SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
辛口が好きな親子です。 久保田 千寿、八海山 特別本醸造、 今錦 中川村のたま子、雅山流 如月、 お酒だけで知事賞受賞天寿が好きな母 八海山 特別本醸造、浦霞、船中八策好きの父 飲み分けしたい娘。 食中 月山(脂の乗った魚と)、鳥海山(薄味、チョコ)、手取川(濃い肴) 食後 高清水(林檎)、千寿 香り、舌触りは強すぎず マリアージュを楽しむのが好き。

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Sake Map

The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.
Tedorigawa Check-in 1
I want to drink it in the spring! I want to keep it at home. The mouthfeel is soft and the dark taste comes on the tongue. When you drink it, a fruity aroma like apples and pears rises up. At the end of drinking, it disappears like water. Of course you can enjoy it with soba. It is a dry sake that goes well with soba noodles, and also with strong-flavored snacks (sweet egg rolls, plum and shiso jellyfish, spicy hanpen, etc.). I like it. It may not be refreshing enough for those who like super dry taste.
Kinryo Check-in 1
It's thick! If you chill it well, it's thick and delicious. If you don't chill it enough, it's just like a round sake. It is not refreshing. It has a gorgeous taste with a hint of sweetness. The packet is cute, too, with its ukiyoe design. A gorgeous design that goes with the flavor! The taste, it's not a western style glamour. It has an ukiyo-e style glamour. If you want to enjoy this sake while feeling its original characteristics, if you want to feel its intensity, you should chill it properly! If you don't like it when you try it, don't chill it too much or it will be easier to drink.
Tanigawadake Check-in 1
When you bring your face very close, you can smell the aroma of Ginjo. It's not a very strong aroma, so even those who don't like mellow aromas can enjoy this Junmai Daiginjo. It is soft in the mouth. It does not have a harsh feeling. It is slightly mellow. When you finish it, you will feel the bitterness at the back of your tongue. If I were to describe it in terms of a person, it would be someone who is not in a hurry even if they see a rival, someone who always seems to be in a relaxed mood. It is delicious and not a type that I am not fond of, but I might not dare to buy it by myself.
Kubota Check-in 1
It has a graceful ginjo aroma, but it is not too strong. It is not too thin or too thick, and has a refined and moderate aroma. Mellow. Mellow and gentle. It gives the impression of being a sake that has been safely loved for a long time. Pair with a meal. But what will be the meal which makes the best use of this? It's not that it doesn't go with anything at all, but... It's just that I want to find the perfect food to go with it. I haven't found the right answer yet. P.S. When I drink it with pickled Chinese cabbage and tomatoes, the aftertaste is watery like Jyusui (previously reviewed). You can feel the bitterness on the tongue. It seems to be too subtle for something refreshing. With walnut little girls, it was good!
Yuki no Bosha純米吟醸
Yuki no Bosha Check-in 1
Delicious! One sip and it's a definite repeat. It's like apple juice, but in a good way. There is no volatile feeling of alcohol. It's clean and very crisp. The aroma of Ginjo is not too strong, but just right. Well balanced. It's delicious.
Tamajiman Check-in 1
The aroma and taste are clean and dry. It has a sweetness that is not persistent. The aftertaste is somehow mysterious, like black vinegar. I wonder if it has a richness. . There is a little peculiarity in this black vinegar-like taste.
十水 Check-in 1
Buttery aroma. It is already sweet in the mouth. Of course it is sweet when you drink it. It is a dry wine with a rather firm sweetness. but I think it is easy to match with food. At the end of drinking, it is like water.
Hidakami Check-in 1
The aroma is not too strong and easy to drink. When you drink it, it is sweet but dry. When it goes down your throat, you will feel it. A delicious sake that is easy to pair with Repeat. It is good with lightly flavored snacks (such as tofu) grilled duck seasoned only with salt, and and soba noodles. I'll add. Strong flavored snacks I feel bitter taste in the sake. I feel the bitterness in the sake.... It doesn't match. Please be careful.
