SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
福政宗酒歳時記 夏やすみ純米大吟醸生酒発泡
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I went to Ishikawa Prefecture for a little reconstruction support event and bought this sake 🍶. I was attracted by the picture of a watermelon 🍉, so I bought a packet 😊. I drank it and found it to be surprisingly refreshing with a hint of saltiness that is typical of Ishikawa 🤔. The fact that it is 13% alcohol also makes it easy to drink 🤔. However, although it is labeled as slightly sparkling, I didn't feel any sparkle at all😅. I can understand if it was spontaneously fermented, but if it wasn't labeled as sparkling, I wouldn't have noticed it 😅. I wonder if the gas was released when I brought it home due to improper storage, or if that level of fizziness was originally the goal ❓❓
Masaaki Sapporo
Thanks again, Tsunahachi 👍Congratulations on your 500 check-ins 🎉Fuku Masamune, sounds interesting 😋.
Hi Masaaki Sapporo😄 Thank you very much for your continued support 😁. Like Fukumasamune, I personally find Ishikawa's sake to have a soy sauce taste ⁉️ and saltiness ⁉️, and many of them go very well with me 😋.