SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
2018年頃から、作をキッカケに日本酒にハマりました。 せっかく呑んだんだから、感想を記録したいなぁと思いました。 まだまだ日本酒初心者ですが、よろしくです。

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I haven't had a drink in an absurd amount of time 🍶. I think this is the first time I drink at home 🤔 It's pretty fresh out of the bottle 😋. It has a bit of milk-fermented sweetness❓bitterness❓. I left it for a couple of days, and when I had the rest, the bitterness became milder and the sweetness more intense 🤔. It tastes absurdly good freshly opened and also absurdly good when it has calmed down a bit 😋.
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It's a well-known brand, but for some reason this is my first time at home 🍶. I'm not sure if I've had it 2 or 3 times at an izakaya, so I'm looking forward to it 😊. It has a strong umami impression, but very clean 🤔. As it gets closer to room temperature, I get the impression of some complexity 🤔. Not a flashy sake but not boring to drink at all 😋. It was a very tasty sake😁.
Senkinグリーンナチュール 木桶熟成純米生酛原酒
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I drank this Green Naturals in February this year, but this time I bought it again because it was labeled as aged in wooden vats 🍶. As I thought, it is very light 🤔. It's light and has little flavor 🤔. Almost like juice 🤔 I can only feel a little bit of wood vat 🤔.
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I bought this sake because the izakaya where I often go for drinks is directly managed by Motox, and it was jointly developed with Motox. It has a fruity taste, but also has the umami and sweetness of rice and a crisp aftertaste 🤔. It cost about 1,300 yen, but it's a very good value for money 😋. It is very good as a food sake 😊.
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My wife bought me a packet of sake saying "I found a good one" 🍶. This is my first time drinking it 🤔. It didn't take long to open the bottle, but the gas was pretty strong 🤔. Or should I say adult calpis soda 🤔 It reminds me of Senkou's Yukidaruma, but drier than Yukidaruma, and it is perfect for summer 😋. It was a very good drink 😊.
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It's been a very long time since my last Takachiyo 🍶. I used to drink Takachiyo 59 series at home, but this is my first time to drink this series 🍶. It says "spark" but there is almost no gas 🤔. It's very fresh & fruity, easy to drink and delicious 😋.
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Missionary meeting at my brother's house 🍶. Corked the bottle as a toast 😊. Very beautiful 🤔 No sticking 🤔 Beautiful, clear and sweet 🤔 absurdly delicious 😋.
Good morning, Tsunahachi-san. I recently had my first drink of this sake, and it is really delicious 🎵.
Hi ma-ki-😊 It's really delicious 😊. I wondered what would happen to Tenbi in the future when the toji took over, but it was a stable and wonderful sake 😁.
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This is the first time I have had this sake 🍶. As it is called "dry", it has a dry feeling in the second half, but it is very easy to drink and fruity 🤔. It's 17% alcohol, but it doesn't feel alcoholic and I think it's the perfect sake for the current extreme heat 😊.
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At the end of last month, I went to a liquor store that I've been frequenting recently and the owner approached me and asked me if I wanted a bottle of sake ❓. I usually only buy Yongbottle, but since he was kind enough to offer me one, I bought it 🍶. It has a nice fruity sweetness with a slight gassiness 😋. I think the sweet and sour pineapple flavor is at its maximum on the 4th day after opening the bottle 🤔. It was such a luxury to only have it for a week 😊.
Good evening, Tsunahachi-san. You are too nice a liquor store to offer me a bottle of Jikin if I want it, and you have a good relationship with them ✨. I'd love to try a week of immersion in Jikin 😊.
Hi ma-ki-😊 I've been going to this liquor store since this year and I was surprised 🤭. I always buy a lot of things from them, so I guess they knew I'm a sake geek ⁉️ 😊. I really appreciate it 🤗
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I drink a lot of rice wine, but this label is new to me 🍶. The first sip has a gentle sweetness from the rice, but the second half has a fuller flavor that is gentle but also gorgeous 🤔. It's absurdly delicious 😋. I drank the spring sake this year, but I think I prefer this summer sake 😁.
