SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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日本酒大好き。 どっしり、しっかりな熟成感があるものが好み。 周期で今っぽいフルーティが恋しくなり、ハマるがまた戻ってくる。 2021年ワインセラーを日本酒用に購入し、備忘録のためにサケノワに記録。 何でも旨いから、詳細な分析はできず。笑笑

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Sake Map

The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


Narutodai立春朝搾り 純米吟醸生原酒
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This year, we decided to make Naruto sea bream Risshun morning pressing. It is a good luck charm, so let's drink it with all our hearts. It was gone before I knew it. The first time I drank it, I thought it was a little sharp, but as I drank it, it became sweeter and more delicious. On the second day, I felt the corners had been removed and I finished it in no time.
生 夢山水十割
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Interest in description. As thick and thick as possible, with a high alcohol content of at least 18 degrees. I'm sure they're very particular about this. I'm looking forward to it. This one is my favorite type of thick and rich.
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I don't think I've seen much fine sake. We received it from the ritual used in the opening ceremony. It is a sacred sake. It is more refreshing and tasty than I expected. It's a good sake to warm up in the season.
Sakura Masamune朱稀 山田錦 本醸造
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A gift. It has been a long time since I have had a honjozo. I think it is a classic type, but I have never had this brand. It's a classic, but I've never had it before. The Showa era sake. It's been a long time since I've had this. I had a headache the next day.
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Taishi Yume Yeast, a yeast derived from Horyuji Temple. The appearance and color give a sense of depth. Let's look forward to it. It was quite a profound type and delicious. I wanted to enjoy it at different temperatures, but the bottle was opened at a gathering, so it just went empty.
Suwaizumi純米吟醸 満天星
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For some reason I was attracted to it and bought it. I was examining a lot of things, but I was holding it in my hands. Is the inspiration right or not? This kind of buying is another way to enjoy sake.
TamagawaVINTAGE 山廃純米酒 2028BY
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I saw this in a flier at a liquor store and wanted to get it. The 4 gou bottle was 2020BY, but I bought this 1 shou bottle. I can only look forward to it.
Kamikokoro神心 タンク直詰 純米大吟醸無濾過生原酒
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Hisamoto Sake Brewery is located in Takamatsu City. The sake brewery brought it in the cold and strong wind. Sometimes, I buy something like this. I thought it would be good while it was fresh, so I opened the bottle immediately. It was fruity but sharp, and I never got tired of drinking it. It was gone before I knew it.
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As expected, it has been laid up for a year. This is what Okuharima should be like. My boss of the company bought it for me because his house is near the brewery. Thank you very much. This is really delicious. Both cold and warmed are great. Especially when heated, it's an excellent choice with any snacks. I hope he buys it again.
Matsunokotobuki辛口純米 ひとごこち
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It was produced in December 2023 and released from the warehouse in November 2024, so it must have been in the warehouse for a year to develop its flavor. In no time at all, the bottle was empty. I wanted to try heating it up, but it ran out before I knew it at around 10 degrees Celsius. It has a nice sharpness, as if it were dry, and it doesn't get in the way of whatever it's paired with. It is not boring to drink on its own. It may not be enough for those who like something more floral, but it's something you can drink all the time.
Suishin純米大吟醸 超軟水仕込
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Thanks G O for the gift. I like Hiroshima sake. This is my first time. I don't often drink Daiginjo. It has a great taste. It has a strong sweet taste and is great if you drink it cold.
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Souvenir of business trip. Purchase directly from the sake brewery. The label is put on in front of you and handed to you. Sake brewed with Jazz music. I am looking forward to seeing what kind of art they will show us. It is a gentle type of sake, similar to Tanaka Sixty-five. It can be drunk all the time, so it runs out fast.
Katanosakura秋季限定 純米吟醸 ひやおろし
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I went to Hirakata by chance. I went to the sake shop thinking that I would like to drink it cold or cold sake. I went to a liquor store thinking that I would like to drink it cold or grated. They had it. I'm looking forward to it. It was gone in no time. It's good chilled or heated, and has a good balance.
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My souvenir 2 from my business trip to Fukuoka. This one, which you don't see in Shikoku very often. I can only look forward to it. I had an image of it being fruity, but it is not that floral, but rather a balanced type. Not only sweetness, but also sourness and bitterness can be felt, and it has a nice sharpness. You can drink it all the time.
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My souvenir from my business trip to Fukuoka. This one is quite popular. I'm looking forward to it. It's a mild type that goes well with any meal. It is so natural that I can drink it all the time.