SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
主に地元周辺のお酒を呑んでいます🌾 日本酒にハマったきっかけは最初は新潟のふなぐち菊水一番しぼりから🍶 そして居酒屋で初めて朝日鷹を飲んでからは全国の日本酒を飲み比べる日々😙 一人旅も大好きなので、最近は自分好みの日本酒を探す旅に出たりしています👜 基本的に購入した日本酒だけ上げています☝️ 目指せ全国制覇! 2023年6月15日200チェックイン達成🎉

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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


Shinshu Kirei夏の純米吟醸純米吟醸
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Purchased from a liquor store's online store Summer Junmai Ginjo from Shinshu Kamerei, here we go again this year: ☀️ This is one of the sake that I personally feel is the most popular sake in summer! I was wondering if I could buy it this year when I happened to find it in a liquor store's online store 💡. Thank goodness 😋. I immediately opened the bottle 🍶 and it was delicious😊. Junmai Ginjo Hitogokochi is quite crisp and sweet fruity, but it has a more crisp and clear sweet-umami ☺️ sweetness that is more moderate than Jungin? 🤔It's so good 😋. I thought it was low alcohol, but it was 15 degrees, the same as Junmai Ginjo Hitogokochi. I also checked last summer's Jungin check-in and found that last year's was also 15 degrees and the year before was 14 degrees, which I assumed was low, but it wasn't. And yet it seems very easy to drink... While this is one of those bottles that makes me feel summer, it also made me wish this heat would end soon. ☀️ Thanks for the treat...
Hi, chilled tomato 😃. I think it's luck to meet a sake shop and Shinshu Kamerei 😅It's great that you've caught that luck every year 👍. I'd like to try Summer Jungin ‼️ next year 🤗.
Good evening Jay & Nobby! I was wondering if this was the year to get it, so I really can't thank you enough for the encounter😅. But I also hope that the day will come when I can buy it without any luck... Next year I'll definitely try to get it ‼️
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Buy from our online store I have been wanting to drink Collage for a long time and I bought it. The best way to get the best price is to buy the best quality products. I am very happy with the quality and the price. Opened the bottle right away 🍶This is delicious 😊. It has a fruity taste on the palate, but I imagine it to be crisp and fruity 🤔. It has a dry taste, so you can drink it by itself or as a food sake, it is a well-balanced taste. delicious ‼️ I have an image that Yamada Nishiki will turn into something better if you let it sit for a while after opening the bottle, so I'll keep it for a while to see how it turns out 🔑. Thank you for the drink!
Shinshu Kirei山惠錦純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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I forgot where I bought it. I lost track of when to open the bottle and opened it in full 🍶. This year I went to Nagano to buy a bottle of Ippon and bought it, and a bottle of Yongo...? I can't remember, but I'll be thankful for it 😋. The freshly opened Shinshu Kamerei Yamae Nishiki is personally the best 🎯. Since we are here, we compared it with the Mari label of the same Yamae Nishiki! Opened the bottle immediately 🍶This is delicious 😊. Fresh, fruity, sweet umami in the mouth The rich fruity taste and clean sharpness is so delicious ☺️ this is still the best! Compared to the Mari label, the atmosphere is very similar, but the aftertaste is a little sharper? I think the aftertaste is a little sharper 🤔. Both have the same strength, but the Jungin has 55% milled rice and the Mari label has 50% and it's made from Yamae Nishiki from Ueda city! It may depend on when you open the bottle, but both are definitely among my personal favorites! Thank you for the treat!
Good evening, chilled tomatoes! I see that you compared Yamae Nishiki and Mari Label: ❣️ The Yamae Nishiki from last year is still hibernating in my Lemacom, but I drank the Mari label first and enjoyed it so much 😍 I was curious about the difference in taste 🤔. I was curious to see the difference in taste 🤔
Good evening, Tsubu-chan! Both Yamae Nishiki and Mari label are very tasty, but if I had to say, I personally preferred the Mari label 😋 a bit mellower? 🤔 I envy you having an environment where you can hibernate them ☺️
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Yamagata Purchased at a liquor store I went to Yamagata on an errand and chose this Haruka (☘️) after asking for a recommendation at a sake shop. This was my first sake from the Kuribayashi Sake Brewery. I was interested in this one the most from the description, so I bought it 💰. I immediately opened the bottle 🍶 and it tasted delicious😊. It has a rich sweetness and a refreshing sharpness. It's not overly sour for a summer-only sake, but it has a mildly slightly acidic and umami harmony that is very tasty 😋It says it's a food sake, but you can drink it on its own too! I bought it for the first time and this is quite my favorite taste: ☺️ This is why I can't stop drinking sake🤗 Thanks for the treat 🤗. Somehow the 4th picture was taken with the stuffed Nagamo that I picked up today 📷
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Purchased at Niigata Sake Shop Purchased during a drive in Niigata💰. I was actually going to buy Hana Yuu, but then I thought I had never had Suitama, so I bought this one 🍶. Junmai Ginjo for now! Opened the bottle right away 🍶This is delicious 😊. It has a similar fruity flavor to Hana Yuu and is very tasty 😋. Is Suidama a little less aromatic? I haven't had Hanayuup for a while so I want to compare 🤔. I really like the smooth flavor that fits the name Suiyu perfectly: ☺️ Thank you very much for your visit...
