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Transparent with a slight yellowish tinge. The aroma is reminiscent of lactic acid beverages. The aroma is weak. The mouthfeel is sweet and sour. Slightly fruity overtones. Medium aftertaste. Mellow sake.
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Almost colorless and transparent. Aroma of rice derived from raw materials. The aroma is weak. Smooth mouthfeel. Mild astringency. Short aftertaste. Refreshing sake.
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Transparent with a slight yellowish tinge. The aroma is of raw materials reminiscent of rice flour. The aroma is weak. Smooth mouthfeel. Refreshing sweetness. Soft acidity and bitterness. The sharp and short aftertaste. Refreshing sake.
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When I saw the label, I thought, "Oh, it's Hanamou from Akita," but it is "Hanamou". It is a sake from Nara. It is said to be yeast-free, but I couldn't quite understand why, so I started drinking it right away. The initial aroma is a little peculiar. It is characterized by its light brown color. It is a mature sake. It tastes like a deepened Shaoxing wine. It is said to be BY2021. It seems to go well with well-seasoned dishes. Thank you very much.
Ryu播州山田錦 水色ラベル純米吟醸
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It is a junmai ginjo, but the rice polishing ratio is 50%, so it is close to a junmai daiginjo. The top aroma is very faint. However, when you take a sip, you can feel the robust flavor of the rice straight away. In the mouth, the flavor is stable and does not change much. The aroma of rice is stronger than the fruity flavor. Thank you for the sake.
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This was after we had the Oroku 3-drink comparison at the 1st anniversary of Yamanaka Sake Shop Eki Marche Osaka at Osaka Station. Shinsei time! This time, we were served our first Suiboku (ash)! I had never had a chance to try it before, but I finally did 😂. And it was served open-mouthed! Kame-no-o used to be a sake rice comparable to Omachi, but it disappeared after its cultivation was discontinued for a while. The brewery Kusumi Shuzo in Niigata Prefecture revived it, and later it was featured as the model for "Natsuko's Sake" and became well known, leading to its revival. Kame-no-o is made from 100% Kame-no-o rice, polished to 45% and brewed in a wooden vat. The appearance is warm crystal. The aroma is bitter sweet and sour with a hint of grapefruit, with an added touch of wooden vat. The taste is sweet white grape flesh with freshness and a slight bitterness of the skin, completely like a white wine or sherry. I've never tasted a sake that fit the tasting notes on the back label as well as this one did 😳. Blind, you might not even be able to tell it's really sake. It's as clear as can be, so the flavor isn't strong, but it was very good 😋. Thanks for the treat 🥰.
Oroku純米大吟醸 舟掛35 無濾過生原酒純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過槽しぼり
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The third and last of the three Oroku sake from the Oroku Sake Brewery in Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture, on the first anniversary menu at the Yamanaka Sake Shop Eki Marché Osaka in Osaka Station🍶. This is Ohroku Junmai Daiginjo Funakake 35 Unfiltered Nama-shu. This is one of the finest bottles of Oroku. It is brewed with locally grown Yamadanishiki from Shimane, polished to a 35% rice polishing ratio, and aged for about 6 years from H29BY. The appearance is crystal with a sense of amber, giving the impression of maturity. The aroma also has a refreshing iodine aroma with a sense of maturity. In addition to the robust aroma typical of orthodox sake, there are nuances of koji aroma accompanied by sourness. The texture is very smooth. The texture is very smooth, with a freshness that does not make you feel that it is an aged sake, yet it is accompanied by a hint of rounded acidity that is not unpleasantly stimulating, and from the umami that gives a sense of thickness, a soft sourness drifts in, and when you think you have tasted a round sweetness for a while, it disappears with a whiff of acidity. The sweet iodine aroma is also present in the overtone. It has the softness of an aged sake, but at the same time it has a freshness that is not typical of an aged sake, which is a strange feeling. When it rolls on the tongue, it is interesting to see how it changes from a stimulating acidic flavor to a refreshing umami flavor. Thank you very much for the sake.
Oroku純米大吟醸 限定50直汲み 無濾過生原酒純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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The second of three Oroku sake wines from the Oroku Sake Brewery in Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture, on the first anniversary menu of the Yamanaka Sake Shop Eki Marché Osaka at Osaka Station🍶. This is Ohroku Junmai Daiginjyo 50 (Gomaru) straight pumping unfiltered raw sake. This is also the rarest sake from ⭐︎5 and is limited to 150 bottles. The appearance is crystal with a yellowish tinge. The aroma was initially only a refreshing alcohol volatility, but as the temperature rose and cooled down to about 15°C (59°F), a fruity aroma like white grapes began to waft through the air. In the mouth, juicy and fruity acidity spread from the extremely smooth texture, accompanied by an equally juicy sweetness, and from there, the crisp stimulation of acidity crept up the back of the throat. The hint of koji aroma is refreshingly sour. As the temperature rises a little, the sharpness of the sourness fades away, and the sourness disappears in a flash. I recommend drinking this sake at a higher temperature range to get a softer aroma and taste! The characteristic acidity balanced with a fine sweetness and umami flavor makes this sake quite delicious 😄. Thank you very much for the sake! Let's go for the last three items!
