SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
主に地元周辺のお酒を呑んでいます🌾 日本酒にハマったきっかけは最初は新潟のふなぐち菊水一番しぼりから🍶 そして居酒屋で初めて朝日鷹を飲んでからは全国の日本酒を飲み比べる日々😙 一人旅も大好きなので、最近は自分好みの日本酒を探す旅に出たりしています👜 基本的に購入した日本酒だけ上げています☝️ 目指せ全国制覇! 2023年6月15日200チェックイン達成🎉

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Sake Map

The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.
Yamasan Check-in 1Yamasan Check-in 2
Yamasan Check-in 3Yamasan Check-in 4
Nagano Purchased at a liquor store Purchased during a solo trip to Nagano 💰. I've had the Yamazan series before, but this is the first time I'm buying it 🍶Nice to meet the Yamazan Sake Brewery 🎉. Yamasan doesn't have any stores in Niigata that carry it either...or I don't think I've ever seen Nagano sake in Niigata? Maybe only wine places? I was especially interested in this Yamane-Nishiki - Hitogokochi 🌾The first two that come to mind when I think of Nagano sake rice personally! That's a good thing I'm interested in it 😊. I immediately opened the bottle 🍶 and it tastes great😊. The mouthfeel is soft and refreshing with a slight sweet umami 🤔I personally love this kind of taste 🥰. I can't help but think it has a similar sweetness to Yamaye Nishiki, a sake brewery I drink a lot: ☺️ That's because I like it 😊. I liked it enough to buy it if I see it again😃This is delicious 😋. Thanks for the treat 😋.
亀の海 Check-in 1亀の海 Check-in 2
亀の海 Check-in 3亀の海 Check-in 4
Nagano Purchased at a liquor store I'm going to drink today because I finished one big job today! 🍶Today is Cicadasigure from Kame no Umi! A bottle of sake that I can personally say is the sake of the summer ‼️ 🍶It's here again this year... I heard from a sake shop that the rice used for sake has changed this year. I heard at the liquor store that the rice used for sake has changed this year🤔This year it seems to be Yamada Nishiki? I mean, I always had an image of Yamahonishiki... I don't know because the label is not on the back of the bottle😔I wonder why only Semishigure is not on the back of the Four Seasons series? The cicada on the label is cute! Opened the bottle right away 🍶This is delicious😊. Muscat-like acidity and flavor just right for the hot summer 🍇 but very tasty without any lingering aftertaste 😋. I wonder if it's my imagination or my preconceived notions that the acidity is mellowing 😋☺️ I personally like it as one of the best sake with a muscat flavor 🥰. It's a charm that I can't buy it in the height of summer. Thanks for the treat 😋.
Good evening, chilled tomatoes 😃. Thank you for your great work 😌I say sake in summer is a cicada! I agree with you intensely🤗 I didn't know they changed the rice 😅I thought it was as good as ever 😋😆.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😃 I guess this is what summer is all about ‼️ and this crisp and sour taste is the best match for hot summer. ☺️ I had heard about the sake rice but I thought it was still as delicious as ever 😊.
Yamamoto Check-in 1
Yamamoto Check-in 2Yamamoto Check-in 3
Nagano Purchased at a liquor store This one was also purchased during a solo trip to Nagano 💰. Yamamoto also thought it would be a good idea to drink only the ones he has had before, so he chose this Indigo Blue 💁. Strictly speaking, it's not the first time we've met, but it's nice to meet you, Yamamoto Sake Brewery 🎉. Yamamoto likes to read the description on the back label 🥰. It has nothing to do with the taste half the time. Opened the bottle right away 🍶It's delicious😊. The sweetness is moderate, but the fruity flavor is softly felt when you drink it, it's delicious 😋 Not too spicy, just a little fruity, the sense of balance is very good 😆. It's a bottle that I would like to have with a nice, rich snack 🍶It's also delicious 😊. Thank you very much for the food 😊.
