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米屋 蔵バル 梅田店

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Hatomasamune Check-in 1
Hatomasamune Check-in 2Hatomasamune Check-in 3
米屋 蔵バル 梅田店
Kansai Sake-no-wa: Off-line meeting with Mr. Gura coming to Osaka I had not had a chance to drink Hato Masamune since I drank the zodiac label, but now I feel like I will get angry if I don't drink it now. It's mild but rather gorgeous, beautiful and delicious. I was impressed that the topic of soccer in Kyushu came up. We don't talk about soccer, and being in the Kansai region, Avispa, Vfarren, and Giravanz don't usually come up in conversation. The third one, AI recommends only minor Tochigi sake 🤣 I have never seen Juichi-Masamune. I've never seen Juichi-Masamune 🤣.
This is a label I've never seen before 😆🍶. I'll have to make a tour of the liquor stores 😋🍶.
Good evening, chika 😃. I have never seen this label before myself!
Good evening, bouken 😃. Sake no Wa AI is demanding more Tochigi love 🥰 from you, bouken 😆 please take care of me 🤗.
Good evening, bouken! I didn't get a chance to visit because of all the things I wanted to drink 💦. Your love for Tochigi is amazing 😆💕.
Good evening Jay & Nobby😃. AI hurdles are coming up 🤣I will do my best to live up to AI's expectations 🤣Tochigi love ♥
Good evening, Ponchan 😃 I had marked Hato Masamune from the moment the 2nd party started and the menu opened 😁 there was also packaged sake but I couldn't drink it and I can't drink that much even if it's all you can drink 😅.
来楽 Check-in 1
来楽 Check-in 2来楽 Check-in 3
米屋 蔵バル 梅田店
Off-line meeting with Mr. Gura coming to Osaka Around this time, Yoohee-san joined us and all 7 of us got together? It's quite hearty and tasty with a strong flavor. Maybe you like it? Sake from Akashi City, Hyogo Prefecture. There seems to be only a very small number of special distributors in Osaka, so I could tell which liquor store in Hyogo they get their sake from by looking at the sake I've ordered so far and the sake on the menu. It turned out that I was right about the sake I ordered later on😇. I'm drinking Souzora between Wakanami and Rairaku, but I've had it a few times in the past so I'll leave it out. It's always consistently tasty 😊.
Rafa papa
Hello bouken😃 It's amazing how you can tell the liquor store that stocks the sake by the lineup they have 🤣Rairaku is such a rare sake 😊I've never had it before 😋.
Good evening, bouken 🌙 It's a quintessence to know the liquor store 😆👍✨I was happy to see that I had only seen Rairaku and Akashi 😊💕.
Good evening Rafa 😃 I was wondering if this was Rairaku 🤣. I've never seen rairaku in Osaka except at a liquor store I went to on a liquor store tour that was like an office without a fridge 🤔.
Good evening, Pon-chan. There are quite a few stores in Hyogo Prefecture that carry it, but once you cross the border, you won't see it anymore 💦.
Wakanami Check-in 1Wakanami Check-in 2
Wakanami Check-in 3Wakanami Check-in 4
米屋 蔵バル 梅田店
Kansai Sake-no-wa: Off-line meeting with Mr. Gura coming to Osaka I couldn't get a good picture of this sake label 😅I couldn't get a good picture of my own and Pon-chan's 😭 I managed to correct it with the help of Dr. Google and see if I could recognize the name "Wakanami" 😏. I'm not sure if you can tell it's Wakanami. It's a Junmai spec, but it's quite fruity with an apple flavor. It's not flashy, but it has a gentle sweetness and is delicious. The third picture: appetizers. It looks like the kind of food that is served around the welcome drink at a wedding reception, but it was steamed egg custard 🤣. The 4th picture: Assorted smoked fish. Smoke was coming out from under the plate and it was smoky all the time 💭.
Good evening, bouken 🐌. Wakanami, it was so dark that I couldn't see anything I took 😭🙏. The smoked platter was delicious! It smelled so good 👍.
Good evening, Ponchan. The one I took was almost completely dark and I managed to compensate for it 💦The image quality was not good enough 🙄. I think the smoked fish tasted the best after all 🤣.
Hello bouken 😃 I thought you were daring to upload artistic 🎨 photos in the style of T-Kaji 😊. Your otsumami looks delicious too!
Good evening Jay & Nobby 😃. I hope this photo turned out to be a good one, even if it was a coincidence 🤣. It was delicious and well seasoned to match the sake 😋.
