Yamada Nishiki. I drank a lot of it when I went to Kagawa the other day. I also enjoyed Kinryo's store on the approach to Kompira-san. The beers on sale were all delicious. It was amazing. This sake was of course very tasty too.
Summer Junmai
I bought this wine after tasting it at a Tohoku Antenna Shop and couldn't resist. It is refreshing and watery! As expected from Tohoku, it's like melted snow ......(????)
Sake degree -4, acidity 1.4
It has an aftertaste of sake, but it's a very restrained and elegant aroma, and the first sip is like "It's water! The first sip was like, "It's water!" and then it was like, ...... "It's water d...... sake ...... fragrant water! It's a very fragrant water! Delicious 〜〜〜〜 amazing~~~!!!!
It's a new kind of water. !!!!! It's a new kind of water. It's a little bit different from the conventional "It's water!" tastes, but it's definitely water too! Delicious〜〜〜〜!!!!!!!!
Easy to drink! But the aftertaste is sake! It's watery to the point of touching the lips, but when it goes down the throat, you can feel that it is still sake.
I heard a rumor that it has a sake strength of 4 and an acidity of 1.3, but of course, even if the values are close, it doesn't have the same mouthfeel. ......They are so deep. ......I wonder how they are making more sake with the mouthfeel they like. I wonder how everyone is increasing the number of drinks they like to drink these days
Sake from Oita! First sip, easy-drinking sake! It was like "wakamizu" (young water), but as the name implies, it felt watery. The part against the tongue is sake, and the part against the upper jaw is like tap water. ......(?)
Officially listed as Sake Degree +4 and Acidity 1.4. Also, I am thankful that the site made me aware of the yeast.