Oroku超王祿 純米 中取り純米生酒中取り無濾過
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It's been a while since I posted this 🍶. The 1st Anniversary of Yamanaka Sake Shop Eki Marché Osaka in Osaka Station: ㊗️ Here is the commemorative menu, 3 kinds of Oroku from Oroku Sake Brewery in Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture. The brewery is very particular about quality control and sales methods, and only distributes its sake to stores that have their own refrigerators. We would not drink it willingly without such an opportunity, so we had it this time as a celebration 🍶. We started with the Cho-Oroku Nakadori. The same sake is classified by rarity from ⭐︎1 to 5, and this one is the highest rarity ⭐︎5 because it is a Nakadori. This is a limited edition with only 120 bottles shipped. It was brewed in R1BY, so it has been aged for about 4 years! The appearance is crystalline with an aged, mountain yellow color. It has a pleasant muscat ginjo aroma with a hint of koji aroma. From the smooth texture, a pleasant acidity spreads with a delicious flavor, as if the skin of a white grape had been eaten, then disappears leaving a light sweetness and a slight bitterness. The acidity lingers on the palate for a medium length. When you roll it over, the acidity and umami are refreshing, and you can also enjoy the stimulation of the acidity on the nose. It tastes like a full-bodied white wine. Thank you for the meal 🍶. Let's go next time!
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It is colors-earth-San-do (earth) 2022 from Shinmasa Sake Brewery in Akita Prefecture (Akita City). Colors is a fire-brewed series with different sake rice. Earth uses Rikuu 132 as the sake rice. Rikuu 132 is the first paddy rice variety created by artificial crossbreeding! It was created in 1921 by crossing Rikuu No. 20 with Kame-no-o No. 4 and is the ancestor of Koshihikari and Sasanishiki! This sake is made from Rikuu 132 polished to 55-60% and brewed in a wooden vat. The appearance is clear crystal. The aroma is rich with the aroma of wooden vats, and when swirled, it also has the aroma of fresh fruit and blue melon. On the palate, there is a pleasant gasiness that makes you feel a chilli, followed by a juicy yet refreshing and refreshing sweetness, with an accompanying acidity and umami. The juicy sweetness gradually fades away, leaving a medium aftertaste. The finish is medium, leaving a firm astringent taste. When you roll it around on your tongue, you can taste the full flavor and gentle sweetness. As you drink more and more, you can also taste the acidity in the back of the mouth. It has been a long time since I have had this wine, but I felt it was the best ever among the Colors. I heard it is even better when aged, so I hope to see it again. Thank you very much for your kindness 🍶.
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This is Senkou Kabutomushi 2023 from Senkin-san in Tochigi Prefecture (Sakura City). Since it first came out, it has been gaining popularity on Instagram and other social media as a "summer tradition" and "lemon squash for adults," and we have seen numerous reports of its capture (and purchase). Brewed by Senkin-san, a domaine through and through, from 100% local Yamada-Nishiki, this is a summer sake with a light, sharp malic acidity that creates a refreshing sensation. I had never had it before, so I tried it at the corner bar! The appearance is warm crystal. The aroma has a strong sake-like alcohol aroma with a stimulating nuance of refreshing acidity. When I drank it, the sweetness first came for a moment, then the stimulating citrus acidity spread quickly and disappeared along with the light sweetness and umami. Is this an adult lemon squash taste? I see 🍋. Even when you roll it and mix it with air, the sensation of the sourness escaping is stimulating. Even after a few more sips, the stimulation of the sourness is still there, leaving a slight astringent taste on the tongue. This is a summer sake on the high road, refreshing with its low alcohol content and the fresh stimulation of malic acidity. I can see why it has so many fans. Thank you for the drink 🍶.
Aramasacolors コスモス2020 別誂直汲純米生酛原酒
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This is Shinmasa Cosmos Betsuatsurae straight from Shinmasa Shuzo. This is a "betsuatsurae" brewed with old rice. The old rice absorbs the aroma of the wooden vat to give it depth, and then it is brewed directly from the rice to get the best of it without letting it air dry. It is brewed in July of R3 from improved Shinkou rice harvested in R2, and after further storage and aging, it is bottled and shipped in March of R5. The bottle was said to be rich in gas when opened, but no gas was felt over time. The appearance is crystal clear. The nose is very delicate and gentle, starting with the aroma of wooden vats, with a mixture of vegetal nuances and sweetness. The texture is smooth, with a hint of sweetness, followed by a quick burst of acidity, which then smoothly dissipated. It has a honey-like sweetness and gentle acidity, and is generally more transparent than regular Cosmos. The aftertaste is medium with a bitter aftertaste. When rolled over, it has a soft acidity, but as the cup is tasted, the refreshing mead-like sweetness is enhanced. This is a clear, high-quality brew with a sense of transparency that shows the brewery's ingenuity. It seems that the brewing of R2 was difficult due to the quality of the rice, and I think they went through a lot of trouble. Thank you very much for your kindness.
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Izumihashi Summer Yago Blue from the Izumihashi Sake Brewery in Ebina City, Kanagawa Prefecture. The name of Izumihashi Shuzo is a dragonfly label, but the summer sake is a dragonfly before it becomes a dragonfly! The blue Yago label is cool and nice. The Izumihashi Brewery emphasizes terroir. The rice used for the sake is 100% locally grown Yamadanishiki, polished to 65%, with a high alcohol content of 18%, which makes it suitable for summer on the rocks. The appearance is crystal with a hint of yellow. The aroma is very mild, with a refreshing alcohol and sweet and sour aroma from the koji aroma typical of sake. The mouthfeel is smooth like water, but the first attack is a rather grueling acidity with a dryness that is typical of sake, and I was surprised at the gap between the gentle aroma and the acidity. When you taste it carefully and calmly, you can feel a beautiful sweetness behind the dryness and acidity. The lingering acidity is rather firm. When you roll it over, the acidity becomes milder, and the fresh aroma spreads to the overtone, which is combined with the umami of the rice and gives it a nice feeling. Overall, it has a refreshing taste with a sourness suitable for summer. The acidity is strong, and I personally prefer it when it is rolled and exposed to air. It seems to go well on the rocks 🧊. Thanks for the treat 🍶.