Beau Michelleスノーファンタジー インサマー原酒生酒
Beau Michelle Check-in 1
Beau Michelle Check-in 2Beau Michelle Check-in 3
Nagano Purchased at a liquor store Purchased during my solo trip to Nagano 🍶. I went to a liquor store on this solo trip, but I didn't have a specific sake in mind, so I bought a lot of sake for the challenge 💰. This is my first time to try the Beaumichel series 😆 I have seen the stylish labels and bottles before but never won again 🍶. Nice to meet you Banno Brewery 🎉. Opened the bottle right away 🍶This is delicious 😊. The mouthfeel is very tasty 😋, with a light shwashiness, green apple-like acidity and sweetness. Sour but not too sour, a great balance of sweet and sour 😊I love this one ‼️ And the alcohol content is an amazing 9%😳. I can recommend it to people who are new to sake ☺️ but also to people who are used to drinking sake 😆. Thank you for the treat!
Shinshu Kirei上田•稲倉の棚田ひとごこち純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
Shinshu Kirei Check-in 1
Shinshu Kirei Check-in 2Shinshu Kirei Check-in 3
Nagano Purchased at a liquor store Health checkup finally over 🏥. Here is my first bottle after 2 weeks of sobriety 💁Tanada from Shinshu Kamerei I couldn't buy it when it first came out this year, so I thought I'd have to cry my way through it, but I happened to find it at a liquor store I frequent 💡 and bought it 💰. I can't get a good picture every time 📷 I immediately opened the bottle 🍶 and it's delicious 😊. Compared to regular jungin hitogochi, it has a mildly sweet mouthfeel ☺️ but the slight bitterness in the aftertaste is something that hitogochi and jungin hitogochi have in common. Tanada, a sweet-tasting Jungin with a freshness. It is sweet-umami, but the sweetness doesn't make you feel drained, and the clean and crisp taste is as good as ever👍. The price is reasonable, but I like it so much that it ranks high among Shinshu Kamerei 🍶. Thank you very much for your service. I hope your health checkup is uneventful 😣.
Good morning, chilled tomatoes 😃. Thanks for your health checkup after 2 weeks of sobriety 😌It's a special drink to open and drink one - even more so if it's Kamerei's ☺️!
Hi Jay & Nobby 😆 I've been holding out for 2 weeks and I still want to drink the best sake I can find! I was thinking 🍶 and I ended up with Shinshu Kamerei 😆 It was still the best sake 😆 too delicious!
Good evening, chilled tomatoes😄 Good job on your health checkup😊Good job on your 2 weeks of sobriety😊After 2 weeks of sobriety 🐢A taste of tanada ✨Great... 🐢I'm sure it soaked into all your guts 😆I love this drink too 🥰.
Good evening, Tsubu-chan! Shinshu Kamerei after my abstinence from alcohol was, as you say, a taste that soaked into all five organs: ☺️ All Shinshu Kamerei is delicious, but the Tanada is especially good 😋 I wish I could drink it every year too 🍶.
W Check-in 1
W Check-in 2W Check-in 3
Gunma Purchased at a liquor store Purchased as a souvenir on a recent trip to Nagano and Gunma 💰W is a new to me brand 🍶. Nice to meet you Watanabe Sake Brewery 🎉. I have often seen the W series when I was visiting liquor stores, but this is one of the brands I had never bought before! The whole series is characterized by its glittering labels, but when I think about which liquor store I saw it 🤔? Where did I see it? I told the liquor store I visited that it was my first time to buy the W series, and they chose this Yamada Nishiki 💁. I realized after I bought it that it was your Junmai sake...! I thought it was Jungin! I immediately opened the bottle 🍶It tastes great😊. The mouthfeel is rich in flavor and has a beautiful aftertaste 🤔It's thick, but not dull, full of umami ☺️ I like to drink it by itself and sip it! Thank you for the drink 😋. From this check-in, I'm going to be off the booze for a while until my physical at the beginning of July 😭. I'm taking a break from sake for a while to keep drinking sake for a long time...
Hello chilled tomatoes 😃. Congratulations on your first W㊗️🎉! I know it's hard with a lot of training 🧘 and a lot of alcohol 🍶 you bought until your health checkup 😅 but dream of the excitement at the dawn 🥹 and keep up the good work 👋.
