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Senkin静かの海 純米吟醸 原酒
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After drinking water and Ethica, I drank this one a while later. Due to the different structure, the Shizukana no Umi seems to be more juicy and easy to drink. The first impression is of a robust umami, and the bitter aftertaste is well-balanced, making me want to pair it more with meals. Sake is delicious after all.
Senkin水とエチカ 生酛 純米吟醸原 生原酒
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This sake is made from raw sake made from three different types of sake rice, and has a very strong umami flavor, but the acidity is very well balanced, giving it a clean and refreshing impression. The aroma was juicy and melon-like, and the slight bitterness at the end was a nice accent. Delicious...!
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Once a year, brewer Kuheiji's sake! This is the first time I have had a draft sake from Kunoshinin Kuheiji. The freshness of nama-shu is not prominent, but the fruity aroma makes it easy to drink, as if the entire bottle is softly wrapped around you. The tangy gasiness, mild acidity, and umami are very well balanced.
Gangi槽出あらばしり 純米無濾過生原酒
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Based on the fruity aroma that is typical of Arabashiri, you can enjoy the complex taste of the rice flavor and acidity around it. The first sip and the second sip seemed to have different impressions, which is typical of GANKI. The aftertaste is dry, so it would go very well with tuna sashimi.
Senkin立春朝搾り 純米吟醸生原酒
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I was able to reserve a bottle of Senkou from the Risshun Morning Pressing series. I was so excited just to be able to drink a freshly pressed bottle of Senkou! After the bottle was opened with a nice pop sound, I immediately enjoyed the fresh aroma and juicy flavor! With a hint of gas, I could feel a hint of spring even though it was still cold. The aftertaste is refreshing with a hint of acidity. I'd like to see cherry blossoms this year while drinking this kind of sake. I hope it will be a good year for you.
Tanakarokujugo糸島産山田錦純米 生
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I was finally able to buy a bottle of Tanaka Rokujugo, which was not available in Fukuoka. In the mouth, there is a juicy muscat aroma and a slight gassy feeling. The sourness with a hint of lactic acidity and a strong umami taste may be due to the 65% polishing ratio. The balance in the mouth is excellent, so it goes well with meals. It was delicious served with sashimi...!
Kozaemon純米吟醸 備前雄町生もと仕込生
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This is the first time in a long time that a sake has been made using a traditional yeast mash. The main flavors are the complex sourness and bitterness typical of the nascent yeast starter style, but the initial fruity aroma gives the sake a light, complex taste. It may seem a bit of a waste, but when I warmed it up lukewarm, the sweetness also came out, and the acidity mellowed. It was also delicious served lukewarm this time of year.
Rumikonosakeすっぴんるみ子の酒 9号酵母 伊勢錦(特別純米無濾過生原酒)
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I've been curious about it for a long time and finally bought some! I chose Supin Rumiko, made from Ise Nishiki and Kyokai No. 9. It is an unfiltered, unpasteurized sake, so the impact on the palate is amazing. It has a mellow aroma that reminds me of apples, followed by a firm sourness. Finally, a slight bitterness (astringency) is a nice accent. This is the first time I have ever tasted sake made with Ise Nishiki. It is even more delicious when you taste it while researching the history of sake rice.
Tenka純米吟醸 無濾過原酒 五百万石
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秋田県横手市のお酒です。 ラベルのイラスト通り、青りんごを感じさせるフルーティな香り、五百万石らしいスッキリとした後味です。一口飲むと口いっぱいに広がる旨味と酸味もピリッとするガス感のおかげで、さわやかなジューシーさが際立ちます。 秋田は美味しい日本酒が多いなぁ…!
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I bought this when I visited the Shiraito Shuzo brewery. It is a sake brewed only with Yamada Nishiki from Itoshima. I hope we can get a tour and tasting of the brewery soon! It has a refreshing green apple aroma, a moderate acidity, and a solid flavor that leaves no miscellaneous tastes. It is a solid sake that goes well with hot pots like Mizutaki. Delicious!
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After all, the New Year makes me want to drink Niigata sake. It's been a while since I've had Kubota, but it had a good balance of flavor, sweetness, and aroma, and it had a clean finish with a touch of Daiginjo. I was reminded that this is a delicious sake that I would like to drink on New Year's morning. It goes well with Japanese food.
Mansakunohana純米吟醸 義勇一心
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I was able to purchase the Ginga Collaboration at the Masuda Manga Museum. When I received it at Hinomaru Jozo, it didn't have a label, which is a bit strange, but it's a very tasty Junmai Ginjo Ichiban Hiire Genshu. It has a good balance of firm umami and aroma that goes well with meals. The acidity is a little milder due to the heat treatment, so I was able to slowly taste the sweetness of the sake. This is delicious...!
Mansakunohana純米吟醸 まんさくの花 槽しずく
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While it was snowing, we visited Hinomaru Brewery for a tour. It was my first time in Akita and it was so cold...! After the tour and tasting, I had a hard time deciding which one to buy, so I decided to go with the new Ichiban Shibori sake, which has a nice label design. It has a refreshing aroma that is typical of nama-shu, which I love. The rice flavor and sourness is strong, so it goes well with sweets. Of course, it also goes well with iburi-gakko and cheese. Definitely.
杉能舎和膳会釈 純吟生搾り
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We visited a sake brewery and had a tasting. I had a hard time choosing one because they were all delicious... Among them, I chose Wazen Kaiseki because of its fruity aroma. The aroma reminded me of pineapple, and the flavor and acidity of the rice was well balanced and went well with the white sashimi.
Ryusei冷やおろし -八反35号- 特別純米
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This is a hiyaoroshi made with Hachitan 35 from Hiroshima Prefecture. It has a good balance of acidity and a clean aroma, so I enjoyed it.
Hououbiden純米吟醸 五百万石 ひやおろし
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This sake made me think again about the cold wholesomeness of sake. It has a gorgeous but calm aroma reminiscent of Muscat, and you can taste the mature flavor and acidity all together. Drinking it with tsukimi-dango (moon viewing dumplings) during the beautiful mid-autumn moon made me feel the autumn slowly.
Shichida七割五分磨き 愛山 ひやおろし
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The aroma of lychee like fruit was gorgeous. It is very tasty because you can taste the acidity along with the matured flavor. It's interesting that they dare not polish the rice so that you can taste the flavor and sweetness of the rice. This is the first time I drank Shichida's 70-50 series, and I wish I had bought it sooner... It goes well with meals that have a robust flavor. The sushi went well with fatty foods and fried oysters.
Kagatobi純米吟醸 冷やおろし
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This is the second bottle of Hiyaoroshi this year. You can taste the flavor that has matured over the hot summer. The acidity is just right, and the mild aroma and sense of unity make this sake a Hiyaoroshi. It is more of a dry sake, but I think this is just right to taste the fullness. I wish I'd had some of the new sake! It went well with Chinese porridge with chicken and ginger. It's also good with cheese.
Kitaya特別純米酒 蒼田 山廃仕込
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In addition to the fruity aroma, you can taste the thick acidity and umami at the same time, so you will want to pair it with a well-seasoned meal. It has the characteristics of sake made by Yamahai brewing, but thanks to the fruity aroma, it doesn't feel that heavy. Rather, the sense of unity between the aroma and the flavor is amazing. It is very delicious.
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Niigata's light and dry sake is still delicious. You can taste the flavor and crisp dryness that comes from aging the rice in Niigata. I drank it chilled, but I've heard that it's best to warm it up, so I think I'll try it warm next time. It went well with bonito tataki. Of course it is also good with white sashimi.