tastes so good in every face, even though it shows different faces depending on the temperature range 😇.
Good evening, kozou-san 😀 It's a delicious and beautiful white wine flavor when chilled, but when the temperature is raised, it's apple juice mixed with alcohol 😀. Too bad I couldn't drink it last year 🤣.
Good evening, Rafa papa! Yes...I've seen it in liquor stores too, so I feel like it was a waste of my time not to try it because I felt safe that I could drink it anytime 😅.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 😀. It's amazing how many different faces you show us, yet every face has a different taste 🤣. I will be consciously trying to drink different Koshi from now on 😀.
Fusano KankikuSilver Lining 総の舞29純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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I opened a little nice one on an otherwise uneventful weekday. Slightly effervescent and juicy. The top aroma is pineapple. When you drink it, it smells and tastes like pineapple. Slight bitterness in the second half. The overall taste is beautiful, perhaps because it is highly refined. It is sweet enough, but the sweetness is mild among Kangiku. I think the sweetness becomes stronger when the temperature is raised a little.
Good evening, bouken😄. Nomitaiteitokigakaikaisendoky, right 😁. This price is very rare for this rice polishing ratio. I think it's about the same as kudoki-teki 😁. I've heard rumors that it's hard, so I'm letting it sit for a bit, but I guess it's time to drink it now 🤔.
Aladdin, good evening 😃. It was a true chiseled toe gaga kaisendoky 😋. If you say so, maybe it was a little hard 😅. Maybe I should let it rest a little longer 🤔.
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Today's drink is Yamori's orikagarami 😀. Actually, after reading J&N's post the other day, I wanted to buy a bottle of Ippouki nigori, so I went to Sakai City to buy some, but they only had one bottle, so I gave up and bought Ippouki Sumi Sake, but I was disappointed, so I bought Yamori's Origara-mi together with it 😇😇. It was a winner. 🙆‍♂️ The ogara-mi by Yamori is also halfway delicious 😀. The Hana-Sakura I drank yesterday tasted almost the same whether it was the top clear, nigorashi or chilled nigorashi at room temperature, but this YAMORI has different tastes, each with its own characteristics, but they all tasted delicious 😀. The best one was the mixed nigori at room temperature 😀. By the way, I also tried Hana-Sakura on the rocks, which was also delicious because it had a strong flavor and there was little difference in temperature 😇. It was my first time to try sake on the rocks 😀.
Rafa papa
Good evening, Yasube! I've been thinking about drinking it for a long time but I haven't been able to 😅I remember drinking orikagarami at an off-line meeting in Osaka a long time ago and it was delicious 😋 but I'm starting to feel a bit suspicious because I'm starting to lose my mind 🤣...
Good evening, Yasube! I'm sorry to hear about the Ippodo nigori 🥲 but it's great that you brought the Yamori Orikara instead 👍This was the first Yamori we finally got to drink in March 🤗Yummmm it's delicious 😋.
Hi Rafa papa 😀 You're still going strong and don't seem to be a blur at all 😀. I can't remember how I feel about it unless I drink it carefully at home, so I can't post most of the time when I drink outside 😅.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😀 I was really surprised when I heard that March was the first time for you to visit Yamoru 🤣. I thought that sake in the Kanto area was easier to find there than in Osaka 😅. It was my first Yamori nigori too 😀.
Zenkichiしぼりたて 試験米醸造酒 part②純米吟醸原酒生酒
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The sake is brewed with a rice under development called Yumemi Nishiki. See Rafa's post for more details about the rice 😌. First time drinking at home, Zenkichi. Slightly effervescent with a beautiful sweet flavor. Not too sweet and perfectly balanced. I feel that drinkability and robust strength coexist well. With this flavor from a rice under development, I look forward to it officially becoming a sake brewing rice 😆.
Rafa papa
Good morning bouken 😃 Hmmm... Yamada Nishiki" and "Mie Sake No. 20" are crossed. Mie Sake No. 20" is bred from... Bred from "Yamadanishiki" and "Hitogochi I see...I can learn a lot 🤣.
Good evening Rafa 😃. I'm learning a lot, tee 🤣. It's sake rice like a good blooded thoroughbred 🐎🤣.