Good evening Jay & Nobby 🌇. I'm already having a hard time with my sobriety 😭 probably a path that all drinkers go through... Like you said, I'm training (?) to drink well. I will try my best to think of it as 🧘: ‼️
Shinshu Kirei山惠錦 蔵元限定純米吟醸
Shinshu Kirei Check-in 1
Shinshu Kirei Check-in 2Shinshu Kirei Check-in 3
Nagano Purchased from Okazaki Sake Brewery Today's solo trip: ✈️ I've finished my work, so I'm rewarding myself with a relaxing solo trip. A solo trip means good food 🍚 hot spring ♨️ and good sake 🍶, so here it is 💁. Shinshu Kamerei is a sure thing, so I took it out of the fridge at home and had a glass after the hot spring: ♨️ Opened the bottle right away 🍶It's delicious😊. It has a fruity flavor, a crisp finish, and a slight petiteness that makes it really good 😋It has a light atmosphere but the flavor is perfect 👌After all, freshly opened Shinshu Kamerei Yamae Nishiki is the best 🌾. I wonder if there is any difference in taste between the regular Yamae Nishiki and the brewery's limited edition? I have a bottle of fire-brewed Yamae Nishiki at home, so next time I'll try to compare 🤔. Thank you very much for your kindness... Tomorrow I'm off to Nagano to visit a liquor store: ‼️ I have nothing but fun!
Good evening, chilled tomatoes 😃. A rewarding solo trip! Nice 🤗Nagano-Sakeya-around ‼️ so you don't have too much fun and don't buy too much 😆. It's not exclusive to the brewery, but we got some too! I'll get it up soon 👋
Chilled Tomato Good evening(^o^)I like traveling alone 😄I like it too😊and Nagano would be great! And drinking local sake Kamerei. I can't get enough of it! I want to go to Nagano again too!
Hi Jay & Nobby😃 It was already too late 😭 we bought too much sake to fit in the fridge... too many sake that we are interested in ‼️ I also checked in there 😊 Let's drink well with each other 🍶.
Hi Sashu 🌞. Traveling alone is great 😊going to your favorite restaurant as much as you want and drinking good sake...it's the best 😆. Nagano is one of my favorite destinations too because there are many sake that I like! I'm tempted to go back myself: ☺️
ShokuHOP SAKE ほっぺ
Shoku Check-in 1
Shoku Check-in 2Shoku Check-in 3
Purchased from LAGOON BREWERY I went to Fukushima Lagoon to purchase 💰. I had this at the Niigata Sake Festival and thought it was something I wanted ‼️, so I bought it at the brewery 💰I personally like the tomato soft serve ice cream they have at the brewery... It's a craft saké made with hops and the label is cute 😍I'm surprised this is 100% Ihyakumangoku 😳. Opened the bottle right away 🍶Tastes great😊. The flavor is full of hops, yet it tastes different from beer 🍶 The mouthfeel is clean and easy to drink even though it's a craft saké, which I personally like 🎯 It's one of my favorites from the Shozora series 🥰. I'm going to buy some more.
Shinshu Kirei長野県産ひとごこち純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
Shinshu Kirei Check-in 1Shinshu Kirei Check-in 2
Shinshu Kirei Check-in 3Shinshu Kirei Check-in 4
Purchase at online store Today we are going to compare the Shinshu Kamerei Hitogochi series 🍶This is the regular Hitogochi and the Tozawa Hitogochi. This is the regular Hitogochi. This is the bottle that got me hooked on Shinshu Kamerei. I was going to visit Nagano to buy it, but I had to give it up due to some errands. ......, but I was able to get it at an online store! Thank goodness 🙇. I immediately opened the bottle 🍶 and it's delicious 😊. I was going to get a bottle of the fresh fruity sweet umami, but this one has a more pronounced flavor profile? I think this one has a clearer flavor profile 🤔. The flavor and freshness are clear, and the feeling that they are clean and crisp without being dull is very delicious 😋. Both are as good as each other and insanely delicious ☺️ Thanks for the treat... I also recently got a bottle of Inakura Tanada Hitogochiki, so I'd like to compare the Shinshu Kamerei Hitogochiki before they run out 😙.