Good evening, chilled tomatoes. Suidama, the name fits perfectly 😊. I drank this Jungin for the first time a few years ago and was hooked ✨. Driving is nice too 🚙.
Good evening, ma-ki-! The beautiful bottle and the atmosphere of the flavor fits the name perfectly! I was addicted to Hana Oup myself, and I think I'm going to be addicted to Suiyu too ☺️
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Purchased from Hiroki Shuzo Honten, Fukushima Summer is in full swing these days and it's hot 🥵. I wanted something crisp and dry to drink once in a while because of the heat, so I drove to Fukushima 🚙 to buy this one. Thank goodness I can buy it at a sake brewery 🙇. It's relatively easy to find, inexpensive, and tasty... three of my personal favorites from Fukushima 🍶. I immediately opened the bottle 🍶 and it tastes great 😊. It has a crisp mouthfeel and a good acidity 😋. It has a moderate sweetness and sharpness, so it can be served by itself, but the umami is not too assertive, so it can be paired with a variety of dishes 🤔I personally would like to pair it with a seafood hot pot 🫕. Thank you very much for the food 😦.
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Purchased from Niigata LAGOON BREWERY I had been curious about this beer while driving in Niigata and this is my first purchase 💰 After hearing a lot about it, I chose this one: 💁‍♂️ Opened the bottle right away 🍶This is delicious😊. The taste is a rich dobrok, but the aroma and flavor has a fresh herbal? Wood? I can smell the aroma and flavor of 🤔. I wonder if this is what you mean by the flavor of chromojis? The taste is rich but the flavor is refreshing and the slight fizziness fits very well😊The grains are the largest I've ever had in a doburoku and I got the impression they are very satisfying 🤔. A type of doburoku I've never had before 🍶. Very tasty! Thanks for the treat...
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Purchased from Niigata Abe Sake Brewery I bought it along with Kura Cola when I went to Abe Shuzo to drink Kura Cola 💰I personally recommend Kura Chai as well! I've only ever had VEGA from Abe Shuzo's Star Series, so I thought they were all sparkling, but they're not at all 🤔. I was wondering about the summer sake, but I was told that this one is more crisp and refreshing 💁. Opened the bottle right away 🍶It's delicious😊. The sourness and sweetness like le le leche with a crisp finish 🤗And yet the alcohol content is low at 12% so you don't get tired of drinking it☺️It's great for both starting and reloading‼️ Thank you for the drink!
Shinshu Kirei山惠錦 真里ラベル純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Nagano Purchased from Okazaki Sake Brewery Expedition to Nagano to buy this one: ✈️ This year is the year of the rabbit, so a rabbit is carrying the shell! The label is as beautiful and cute as last year's label🏷 and I look forward to it every year♪ Today I finished my medical checkup, so I opened a special bottle that I had been hesitant to open 💁. Opened the bottle immediately 🍶This is delicious😊. The moment it enters the mouth, it has a rich fruity taste and a rich yet beautiful sharpness that makes it extremely delicious 😋. I guess Shinshu Kamerei's Yamae Nishiki is the best... I also love Junmai Ginjyo Yamae Nishiki, is there any difference? I'll try to compare them next time 🤔. I love it, it's one of the best of Shinshu Kamerei! I will definitely buy it again next year! Thanks for the treat♪
Chilled tomatoes, also here â Mari label is delicious 💕! I find Shinshu Kamerei tastes best on the second day, and this one had that taste from the moment the bottle was opened 😋 We're going to buy it again next year 😄♪
Good evening, Tsubu-chan! I have a feeling this will be the most delicious sake of the year for me personally... It's hard to go to Okazaki Sake Brewery, but it's something I look forward to every year 🤗.
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Yamagata Purchased from LaJomon First expedition to Yamagata in a long time: ✈️ The purpose of this trip was to drink & buy Sake 💰. Among them, here is the one I wanted to buy the most 💁. PB sake from LaJomon in Yamagata City 🍶. Opened the bottle right away 🍶This is delicious! 😊 Very tasty with a balance of clean and crisp with a muscat-like cleanness! The juicy feeling of the acidity and then the clean crispness is very good! 🤗 I've always wanted to drink this kind of sake in this hot gloomy season! It was a sake that I felt quite particular about the label and the guide. ☺️ Thanks for the treat!