Ubusuna三農譲 山田錦純米吟醸生酒
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At the end of April, when I went to have a drink with my wife at chuin-san, she suddenly saw chuin-san's sake cellar and said that she would give me back the space in my home refrigerator if I had something like this ❓🤣 We have a sake fridge at home, but it is not enough to hold all the sake we have 😅. We have a sake fridge in our house, but it doesn't hold enough sake and the sake has invaded the chiller and vegetable compartment of the home fridge😅. The sake cellar that I bought saying "of course" will arrive today, so I took a day off work to install it😇. I was pleasantly replacing the sake cellar and the sake fridge alone, but... ❓What do you know, the sake cellar and the sake fridge alone can't hold all the sake, and some of it is back in the home fridge again😅. This is not good😅 I bought a bottle of Kido's summer orange liqueur, which she loves, to put her in a good mood, but on the contrary, we are running out of space 🤣. Anyway, we toasted with our family's standard toast, sansudo, as a celebration for the cellar, but she didn't have time to taste the delicious sansudo and avoided Mrs. Kido's gaze 🙇. I have to be quiet for the time being😅
When I came home, I found a sake cellar! It stands out in the living room. So much sake in our house? I realized once again 💦. It's hard for me to complain since I get 🍶 sake every day, but it looks great and I'm happy with it 😊.
Good evening, Yasbay🌆. Oh, wow, you're in 🎂 Is this Sakura🌸? It's wonderful 😀
Yasbay, your cellar looks good ✨. I can't believe you still can't fit it in there 💧. The lineup is amazing as well as the number of bottles ❗I'm drooling just looking at it 😁. Your wife's gaze made me chuckle too!
Congratulations to Yasube & Kaorin for installing a sake cellar: ㊗️ It's a spectacular sight ☺️, I can see the look of satisfaction on Yasube's face when he took the picture after finishing the display 😁. Not even the most ordinary stores have this much in stock 😊.
Good evening, Yasbay 🌔. Sakuraworks‼️ I also have a little small fridge from the same company😁. The lineup is already, scary 🤣. It's insanely well stocked, great👍.
Good evening Yasube, 🌙😃❗Congratulations on the sake cellar installation 😁I have a refrigerator problem, sometimes my house can't fit in the cellar and my wife is in a bad mood ❗I tend to buy things but be careful 😊.
熊谷 朋之
Good evening, Yasube-san! (^^)/ Well, I feel like I've heard this story somewhere! We bought a large wine cellar, but we also have a fridge overflowing with sake, and eventually a potty ban is in effect (smiles)!
Rafa papa
Good morning Yasbay 😃 I'm so jealous that you bought a cellar 😊🤣the sake in stock looks so good too😋 I'll help you get rid of the stock 😁.
Hi Yasbay 😃 Oh! This is the cellar you bought 😍The sake inside is so shiny and cool, it's like a museum 🤩I can drink more just looking at this 🤗.
Hello @Mizuhashi 😀 Yes, I've chosen Sakura's cellar 😀. But there is a compressor at the back of the bottom tier, so it can't hold too much 😅.
Hi, ma-ki-chan 😀 I guess I should really drink them in the order I bought them, but I'm so small-minded that I end up leaving the hard-to-find liquors behind 🤣. I could see your wife's scared face when she finally realized that you couldn't fit them all in 😅.
Hi Aladdin 😀 Kawada-san from CHUIN told me that the 3-temperature controlled low-temperature stocker is better to hold a lot of food, but I didn't expect this to happen 😅. I'll hold off on buying alcohol for a while 🤣.
Hi Maru 😀 Finally, I was able to become a Sakura friend 😀. It would be better if I could get more in that size 🤣. I'll try to consume them without buying too many for a while 😅.
Hello, TAKAHIRO 😀 Sake has a season, so if you end up buying too many of your favorite tasting sake, you'll have a fridge problem 😅. It's especially hard since I started Sake-no-wa because there are more and more sake I want to try 🤣.
Hi Tomoyuki Kumagai 😀 It's the same fridge problem everywhere 🤣. And since I had shoved the bottles all the way to the back of the vegetable compartment, I didn't even think I had this many bottles so I thought I could fit them all in 😅.
