MXGUNDAMBorn五百万石 限定品 新酒搾りたて純米吟醸原酒無濾過Katokichibei ShotenFukui1/8/2025, 12:29:13 PM1/8/202515MXGUNDAMOh my, it's so refreshing! Even in Brahma, it's not too sweet and refreshing.Japanese>English
MXGUNDAMMasuizumiMV06Masuda ShuzotenToyama1/5/2025, 7:59:04 AM1/5/202516MXGUNDAMA strange kind of sake, aged in oak barrels.Japanese>English
MXGUNDAMKokuryu大吟醸 龍大吟醸Kokuryu ShuzoFukui12/31/2024, 9:59:21 AM12/31/202417MXGUNDAMBlack Dragon, a fitting end to the Year of the Dragon Thank you for a safe and successful end to the year!Japanese>English
MXGUNDAMMinami出羽燦々特別純米ひやおろしMinami ShuzojoKochi12/29/2024, 10:56:01 AM12/29/202421MXGUNDAMThe last marriage of Kazzo and Minami for this year★.Japanese>English
MXGUNDAMBorn限定品 五百万石純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過Katokichibei ShotenFukui12/28/2024, 11:45:48 AM12/28/202416MXGUNDAMIt is a limited edition sake with a gorgeous flavor and a little sweetness.Japanese>English
MXGUNDAMitonami 2024生酛Wakatsuru ShuzoToyama12/24/2024, 12:28:12 PM12/24/202420MXGUNDAMWakatsuru Sake Brewery's new brand for establishing sake and sake brewing Deep and aromatic despite the low alcohol content, lactic acid bacteria derived from kaburazushi (fermented turnip sushi)Japanese>English
MXGUNDAMKamoshibitokuheijiSAUVAGE 2023純米大吟醸Ban JozojoAichi12/17/2024, 12:16:51 PM12/17/202423MXGUNDAMNoooo, it says you should drink it in a wine glass!Japanese>English
MXGUNDAMSawayamatsumoto守破離Matsumoto ShuzoKyoto12/9/2024, 12:28:13 PM12/9/202422MXGUNDAM100% Yamada-Nishiki Moribaha - dry but mellow.Japanese>English
MXGUNDAMBornGOLD純米大吟醸無濾過Katokichibei ShotenFukui12/3/2024, 1:07:16 PM12/3/202418MXGUNDAMThe nostalgic Bon GOLD that we could drink in Shanghai! Delicious after a long time!Japanese>English
MXGUNDAMKakurei純米超辛口キレッキレの純米原酒生酒Aoki ShuzoNiigata11/26/2024, 1:39:43 PM11/26/202423MXGUNDAMSuper dry and sharp!Japanese>English
MXGUNDAMMinami備前雄町50%精米純米吟醸Minami ShuzojoKochi11/23/2024, 10:02:07 AM11/23/20241MXGUNDAMI'm sure it's south of here with bonito... delicious, delicious! I forgot to upload the photo!Japanese>English
MXGUNDAMTAKUMI大吟醸生貯蔵酒中取り無濾過Kyohime ShuzoKyoto11/20/2024, 1:34:49 PM11/20/202417MXGUNDAMA luxurious squeeze of the tasty parts of ⭐️ Dedicated to our departed friendsJapanese>English
MXGUNDAMMasuizumi白萩純米Masuda ShuzotenToyama11/10/2024, 11:37:47 AM11/10/202416MXGUNDAMTransparent and soft taste of low-temperature long-term fermentation 🌟.Japanese>English
MXGUNDAMTsukinokatsura祝80%特別限定品純米生酒Masudatokubee ShotenKyoto11/2/2024, 9:06:08 AM11/2/202411MXGUNDAMI got it a long time ago and finally got around to opening it! It tastes just as good as when I tasted it.Japanese>English
MXGUNDAMNokaya純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過Wakatsuru ShuzoToyama10/27/2024, 9:33:15 AM10/27/202415MXGUNDAMThe taste that passes through the nose is good or good.Japanese>English
MXGUNDAM永平寺白龍 秋熟純米原酒生酒Yoshida ShuzoFukui10/21/2024, 12:45:23 PM10/21/202420MXGUNDAMThe first registered sake and brewery-like, with a rich, autumnal flavor🍁.Japanese>English
MXGUNDAM千瓢純米吟醸水谷酒蔵Aichi10/19/2024, 9:49:08 AM10/19/202415MXGUNDAMOh, it has a good balance of flavor and richness.Japanese>English
MXGUNDAMKotosennen英勲純米大吟醸Saito ShuzoKyoto10/5/2024, 11:39:26 AM10/5/202411MXGUNDAM100% "Celebration" rice produced in Kyoto Prefecture is used.Japanese>English
MXGUNDAMKagatobi有機純米純米FukumitsuyaIshikawa9/30/2024, 10:49:11 AM9/30/202419MXGUNDAMOrganic junmai sake certified under organic systems in Japan, the U.S., and the EU Tasty, full-bodied, and robust flavorJapanese>English
MXGUNDAMJoyo純米吟醸55 伏水酒蔵堂限定純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過Joyo ShuzoKyoto9/26/2024, 12:22:07 PM9/26/202420MXGUNDAMFushimizu Shuzo-do's limited-quantity sale sake & original bottle - Freshness and richness typical of unfiltered, unpasteurized sakeJapanese>English