Good evening, chilled tomatoes! I see you went to LaJomon and bought some ❣️ Danna bought a bottle of Hi-ire and Nama-shu because it is delicious to shout to the earth❣️ I am really looking forward to drinking it😊I wish I could go to Yamagata 😄.
Good evening, Tsubu-chan! If you want to buy sake in Yamagata City, LaJomon is the place to go 🤔. I see you were able to purchase both hi-ire and nama-shu! Please try to compare them 😊.
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Yamagata Purchased at a liquor store Purchased during an expedition to Yamagata I've had Akabu many times but never bought it before 💰I'm new to it 🙏I chose this one to drink after getting a little drunk 🤔. I chose this one as a sake to drink after getting a little drunk 💁I had the impression that the aftertaste was clean and not too assertive 🤔. I immediately opened the bottle 🍶It tastes great😊. The aroma is modest, but the aftertaste is clean and sharp with a strong rice flavor 😋.... It's not too assertive and goes very well with snacks 😊. Today I had it with fried tofu from Tochio! Thank you very much for the food!
Kawanakajima Genbu幻舞 雄町純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Nagano Purchased at a liquor store Purchased during an expedition to Nagano I think Genmai is getting harder to find, but I saw it at a liquor store and bought it 💰. I've had most of the Genmai, but this time I chose the Omachi because it was the coolest 💁‍♂️1 Opened the bottle right away 🍶This is delicious😊. Light fruity taste 🤔. It has a deep umami and a clean aftertaste that is very tasty 😋. A little less sour? I really like sake with this kind of flavor. Thank you very much for your kindness.
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Purchased from Niigata DHC Brewery I visited the brewery on my recent vacation and bought some 💰. It's my new favorite place for a cheap and relaxing sake tasting with a wide variety of sake 😊. Among them, Kayama is the one that made me discover DHC Brewery personally, so I have a special attachment to it. I immediately opened the bottle 🍶 and it tasted great😊. The taste is fruity and acidic, which is a bit unusual for Niigata sake, easy to drink and gentle. Price - availability - taste - well balanced and just right for everyday drinking! I will be back for more 🤗 Thank you very much for your service.
Omon純米 旨口純米
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Purchased at Niigata Omon Shuzo (Gokairibishi)? I had some business in Shinobita City, and while I was strolling around in front of the station, I decided to pay a visit. I won a bottle of sake from the sake gacha (sake gacha) and it was this one 🍶. Thank you very much for the sake! This is my first time checking in 🙏. I immediately opened the bottle 🍶 and it's delicious 😊. Slightly tasty, but the flavor on the nose is very nostalgic 😊. It reminds me of the taste of Oumon when it comes to shrine sake 🥲. It reminds me of a shrine near my parents' house. But compared to that time, it is very mellow and much easier to drink, but the aftertaste brings back so many old memories. A bottle that made me feel the origin of my sake 🤗. Thank you very much for your kindness.
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Nagano Purchased at a liquor store While on an expedition to Nagano, I visited my favorite liquor store, a brewery I have admired for a long time, and after listening to their enthusiastic explanation, I purchased this sake. This is absolutely delicious... I immediately opened the bottle 🍶 and it tastes great 😊. It is easy to drink and has a very clear taste 🤔. But the aftertaste has a mild sweetness and a slight sourness that finishes nicely and is very tasty 😋. It's not too assertive, which makes it a good choice as a food sake! It's a different type of sake from what I usually drink, but I really like this one 🤗. After about a week of drinking the bottle, the acidity has settled down and it is also delicious 😋. Thank you very much for the treat!
Shinshu Kirei純米吟醸 ひとごこち純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Buy at the liquor store's online store This is my 200th commemorative check-in ✅🎉. But then I miscounted... the last one was the 200th bottle. But I opened a special bottle to commemorate the occasion 🍶This is delicious😊. The memorable first bottle that got me hooked on Shinshu Kamerei. I had already had a bottle this year, but I bought another bottle to replace it, and opened it to my heart's content! The balance of freshness and sweetness of the mouthfeel is as delicious as ever 😋. Among the Shinshu Kamerei, Hitogokochi has the strongest freshness and fruity sweetness, so you can drink as much as you want 😊It's really good 🍽. Thank you very much! The 200th bottle to commemorate the occasion (just in case)! There are still many brands I haven't tried yet and I'm looking forward to a life of sake 🍶 Please keep up the good work 🤲.
Chilled Tomato Good evening(^o^)Congratulations on your 200th bottle check-in(^o^)Hitogokochi of Kamerei as a commemorative sake! It's delicious, isn't it😊I also like Hitogokochi the best among Kamerei's sake!