Hi Rafa papa 😀 We would love to have you come and open the cellar at our house with us 😇. We would love to have handmade soba noodles at our house 🙏 Kaorin will be looking forward to it 😇. I'm sure Kaorin will be looking forward to it😇
Hi Jay & Nobby 😀 If I don't drink soon, I don't think I'll get permission to buy alcohol for the time being 😅. I actually have a few drinks that I can only drink now and would like to drink after seeing Sake no Wa's post😇. I can't catch up 🤣.
Good morning, Yasbaye 😄 Nice cellar ✨lots of liquors that make me happy just looking at them😍We also bought Lemacom when I complained about the fridge problem, but for some reason there are also liquors all over the fridge💦I'm in trouble 😅.
Hi, Tsubu-chan 😀 The owner of the chuin store I often go to told me to use the same Lemacom as ours anyway, but not as much as the one they use for commercial use 🤣. But I still have some left in my fridge for home use😅.
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This is the fifth bottle on the Kikuyoko stand. The first Harukasumi green label🟢 Misato Nishiki. Well, this one has a mild aroma😍. It's smooth to drink but the sweetness comes through slowly. My husband says it's a sake that tastes good afterwards. I personally liked it best if you don't consider Shinsei. I also had a bottle of Isshaku Suisei's Miso Nishiki, but I think I'd have to go with Harukasumi (I gave it away before for drinking at home). I was in a good mood after drinking three more glasses of Harukasumi afterwards 😊. I think I drank a lot during the Golden Week 😅.
Good morning, Wakata-san ☀️ Akita sake samadai ❣️😁 Thank you 🙇‍♀️ Harukasumi is delicious! Your husband's expression "it tastes better afterwards" is a perfect description of Haruka's characteristics in one word 😆 I was so impressed 😆. I admire it 🥹.
Good morning, T.KISO 😃Yes, it was Akita Sake Festival👍💕Harukasumi, I drank it for the first time and I didn't know it was so delicious ❣️ I would like to find another type of sake. It tastes better afterwards, use it somewhere else😁.
Good morning, Wakata 😊. I see you went to Kikuyoko! I envy you! I had to give it up again due to schedule ng 😭 I'm so glad you had a great time 🟢! I also had my first drink at Sukumasa's hanpukai and it was a KO 🤣.
Good morning, Maru 😃You liked it too, I know 😁It's a peaceful taste that you can drink all the time ❣️ Kikuyoko, next time 👍.
Hi Wakata. I see you are enjoying the Kikuyoko stand very much 😆👍This Harukasumi Green Label looks very tasty. I would love to taste the slow opening of the sweetness and flavor as mentioned in your comment 😊.
Hi Hirupeko 😃I really got the feeling that this Harukasumi is a great sake 😋I'm new to it too, but I'll pick it up the next time I come across it ‼️
Rafa papa
Good evening Mr. Wakata😃 Thanks for your help today😊I should have seen this review... 😅Haruka is available at the closest walkable store from us 😁It's too close for me to go there much... 😅Abe is also there 😌.
Good evening, Rafa 😃Thank you so much for your help today ❣️ and the curry bread was definitely the best ever for our family 😋💕Such a neighborhood with Haruka and Abe and a lineup of sake from Rafa's house, too perfect ✨!
AramasaNo.6 RS-type 台湾地震災害復興支援酒
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This is the fourth Kikuyoko stand. Before I get too drunk to understand, let's go to No. 6. This is a Taiwan support sake. Looking at the text on the back, it looks like this is RS -type, and it says "spin-off. I can already feel the bitterness of the light bitterness, but it's more overwhelmingly delicious. It's sweet, sour, refreshing, and delicious😅. I've seen it sold for 60,000 yen on Mercari before, so I'm going to savor it little by little with care. But it's so good you'll want to drink it in droves 💕.
Wakata-san konban-ha (o´ omega`o)no~~! Lots of delicious looking drinks 🤤. 6,000 yen is too expensive 😱😱😱😱😱
Good morning, Erin 😃Yes, it was a gorgeous lineup and I enjoyed it 😆💕The prices of these things on flea market apps and the like are horrendous 😱.