Shinshu Kirei戸沢産ひとごこち純米吟醸
Shinshu Kirei Check-in 1Shinshu Kirei Check-in 2
Shinshu Kirei Check-in 3Shinshu Kirei Check-in 4
Purchased from Miyajima, a local sake brewery in Nagano, Japan Today we compared our favorite Shinshu Kamerei 😋. I've been curious about Tozawa Hitogochochi and regular Hitogochi for a while 🍶. I've had many Shinshu Kamerei so far, but this is my first time to try Tozawa Hitogochochi 🎉. I personally thought it was one of the hard to find among Shinshu Kamerei because of the small number of stores selling it and the short time it is sold 🤔. The story of how this sake was made is introduced on Jizakeya Miyajima's blog, so if you're interested, I'd like you to read that too: ☺️ Opened the bottle right away 🍶This is delicious😊. It has a fresh fruity sweet umami taste that is typical of Hitogokochi from Shinshu Kamerei! It's also refreshing and delicious 😋. Compared to regular Hitogochi, Tozawa's is mellower and has less bitterness 🤔. The aftertaste is similar, but the flavor profile is clearer. The Tozawa Hitogochi is mellower and easier to drink than the regular Hitogochi. It's a little difficult to say which one I prefer 😓I like them both equally ☺️ Thank you very much for the food!
Hi, chilled tomato 😃 I'm sure you can compare the Shinshu Kamerei Hitogokochi by region 😍I'm sure you're a connoisseur since you drink a lot 🤗I'm sure we'd just end up saying they're both as good as each other 😅.
I didn't compare the two, but I remembered that I did when I saw your review! I want to drink it again!
Hi Jay & Nobby! I've had a chance to compare the drinks and there was no doubt that both are delicious ☺️ It's not easy to find, so I hope it will be easier to find enough of them so that we can compare more varieties 😊.
Hello Sashiu-san! I'm so glad you bought Hitogokochi from Tozawa 🎉I'm glad I don't have anyone around me who can share my feelings about it☺️It's hard to find someone who has had Shinshu Kamerei in the first place... I'd like to try it again myself 🍶.
Echigotsurukame越弌 kasumi純米吟醸
Echigotsurukame Check-in 1Echigotsurukame Check-in 2
Echigotsurukame Check-in 3Echigotsurukame Check-in 4
Purchased at Niigata Sake Shop Koshigaya got me hooked at the Niigata Sake Festival. I heard that a sake shop in front of the station was selling a sake made with Yamaye Nishiki, so I bought it 💰. That's kasumi💁 here. What's the difference from the C3 I bought last time? The label says C3 is an unfiltered unpasteurized sake. kasumi is a Nakadori Nama sake. But other than that, the specs are almost the same! The sake rice is also Yamaye Nishiki ☺️ Opened the bottle right away 🍶This is delicious 😊. It has a very nice crisp, pear-like flavor with a slight bubbly feeling 😋. The alcohol content is relatively light at 13%, so it's very easy to drink, but it's still very tasty. ☺️ I wish I could have compared it with C3 🤔Maybe it's a memory correction, but I think I prefer C3. But this one tastes good enough too 🤤. I'll be looking for a refill... Thanks for the treat...
Hello, chilled tomatoes 😃. The Echigo-Tsurukame we had was not quite what we expected 😅I've heard that you are really into it! I'm curious 😋. I'll get it next time I see it 👍.
Good evening Jay & Nobby 🌆. I drink mostly Echigo-Tsurukame's sake, so I don't know much about their other brands yet 😅. I personally think that Echigo-Tsurukame's sake is consistently tasty, so I highly recommend it 🍶!
Denshu四割五部 百田純米大吟醸
Denshu Check-in 1Denshu Check-in 2
Denshu Check-in 3Denshu Check-in 4
Nagano Purchased at a liquor store Sake Expedition I was looking for sake to drink at the hotel on the way to Nagano and Gunma today for a two day and one night trip 🍶 and I bought this 💁. A one-cup bottle of Tasake, Junmai Daiginjo! I thought "Hyakuda" was the brand name of Tasake, but it turns out there is a sake rice called Hyakuda 🤔I remember buying it when I was in Comet without thinking it was sake rice 😝. It's a one-cup bottle, but it was also priced in the 900 yen range, so my expectations were high😊. Opened the bottle right away 🍶It's delicious😊. The mouthfeel has a strong rice flavor, low acidity and a clean aftertaste. ☺️ I don't remember Tasake having such a delicious mouthfeel. I like it better than any other Tasake I've had. The design of the can is very stylish, and it overturns the image of one-cup = cheap sake. I think it would be fun to try more one-cups in this price range... but I guess that would be difficult 😓. Thank you for the treat....