Congratulations on your 200 check-ins, chilled tomatoes㊗️🎉🎊201 to be exact🤭. Shinshu Kamerei is delicious💕Hitogokochi is my favorite too😊💕. Let's continue to enjoy encountering delicious sake 🤗
Good evening, chilled tomatoes 🌃😀😀 Congratulations on your 200th check-in! Congratulations on your 200th check in 🎉🎉🎉Congratulations on your 200th check in 🎉🎉🎉You are a good number in Shinshu Kamerei 😚👍Let's drink more and more delicious sake 🥳.
Hello chilled tomatoes😃 Congratulations on your 200 check-ins 🍅🍅🎉! Our first Shinshu Kamerei was Hitogokochi too ❗️ it's really delicious 😊.
Good evening, chilled tomatoes! 😄 Congratulations on your 200th check-in 🎉㊗️ Shinshu Kamerei is really delicious and has become hard to find at once. Please continue to drink up while exploring new places 😆👍.
Good evening, Mr. Sashiu! Congratulations! Hitogokochi is one of my favorite sake from Shinshu Kamerei, and it's also my starting point, so it's an appropriate bottle to commemorate the occasion. ☺️ I must say, it's a real treat!
Good evening, Tsubu-chan! Congratulations 🙇. It is now 201 check-in! All Shinshu Kamerei is delicious, but the joy of finding a new brand that you like is also very exciting 😊. Have a good sake life with each other! 🍶
Good evening Maechen-san! Good evening 🙇. Personally, I still want to open a bottle of Shinshu Kamerei for special occasions 😊. But I'm excited that there will be many more sake that I haven't found yet♪
Good evening Jay & Nobby! Congratulations! I'm with you that this is the first time I've had Hitokochi! I still remember the feeling I had when I took my first sip 😋! I still remember the feeling I had when I took my first sip 😋! It really is one of my favorites 😊.
Good evening MAJ! Congratulations 🙇. It's really getting hard to find 😞. But if it tastes this good, I guess it's understandable... I'm going to continue to drink as much as I can, including finding new ones, without collapsing!
KazenomoriALPHA 1 夏の夜空純米生酒無濾過
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Purchased at Niigata Sake Shop Today is my first Thursday off in a long time! Nothing to do in a hurry and today is a lunchtime drink! So I went to the liquor store and chose this one 💁. I prepared some snacks and immediately opened the bottle 🍶 and it was delicious 😊. The moment I took the band off, the cork flew off and hit the fluorescent light! Thank goodness it didn't break... The aroma gives the impression of a wind forest, but the slight sourness and strong fizziness is very tasty 😋. The 11% alcohol content makes it light, but it's also very full-bodied, so you don't feel like you're not drinking enough 🤔. This is so good! I know it says to drink it in August, but this one will be gone by the end of the week! Thanks for the treat!
Fusano KankikuTrue White 2023純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Nagano Purchased at a liquor store Purchased on the way home from a sake drinking expedition to Nagano. I've been wanting to buy Kangiku Meikozo's sake for a while now, but I haven't been able to get my hands on it. I had drunk Denshogiku before, I think? 🤔 Anyhow, nice to meet you ‼️ I was attracted by the product description of this sake as "the standard middle of Kangiku" and bought it 💰. I immediately opened the bottle 🍶 and it tastes great😊. The aroma and umami are both intense! But it's not too heavy, it's a combination of umami and a refreshing taste. It's refreshing at the beginning, but the aftertaste is very assertive. This is so delicious! And it's very good value for money, too, as a bottle is less than 4,000 yen! I will buy it again 😊. Thank you very much!
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Nagano Purchased at a liquor store I asked my regular liquor store for a recommendation for a good sake in a drinkable size and they recommended this one 💁 I couldn't drink it so I took it home with me! This is the first time I've seen it as a brand name! First time for Tamamura Honten ‼️ I immediately opened the bottle 🍶 and it was delicious😊. Mild mouthfeel, with a mild aftertaste that finishes off nicely 🤔I get the impression of a sweetness that is not habit-forming ☺️ Very well balanced and tasty considering the size and price 😋. Thank you for the treat 😋.
Edo Kaijou雄町純米吟醸原酒
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Purchased at Tokyo Station Purchased on the way home from a business trip to Tokyo💰. It's hard to bring sake back on the bullet train... First Tokyo Sake 🍶Nice to meet you Tokyo Minato Brewery 🎉. You could make sake in Minato Ward? 😲. The label is cool but hard to take a picture of 📷 Opened the bottle right away 🍶This is delicious😊. The mouthfeel is melon-like acidity and understated umami. The aroma is also understated and quite slurpable Thank you very much for the treat...