Yamamoto和韻 わいん純米吟醸
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Kikuyoko stand, the third one is Yamamoto. This is Yamamoto's Japanese Rhyme. He explained that he used a wine yeast for Chardonnay that he obtained overseas, and that he had a hard time making it. Wine yeast does not produce ginjo aroma, so it tends to be just sour, he said, When we tasted the fruit of the brewer's efforts, we found that it had a sourness unique to wine yeast and was quite distinctive. But it is easy to drink and refreshing. ❣️ It is still a Japanese sake, as it is more of a Junmai Ginjo than a white wine 😆. The person I was with brought a lot of snacks (3rd picture) and Kikuyoko stand was a corner 😅 friendly people and we had a good time interacting 👍.
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Kikuyokostand, next up is Yukinobijin's Aiyama Koji. The explanation was that while the standard junmai ginjo uses Misato Nishiki for koji rice, Aiyama is used for koji rice. This is the only combination of Koji rice Aiyama and Kake rice Sake Komachi not only in Akita but also in the whole country. The aroma is subdued. It has a freshness, which is sweet ‼️, but it is also rich ⁉️, with a strong rice flavor and a bitter taste at the end. Okay, it was a little different from the Yuki no Bijin I've had so far ✨.
Good morning, Wakata 😃. Akita Sake Rengo ‼️ is good 🤗 Yukimi! I had a Yamadanishiki No.6 yeast last year and it was so good 🥹I couldn't help but say "Yum! I remember saying "Yum!" 😋I'm also interested in the only one here: ‼️
Jay & Nobby, good morning 😃Yukimi, you really are a good drinker, no matter which one you drink 😆👍This one has a strong liquor profile, but the balance of sweetness and richness was very mature 💕😋💕.
AramasaNEXT5 the final 2024
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On the last day of Golden Week, I went to an event called Kikuyoko Stand at a liquor store I frequent. What a wonderful event 😍 and what a great opportunity to drink the last of the Next 5 and get free refills on everything but Shinsei. The manager said that the capacity of the event was smaller than usual, and that he was aiming for a small, relaxed atmosphere. I was wondering what to drink first, and my choice was the Next 5. First things first 🩷. I was told that this is the last one, and I tasted it. Mmmm, it's like a barrel. Shinsei! And a touch of lactic acidity. But the citrus goes by quickly and doesn't linger, it's delicious💕💕. I can't afford the price, but it's still delicious after all, so it's hard to say it's the last one... 😓.
Hi Wakata 😀 I tried to sign up for the Kikuyoko stand but it was already full 🤣. I hope you enjoy the sake god tomorrow😇. I was going to barge in on the way if it was raining, but since it's somehow sunny, I'm off to go hiking in the mountains🤣.
Hi Yasbay, Hi 😃Ah, too bad you were full 😓It would have been fun to join you tomorrow 😭 but have fun climbing the mountain: ‼️
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Today I opened a bottle of Oita Prefecture's Yuri Brewing, which I got from Sukumasa's March hanpukai 😀. I like the hanpukai because it's a fun way to get sakes that are outside of your range of expertise 😀. This sake had a strong acidity on the palate from the initial aroma 🤣. The wife said it was not slightly carbonated ❓ but in my opinion it was more like a strong acidity than a slight carbonation 🤣. It's fun to encounter flavors that you are not expecting at all😇. In case you are wondering, next month I will be starting a hanpukai with Kadoya as well as Sukumasa, so I am looking forward to it 😀!
Rafa papa
Good morning Yasubeyesan😃. I see you also participate in Sukumasa's hanpukai 😊You're right, hanpukai expands your world by allowing you to drink sakes that are out of your range 😌Sukumasa is far away and not open on Sundays so I haven't been able to visit yet 😅....
Hi Yasbaye 😊 I'm glad you're a fellow hanpukai member of Sukumasa's ☺️ I'll have to drink more and more until I get to Kadoya's hanpukai 😳🤣.
Hi Rafa papa 😀 I really wanted to start with Kadoya-san's hanpukai, but last time there was no vacancy so I went with Sukumasa-san🤣. I go to Sukumasa-san regularly to buy my sanchi 😇.
Hi Maru-san 😀 I'm glad to be in the same hanpukai group as you Maru-san😇 Your wife said this sake was slightly carbonated, but I thought it had a strong acidity... Maru-san agreed with you 🤣.