Good evening, chilled tomatoes 😃. Buying sake 🍶 alone trip! I like it 🤗. If you don't have a car, you can go around while tasting 😁 but if you want to go around a lot, a car 🚙 is better 🤔I'm not sure 😅I'd like to try this can of Tasake! I'd like to try it 😋.
Good evening Jay & Nobby! I think the purpose of my solo trips lately has been all about sake 😂. I can't ride if I drink, so I'd like to try many things with these one-cup drinks 🍶. I still have a lot of sake I want to try!
Fusano KankikuOCEAN99 空海純米吟醸
Fusano Kankiku Check-in 1
Fusano Kankiku Check-in 2Fusano Kankiku Check-in 3
Yamagata Purchased at a liquor store Purchased when I went to Yamagata to drink sake💰. I didn't expect to be able to buy Kangiku in Yamagata... Please make it available in Niigata too 🙇. This time it's Kukai from OCEAN99 series🌌. Isn't this series coming out every month? I'd love to follow every one of them... Opened the bottle right away 🍶It's delicious😊. Sweet and light with a clean aftertaste 😄. It's very good, sweet but with a clean finish! I love this kind of sake! 😊 The last time I drank Nagi was more fizzy, but less fizzy than Nagi. The flavor is still outstanding, but the less fizzy feeling certainly makes it more versatile 🤔. Again, the taste was stable and delicious! Thank you for the treat...
悠天 Check-in 1
悠天 Check-in 2悠天 Check-in 3
Gift from DHC Brewery We received this when we were earning points at Kayama-tei, Echigo-no-Sato, a direct sales outlet of DHC Sake Brewery. Thank you very much for the treat! I'm so glad you enjoyed it 😋. I usually drink Kayama or Echigo-no-Umezato a lot, but this time it was the dry brand, Yuuten! I don't often drink dry sake, but I rather liked the flavor of Yuuten when I tasted it, so I was looking forward to it: ☺️ Opened the bottle right away 🍶It's delicious😊. The sweetness is moderate, but there is a refreshing acidity in the aftertaste‼️The mouthfeel is not peculiar, and the feeling of a mildly sharp taste is very good😄. I personally think it's one of the easiest to drink among the dry ones 🎯. Yuten is delicious too 🤤Thanks for the treat 🤤.
IDEHA Check-in 1
IDEHA Check-in 2IDEHA Check-in 3
Yamagata Purchased from LaJomon Purchased when I went to Yamagata for sake 💰. This time it was a PB sake from a liquor store called LaJomon in Yamagata City, where PB sake is served very often😳. This time it was a collaboration with Kuribayashi Sake Brewery who makes Harukasumi, so I felt really excited to try it and bought it 🍶I really like Harukasumi's Wakimizu label, so I have high expectations for it: ☺️ Opened the bottle right away 🍶Tasty 😊. It has a juicy acidity and umami with a grapefruit feel and a slight bitterness that is very tasty 😋. Not spectacular, but I really like the robust acidity 😊. I enjoyed it again 🙇. Thank you so much for your hospitality 🙇 😊.
Kayama Check-in 1
Kayama Check-in 2Kayama Check-in 3
Purchased from Niigata DHC Brewery Went directly to DHC Sake Brewery to purchase 💰. I had my eye on this from the Niigata sake camp and when I was about to buy it, I thought to myself, "I'll get more points if I buy it at the brewery..." and so I bought it directly from them 🍶. I also like the regular Kazan, so when it comes to Shiboritate, this one is a no-brainer: ‼️ Personally, when I think of "easy to find, cheap and tasty" sake in Niigata, I think of Kayama 😙. Opened the bottle right away 🍶 delicious 😊. Usually Kayama has a mellow sweet-umami image, but this one is a bit more assertive 💪The juicy acidity and sweetness are well balanced and very easy to drink, but not too light either 💪☺️ Personally, I prefer the freshly squeezed one. Thank you very much for the drink!