DenshuMicro Bubble純米生酒発泡
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I used to drink Micro Bubble😅 in the middle of winter. This time I had it in summer 🍶. The fine carbonation is very good for this season ‼️ This is a drink that should be drunk in the summer 🤔. It was refreshing and had a nice aftertaste that kept me going 😅. I want to sit on my knees and lecture myself for saying it was a good toast 😅
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I was looking forward to it because I had never had Hirotogawa at home except for special junmai 🍶. As expected, it's not particularly flashy or glamorous, it's rather plain, but... But it's really delicious 🤔. If I had to say, I think it's a little sweeter than Tokujun 🤔. Sorry for my lack of vocabulary😅 But it's a great sake with a very high degree of perfection 😊.
KazenomoriALPHA 夏の夜空2023純米原酒生酒無濾過水酛
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It's been a while since I've been to Kaze no Mori 🍶. I had heard from my favorite izakaya that Kaze no Mori is planning to switch to Bodaiyuan in the near future 🤔. I was wondering what would happen to "Takacho" from the same Aburicho brewery since I had the impression that it was a little too sweet for my taste 🤔. This Summer Night Sky has a very good balance of very moderate acidity, sweetness and some gasiness 😋. I personally don't think it's a good food sake, but it's a sake that will help you prepare your stomach for a meal with this gentle and fresh sweet and sour taste before the meal 😊. The alcohol content of 11% is also very easy to drink and the 500ml is enough to be consumed immediately 😁. I look forward to more challenges from Kaze no Mori 😄.
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I've heard a lot about it, but I've never encountered it before and this is the first time I've had it 🍶. I struggled for about 15 minutes before opening the bottle 😁. It's a nigori sake, but it's very light 🤔. Also, the slightly sour, slightly bitter and strong gassy taste is very good 😋. It's the perfect sake for yesterday's damp, sticky, hot day 😊. It's also light with 13% alcohol, I drank 2 gulps and it was empty in 1 day😅. It was very tasty and very in tune with the season 😁.
SuminoeDATE SEVEN SEASON2 episode3 墨廼江style -彦星ボトル-純米大吟醸
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My wife gave it to me as a gift 🤔. This one is sharp and slightly dry 🤔 It also has a slight alcohol taste 🤔. I drank a little bit of this one over the course of a week and it seemed to get sweeter as the days went by🤔. Personally, I prefer this Hikoboshi bottle 😊.
KatsuyamaDATE SEVEN SEASON2 episode3 勝山Style -織姫ボトル-純米大吟醸
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My wife gave it to me as a gift 🤔. It has a rich, fruity sweetness 🤔 I think there is a slight alcohol 🤔. I drank it little by little over a week and from the 5th day, the mellowness seems to have mellowed 🤔.
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As soon as I received the announcement, I had to go buy it 🍶. I was so busy with work that I had to hold out until the day I could face it slowly, but finally opened the bottle 😁. From the aroma, it already has a mellow aroma of melon 🍈. Once you drink it, you'll feel the full, yet gentle sweetness of the melon rush into your mouth while still being energetic 😋. Too delicious 😋. I managed to hold on to it and finished it after 2 gou, and when I drank it again 3 days later, it was a little less vibrant, but the pleasant sweetness in the second half of the bottle extended the aftertaste 🤔. It's a great sake: ‼️
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This is the first time I've had this drink at home 🍶. I have rarely seen it in stores, and I vaguely remembered that it was delicious, although I only remember drinking it once or twice 🤔. A liquor store near my house started selling it this year, so I bought it without a second thought 😁. It tastes full, but it's also quite voluminous, perhaps due to the fact that it's freshly stored, so it tastes more like Super Light Classic ⁉️ than Modern 🤔. I like it a lot 😋. It's also very useful as a food sake and I never get tired of drinking it 🤔. I found a few brands at the liquor store, so if I can try a few different ones, this could be the birth of a new favorite 😁.
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First Halcyon in 2 years 🍶. I bought it because the liquor store had it when I wanted a gassy, refreshing drink 😋. I think it is a little more acidic than the last time ❓ The wooden vat feeling and a little bit of gas on the tongue is perfect for this damp season 😋. It's still a very nice sake 😊.