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★★★★★ I was able to drink Snoclet again this year! It still has the same gaseous and gusty taste, with a slight bitterness that makes it easy to drink. I really wanted to let it sit for a while after opening the bottle, but I finished it in two days.
Fusano Kankiku電照菊 山田錦50 おりがらみ無濾過生原酒
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★★★★★ The bottle opens with a shponk with a very good aroma. It tastes sweet with chili gas, but it disappears quickly with the bitterness from the acidity. It has a sweet and bitter acidity with no sweetness, and is very palatable!
Hanamura純米酒 陸羽田
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★★★★ Second bottle of Hanamup in my life. Fresh aroma and no alcohol. It's quite sweet and there is a slight lingering feeling. The sharpness is not bad. It's better to drink it alone after a meal than with rice.
Obasuteオバステ正宗 純米酒
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I wanted to drink hot sake, so I chose the recommended bottle of about ¥2000. I wanted to drink hot sake, so I chose the recommended one for about 2,000 yen per bottle. It is an ordinary junmai sake at room temperature, but when it is hot, it has a very refreshing taste! It's a normal junmai sake at room temperature, but when it's hot, the taste is very refreshing! It has no peculiarities, and on the contrary, it tastes so refreshing and clean that it is not enough. It's the perfect heated sake to go with any kind of rice! Today I had it with homemade salmon roe on top of a bowl of rice.
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★★★★ This sake is jointly released by four breweries in Yamagata Prefecture. I love Yamagata Masamune, so I tried this one too. The low alcohol content of 13% makes it very easy to drink and very dangerous! It is delicious with a slight lactic acidity and sweetness from the rice!
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★★★ This is the nearest brewery to our house. When I went to the supermarket on a whim, I thought "I haven't had this before" and bought it. It's a so-called "classic" sake. It has a nice sharpness and disappears quickly, so it goes well with meals. I wonder if it would make a different impression if it were heated up. I'll give it a try when it gets a little cooler.
Bakuren超辛口大吟醸 生詰
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★★★★ This is my first Bakuren. I've had Kudokibe before, but this is my first time. It is called "super dry," so I thought it might be sharp. I thought so, but it's not so. There is a slight aftertaste of sweetness, and then it quickly dies down. It is a daiginjo, so the aroma is wonderful. It is great with sashimi!
Kamonishiki荷札酒 備前雄町 純米大吟醸
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★★★★★ I drank the cargo tag sake I had before and it was so good, so I'm going to do it again. It's so good! Delicious. The sweetness from the slight sourness spreads throughout the mouth. Even though it is sweet, it is a refreshing sweetness that is not sticky, so you can drink more and more. It's a shame that it's hard to buy it even though it's in a neighboring prefecture. I must buy it again!
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★★★★ The mouthfeel from the aroma modest rice is very refreshing! There is almost no sweetness, but a little bitterness and then a quick kick. This is the kind of sake that goes well with rice! I'd rather drink this sake with rice than on its own. It would be interesting to try heating it up, but it's still hot, so I'll drink it cold for now.
Sara純米吟醸 無濾過生原酒 宵の風
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★★★★ Slightly gassy aroma, fruity. It is quite sweet and has a strong acidity! I would rather drink it by itself than with a meal, but I will have it with cold pasta.
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★★★★★ Purchased in Niigata on the way back from swimming in the sea. Fruity with a hint of aroma. I paired it with some sea bream sashimi I bought at the fish market! It's a bit acidic on its own, but when paired with a meal, it goes down a treat. It is dangerous because of its low alcohol content (14%).
Tenmei純米大吟醸 無濾過生原酒
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★★★★★ I happened to find it while traveling and bought it. It is my first Tenmei. It has a refreshing aroma and a clean taste from the ginjo aroma. The acidity is a little strong. However, when paired with a meal, the umami flavor comes through and it is a perfect food sake. At 15%, it is relatively low in alcohol content, making it a perfect summer sake. I would like to try other kinds of sake!
Shinomineろくまる 雄山錦 純米吟醸 夏色生酒
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★★★★ Slightly aromatic and a little gaseous. This is my first Shinomine. As it is claimed to be a summer sake, it is quite refreshing and has a little sweetness. The acidity and bitterness are half and half, and it has a nice sharpness! It is a sake that goes well with meals.
Roman皐ロ万 純米大吟醸 一回火入れ
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★★★★★ May? No, it's June. Junmai Daiginjo after a long time. The aroma is subdued, but when you put it in your mouth, it is quite sweet. It is quite easy to drink with a refreshing taste. There is almost no bitter taste. I have been on a diet since April, so it has been difficult to open the bottle, but I will drink it slowly and steadily, and I hope to lose 6 kg in two months, and to be back on track by the summer!
Denshu純米吟醸 百四拾(桜)純米大吟醸
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★★★★ It has been a long time since the last rice wine. The cherry blossom season has long passed and it's now the rainy season. The taste is not too sweet, but refreshing, with a slight pineapple flavor. It leaves a slight aftertaste, so I think it would be better to drink it by itself.
町田酒造夏純うすにごり 雄町
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★★★★★ This is a summer limited edition Machida Sake Brewery. This year's Omachi light nigori is absolutely delicious! The gasiness was so nice! I thought it would be sweet and umami, but it was surprisingly dry and easy to drink. I thought it would be sweet and umami, but it was surprisingly dry and easy to drink. It is definitely a nigori from Machida!
Yanma11号中採り直詰め 純米吟醸 無濾過生原酒
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★★★★ Slightly gassy. Your first Yanmar is quite sweet. The aroma fruity and tart sweetness. There is some bitterness miscellaneous taste.
kamosu mori純米吟醸 生酒 広島酵母
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★ ★★★★ It's been a while since I've posted. I had been abstaining from drinking for a little less than a month due to dieting, but since it's GW, I opened a bottle! First of all, it has a great gas feeling! It's so gassy! The aroma is very fruity and the mouthfeel is refreshing. There is a slight bitterness, but it is almost imperceptible. With a strength of 14, it is easy to drink. It has been a long time since I have had a drink like this, so I am a bit drunk, but it was a delicious drink.
Kid純米吟醸 春ノ薫風
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★★★★ Aromatic and gorgeous cosy sake. It's supposed to be quite sweet, but I think the balance is a bit bitter. It went great with pasta with spring cabbage and baby sardines!
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★★★★ First Kameizumi in probably 2 years. It's ah-ma-zing pineapple, but it's been a while since I drank it. I'm not sure if it was like this when I drank it after a long time. It's sweet, but not too sweet, I think it's a bit sticky and has a bit of bitterness.