Sanuki Cloudy Check-in 1
Sanuki Cloudy Check-in 2Sanuki Cloudy Check-in 3
新潟 酒屋さんで購入 新潟ドライブ中に見かけて購入🍶 新潟に限らず酒屋さんを巡っていると度々出会うこちらのお酒💁 初めてみた時から香川!?というところに驚き、次にアルコール度数6%!?というところに驚き、最後に値段に驚く!安い!🙄 何かと特徴だらけの一本 なんとなくラベルも覚えやすく、今回満を持して購入💰川鶴酒造さん初めまして☺️ 早速開栓🍶美味しい😊 見た目も味わいもヨーグルトとよく似た特徴的な味わいの一本🥛 でも原料を見ても米と米麹と醸造アルコールと考えると日本酒🍶不思議だ…? 後味に麹感があるかな? 度数の低さと柔らかい口当たりから、結構ぐびぐび飲めてしまう☺️美味しい! 日本酒って本当に色々な方向性があるなと感じられるお酒でした…! ご馳走様でした♪
Hanaabi Check-in 1Hanaabi Check-in 2
Hanaabi Check-in 3Hanaabi Check-in 4
Nagano Purchased at a liquor store Purchased during a trip to Nagano 💰. This is the first time I've tasted Hanaohayu Yamada Nishiki. I personally have an image of Hanaohayu as tasting like pineapple, but how about this one...? I immediately opened the bottle 🍶 and it tastes great 😊. Compared to the Miyamanishiki we drank last time, this one has a slightly drier image. But the aftertaste is still pineapple 🍍. I personally have an image that Yamada-Nishiki sake can be transformed even after a few days, so I left it for about 3 days and drank it and felt the juicy acidity and richness increased 😚I personally prefer it if I left the bottle open for a little while 🤔. Pineapple stands out more when left 🍍. Again, it was a stable taste 🙇. Thank you for the treat 🙇 🙇.
Echigotsurukame越弌 C3純米吟醸
Echigotsurukame Check-in 1Echigotsurukame Check-in 2
Echigotsurukame Check-in 3Echigotsurukame Check-in 4
Purchased at Niigata Niigata Sake-no-jin This year's Niigata Sake Festival was a great success again 🍶. The Grand Prix winner for me personally was this C3 sake from Echigo-Tsumari. As a big fan of Yamae Nishiki, I had to try it and buy it immediately. I couldn't help but drink it as I am a big fan of Yamae Nishiki. I immediately opened the bottle 🍶It's delicious😊. The fruity, crisp and refreshing taste goes very well with the fizzy, petit fizziness! Delicious 😋. It is fruity but a little less sweet 😋. This year's Niigata Sake-no-Yan was worth it just to meet this one 😁. Thank you for the food! By the way, Echigo-Tsumari brought C3 and R2 to the sake camp, and it seems they got their names from the movie 🎬The people at the brewery seemed to enjoy talking to us 😊.
Nice to meet you ✨I bought a limited edition sake from a liquor store the other day and thought it was a rare Yamae Nishiki from Niigata as well 🍶The review looks really good and I'm looking forward to drinking it. ☺️
I'm curious to know if there is a sake shop in Niigata that uses Yamae Nishiki (*_*) and from the reviews it looks really tasty 😊I'm going to Niigata next month for a holiday weekend, so I'll see if they sell it then....
Nice to meet you Kotaro! It's a rare thing to see Yamaye Nishiki sake in Niigata 😊I honestly regretted a bit that I should have bought two bottles... If you like fruity sake with a fizzy taste, I think it's perfect for you 😋.
Good evening, Mr. Sashiu! I was surprised when I saw the Yamae Nishiki myself 😊C3 was limited to the sake camp, but there was a sake shop called Hasegawa-ya in front of Niigata station that had a sake made with Yamae Nishiki from Echigo 🍶 You might try there ☺️
亀の海 Check-in 1亀の海 Check-in 2
亀の海 Check-in 3亀の海 Check-in 4
Nagano Purchased at a liquor store Purchased during a sake shopping trip to Nagano 🍶. Personally, this is what I call spring sake! Kame no Kai Haruura🌸The Four Seasons series from Kame no Kai are all delicious, but I find this Haruura to be the best of them all😋. So far, this is the one that makes me feel the arrival of spring: ☺️ Well, by the time it gets warmer, they already start to sell out... Corked it right away 🍶This is delicious😊. It looks like a light nigori...? It's a pretty clear color, but it has a fresh flavor and a slight effervescence that makes it easy to drink 😁. Rich sweet juicy flavor and slight bitterness 🤔If I were to use a fruit, it might be close to pineapple 🤔It's really delicious 😊. No doubt it's delicious, but it also seems to have a fast pace! Let's have it while it's still delicious 🤤. Thanks for the treat ἤ!