Good evening, Yasbay 😃. I know you are out drinking, attending events, and already have a full stock of food 😅And two more hanpukai 😳I'll be posting every day 🤗.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😀 I'm going to reduce my own purchases as much as possible and increase the weight of my hanpukai from now on because I'm biased if I only buy my favorite brands 😇. Finally, I've seduced the wife into buying an additional sake cellar 🤣.
Fusano Kankiku閏日 甲辰 超限定原酒生酒無濾過
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Leap Day is sake squeezed on February 29 of every four leap years. The sake is made from Chiba Prefecture's Gohyakumangoku rice polished to 29% and brewed on this day. It is an unfiltered, unpasteurized sake brewed with polished Chiba-grown Gohyakumangoku rice up to 29%. We managed to get our hands on a bottle. I had it cold. It has a fruity aroma and a gaseous feeling. Fresh sweetness. Pineapple candy. Like honey diluted... The bitterness that comes after is a nice taste that brings it all together. My mother liked it so much that she had another one. The small red flowers of the maple tree are lovely. The season has come to a point where the vigor of the fresh green is clearly and vividly visible.
Rutemi, good evening 🦉. Cold chrysanthemum leap day! I'm glad you got it😊and how envious😻 It tastes like 🍍 candy and looks delicious! I definitely like it 😁 I'd love to try it! The greenery is so beautiful this season!
Good morning, Luteltemi 😃. Leap day! You opened a nice bottle of sake 😊. It was a sake I wanted to try and it tasted just like I imagined it would 🤤. I'm glad your mother liked it too ☺️ I love the autumn leaves during the fresh green season 🍁.
Good morning, Ponchan😄. I was attracted to I degree in 4 years. I thought it would be your favorite flavor 🤗The entwining sweetness is also elegant 😋I am amazed at how fast the plants grow every time it rains 😄.
Good morning Aladdin😄I think the taste is exactly what you imagine. It was too delicious to save 🤣The plants are growing and I'm in a hurry because I feel like I'm stepping on their toes 😅.
Hi Lutertemi 😀 Kangiku is one of my favorite brands and I wanted to try their leap year limited edition 🤣. This time I only had Eiko Fuji's leap year limited edition, but I would like to try various leap year limited editions in 4 years time 😀.
Hello Yasbay😄 I didn't know there was a leap year only sake. I didn't know that there was a sake only available in leap years. I was lucky to get the Kangiku this time because of good timing. ✌️4 years later I want to be aware of it and try various things 🤨💪.
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One of the cherry blossom viewing spots I looked for to take my mother to see cherry blossoms, The cherry blossoms in the garden were in full bloom. It was lunch time, so the garden was empty, and we had the luxury of private time to view the cherry blossoms, much to my mother's delight 😌. I had wanted to drink this sake when the cherry blossoms bloomed. I was finally able to get it this year 😆. 100% Omachi 13% alcohol by volume Fresh and shwashy. Light on the palate with a rummy aroma. But it has a firm sweetness and umami flavor. It has a good balance with acidity. I was so excited!
Hi Lutemi 🐦. You've been kyun❤️ kyun❤️ 😆💕Spring is truly a delicious drink 🌸 Cherry blossoms🌸 are in full bloom! You and your mother had a wonderful hanami 😊.
Hi Pon-chan 🌸 I was so happy when I found it because I always wanted to drink after reading Pon-chan's review 😆 I promised my mother that I would go with her again next year. I promised my mother under the cherry tree that we would go together again next year. ☺️
Good evening, Rutemi. I was curious about Kogawa-ji Temple and looked it up. It is a beautiful temple for both cherry blossoms and autumn leaves. Hana kyun is also a perfect taste for the cherry blossom season💕Please enjoy cherry blossom viewing with your mother next year and have a hana kyun ❤️ kyun ❤️ 😊.
Good evening, Hirupeko! The rows of cherry blossom trees before arriving at Hirokawa-dera temple were beautiful too. ☺️ It's a hole in the ground. I am happy to finally be able to drink Hana-kun. Yes, I will go to see cherry blossoms with my mother again next year 😉.