Jikon Check-in 1Jikon Check-in 2
Jikon Check-in 3Jikon Check-in 4
米屋 蔵バル 梅田店
Kansai Sake-no-wa: Off-line meeting with Mr. Gura coming to Osaka After Kurehaaru, the opposite quality of sake? The next is Jikin, which is the opposite of Kurehaaru! The menu list said it was unfiltered raw, but it was fire-aged 😅. I thought I've had it before, but this was the first time I've had a special pure fire-brewed. It's fresh and has just the right amount of sweetness and deliciousness as always 😍. I was under the impression that Jikin's special junmai was made with Gohyakumangoku and Yamadanishiki, but the hi-ire version is made with Hachitanishiki and Yamadanishiki. I'm not sure, but maybe it's a different combination of rice for each BY? The third picture is a tansashi. It was the one I was most interested in when I saw it on Instagram. It's delicious, but I think it's more about the impact 😅. The 4th one is Rafa with the tuna that Nemuchi took a picture of and a double peace 😸.
Good evening bouken 😁. I remember that this sake is fire-brewed but so delicious that I emptied it right away by itself 😅I can feel how much fun it is to be offline 😆.
Good evening, bouken! Jikin, that was delicious! I drank this orthodox one for the first time too 😁 I wish I could drink it anytime 🥹. This Rafa is psycho 🤣.
Rafa papa
Good morning bouken 😃 Jikin Toku Jun Hi-ire is delicious 😋The next day I found the same one on sale at Kadoya Sake Shop so I'm drinking a bottle at home🤣I wonder when they took this picture 🙄... 🙄...
Good evening Luteltemi 😃. I see you've had this 😊This was delicious 😋You can tell how much fun I had in this picture 😁This is the only picture of a person this time 🤣.
Good evening, Ponchan 😃. That was an orthodox but well tasty drink 😆. I wonder if I can have a drink anytime I come to this place 🤣. Your full face is the best 👍I can't see it because you're hiding it 🤣.
Good evening Rafa 😃. It's nice to be able to drink at the same house 🙄I need to save up my Kadoya points again💦Nemuchi-san was trying to take a picture of tuna and Rafa-san walked in 🤣.
Good evening, bouken 😃. I haven't had it for a while, but it's delicious 🤗I'm so happy to talk about it at offline meetings that I forget to take pictures 😅.
Good morning Jay & Nobby😃. It was my first time drinking fire-brewed sake and it was delicious 😋. I almost forgot to take pictures and write down my thoughts on the drinks I drank 😁.
Goshun Check-in 1Goshun Check-in 2
Goshun Check-in 3Goshun Check-in 4
米屋 蔵バル 梅田店
🎊Kansai Sake no Wa 🎊GRA san Visits Osaka Off-line Meeting🎊 After meeting up with Umaumauma-san, we finally went to the venue of the first meeting. At this point, there were 6 of us. All-you-can-drink for 90 minutes. The food was arranged to look good on SNS 😆. I borrowed this picture of the food from Umaumai-san. This time, since Kyuzo-san was not here, Rafa-san started the party with a kan cup (Pon-chan©) greeting 🥂. For the toast, Nemuchi-san asked for a bubbly drink, so we had Kaze no Mori Akitsuho 657! After the toast, we drank Kurehaaru. It's a Kansai sake, but it's only available in one bottle, so I chose it because I don't get a chance to drink it very often 😁. I thought it was an easy to drink sake with a classic feel but less peculiar than I expected. I think it is one of the easiest to drink among this kind of sake. If you serve me a four-pack, I'd be happy to keep it at home.
Rafa papa
Good morning bouken 😃 Thanks for the welcome offline meeting, Gula 😊that was fun 😆Wu Chun is a good drink that changes your impression after drinking it 😌I had a bad impression of it on my own before drinking it and now I know it is really tasty 😋.
Hi bouken, ☀️ Rafa's toast, your voice was beautiful 😆👍Kureshun, which can only be drunk on such occasions, is a great choice ✨I might buy a bottle in the winter 🙄.
Good evening Rafa 😃 Thanks for the offline meeting😊It went by so fast🥺. Chichi's post was also highly rated, so I can understand its strong popularity in Kansai 😁👍.
Good evening, Ponchan 😃. You had a beautiful voice like an announcer 🎤. We have a limited edition daiginjo in the winter time so please try it 🤗.