箱根山 Check-in 1
It has a masu (a wooden box), so you can drink it, and the smell of wood is nice. If you want to drink it with a masu, you don't need to drink ginjo. It's not too spicy, but it's not too sweet either. It's an easy sake to drink while eating.
Suigei Check-in 1
Unlike another Drunken Whale (Special Junmai) that I drank before, it is quite fruity in the mouth. There is no impact on the palate, no bitterness, no volatile alcohol feeling, it is mellow and easy to drink. Although it is the same Drunken Whale Brewery, it is a different face. If you want to taste an easy drinking Ginjo that can also be enjoyed during meals, this is the one. The one that I would definitely drink again (as an aperitif) is the Tokubetsu Junmai. Postscript 2021.3.8 It's not very distinctive, for better or worse.
Takashimizu Check-in 1
The aroma is not strong but very gorgeous. You could say it is typical of Ginjo. Surprisingly fruity when you drink it! The aroma is of apples. The aftertaste goes away quickly, so it is good during meals. (Personally, I would like to drink it after dinner with some simple snacks.)
Hananomai超辛口 純米酒
Hananomai Check-in 1
Smell of smoke, like smoked salmon or smoked fish. When you drink it, the texture is refreshing. Bitterness and sweetness of rice. The bitterness and the sweetness of the rice. There is a little bit of alcohol, but it is not volatile. It is refreshing and easy to drink. You can drink as much as you like.
Kokuryu Check-in 1
How simple. But it's not like water. You can feel the sweetness well, like a dry taste. (Not too sweet. (It's not too sweet, and it's not classified as a dry sake just because it has a dry taste. It doesn't have a strong flavor, and I don't think there are many people who dislike it. It's good. The alcohol feeling is strong, and there is an impact of volatility. Postscript 2021.5.13 The habit of the flavor is not so strong. But the gorgeousness is strong. When it is combined with pickles, its gorgeousness stands out. When it is combined with walnut small girls, the gorgeousness recedes gently. Personally, I would like to enjoy it during a meal, so I would like to pair it with something that is not too light.
宮寒梅 Check-in 1
Miya no Kanbai Junmai Ginjo Shinshu, Raw Sake From the looks of it, this is a sake with ori. The raw sake makes your tongue tingle and squirm. The sweet fruity (Japanese pear type) aroma is gorgeous and firm. When you drink it, it has a strong sourness and a little bitterness. The strong bitterness stays at the bottom for a while, but after that, only the sweetness lingers mysteriously. You can taste the rich aroma and various tastes in one cup. It's delicious.
Suigei Check-in 1
It never has a strong aroma. It has a refined and slightly sweet aroma. It has an impact on the palate, which is typical of Kochi sake. The flavor, bitterness and volatile alcohol are instantaneous. The bitterness lingers in the mouth, on the tongue and in the throat. Although it is dry, it is not sharp and mild. The bitterness lingers in the mouth if you drink a lot, but it disappears after a while. It's like a big but very delicate man... Does anyone understand? Personally, I think this sake is too good for eating... I'd rather have it as an aperitif to savor its elegant aroma. The bottle is cute too. Postscript 2021.05.12 When I paired it with pickles, the drunken whale, gorgeous sweetness bothered me a little.
鳥海山 Check-in 1
Melon-like, gourd-like aroma. It's fruity, but it's like water! It is light. The taste recedes instantly with the end of the drink. Some people may think that it is too light and thin .... Some people may think it is too light. I'd like to pair it with lightly flavored fish. It goes very well with 70% chocolate. Sake version of chocolate bonbon (But I don't feel so strong sake feeling either) Junmai Daiginjo A gift. It was delicious!
Tenju Check-in 1
Tenju Shuzo's Tenju. Daiginjo Awarded the Governor's Prize at the Akita Prefecture Sake Competition in 2020. It is fruity but not too sweet, and has a good balance that makes you want to drink it again by itself. It is crisp and has little aftertaste. However, it is a Daiginjo. It has a sweet aroma and texture. Rather than enjoying it with food, drink it by itself. It is a gift. We enjoyed it very much! Postscript My mother likes Chokaisan and Kubota's Senju as everyday sake. My mother's favorite is also very good.