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栃木生まれの群馬育ち。 獺祭に出会ってすっかり日本酒が好きになってもう3年 奥様は、私の買った日本酒をちびっと呑んでは味の評価をしています。  私は、うまい!苦手!の2択程度の貧弱な味覚です 四合瓶を2,3本出しての、宅呑みが基本で、休みの日は気になったお酒を探して酒屋さん巡り。 旅行先の居酒屋で呑んだお酒を、帰りに酒屋さんに立ち寄って探すのも楽しい♪ 有名無名問わず良い酒に出会いたいですね。

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旅好き らいど
Long time no post. Sorry to be a meeja. I got the impression that it's a very selective drinker, so if you like drinks like No.6, you might not like it. It's not at all like the No.6, so you may not like it. However, it is certainly a taste that I have never tasted before. A week after opening the bottle, I think it was closer to my favorite taste.
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旅好き らいど
Aizan, in the guardian of the mountain. Yes, I would like to drink it. When I asked about it when I bought it, I was told that it seems to be from Matsumoto. When I drank it, I found that the taste was similar to that of OMACHI. I wanted to compare the two, so I immediately got a bottle of Yumachi as well and tried it... both are delicious lol.
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旅好き らいど
It said "only one per person" and I was curious to buy it without checking it out beforehand. I knew I would pick it up. I took a sip, with a little help from Dr. Google... Yeah, I think it's good. I can look forward to more sake in the future. When I visited the neighborhood liquor store that sold Matsumoto the other day, I found the store empty and the father and son were cleaning.  Are they remodeling? When I asked him, he said he had closed his store. When we visited at the end of the year, were you handing out cups and sake cups in order to close the store? When I asked him if he was a member of the family, he said yes, he was. I felt sad. A brewery undergoing a revival. A sake brewery that is closing up store.
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旅好き らいど
2020.05.14 Opening  I liked the Omachi and it was a bit expensive, but I bought it to see what it was all about.  Definitely good. The gasiness is also good. However, it is not a drink you can drink very often if you think about the costumes, but it is a drink I would like to get again if I have a chance.
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旅好き らいど
2020.05.12 Opening.  As I read the online article about this brewery, I got curious and ordered it online.  Hokkaido was also a pretty good article about the amount of rice harvested, the displacement of breweries, etc.  The impression I got after drinking it was that it was clear and sharp.  It's not flashy, so it's not tiring to drink, but enjoyable.
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旅好き らいど
2020.05.03Opened. I had a drink with Sogaber under the sun at the balcony barbecue, but I drank too much...and it knocked me down!  This is the second time I've brewed this sake. It looks like a challenge sake brewed by a young man, but it was delicious! I
Sogga pere et filsリア サケ ナチュレル
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旅好き らいど
2020.05.03Opened.  We grilled meat on the balcony of my house due to GW's self-restraint on Corona. I drank No. 6 yeast before, so this time I'll have a mixture of No. 1 to No. 6 yeast.  The same as before, I felt that this is a sake that is not Japanese. It has a sourness, and that's what I like. Sake like wine
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旅好き らいど
2020.05.01Opened. This one is also a tug-of-war purchase. I've seen that they don't do a lot of milling lately.  It felt more like a calm taste to me than a glamorous one.  I'd like to try the Yui next.
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旅好き らいど
2020.05.01Opened. Purchased together in a tying of Feiroki. Tootsuru? Where's the booze from? So that's how I drank it without expecting much, but... it was good!  It has just the right amount of acidity and a fruity taste. I heard that the water used to brew in the brewing process has changed recently, and the water used to be different from the old one. I did.
Sawayamatsumoto守破離 山田錦純米
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旅好き らいど
2020.04.28 Opening  We also bought the slightly more expensive Yamadanishiki to compare drinking with Omachi.  I think this one is a little sweeter on the first drink. That's the impression I got.  I drank it and asked my wife to shuffle it around, and as expected, I had no idea...  My wife has won all three times...   Bottom line, they're both good, lol.
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旅好き らいど
2020.04.28開栓 GWも始まるけど、旅行もキャンセルしたから、家で楽しむためにと、まず雄町のこの一本。  守破離の山田錦も購入したので呑み比べも。 安定の旨さ。火入れのおかげで、味の変化も少ないのも良いですね。  唇にあたる、あのプチプチ感も強すぎず、弱すぎず良い感じ。  私の定番酒になりそうです。
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旅好き らいど
2020.04.27 開栓 ガス感すごく高くプチプチ度全開ですね。 火入れ処理しているのにも関わらず、フレッシュ。  もっと甘い感じをイメージしていたのですが、ガス強めのせいか、そんなに甘く感じないのが好印象でしたね
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旅好き らいど
2020.04.25開栓 【ねん】と書いて【おもい】と呼ぶそうです。  バーチャル蔵祭りでの記念に販売されたお酒だそうです。  以前こちらの酒蔵さんのお酒を購入したのを機会にまた、違うお酒とおもい購入。  こちらのお酒もまた違って、旨い! 以前も言いましたがやはり、このお酒のできた意味を知ると、旨さが引き立ちますね。
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旅好き らいど
2020.04..25開栓 安い!って思い購入。990円税込、  呑みやすいですねぇ、このお酒。 甘さが全開って感じです。  私はどうしても呑み飽きしてしまったので、他のお酒を呑んだときの間に頂きました。  ただ、この酒の意味を知るとほっこりした気持ちになりました。  お酒の想いを知るとまた味が変わりますね。