SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites


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At home. Without my permission, Nara Sake, 11th stage - ‼️ This is the first time I visited Nakamoto Sake Brewery in Ikoma City, Nara Prefecture. ‼️ They make not only sake but also shochu (Japanese liquor). It is a quiet sake brewery located in a residential area, and the direct sales area is also quiet, so I was able to take my time to browse their products. The sake was very easy to drink with a light acidity and umami flavor. I enjoyed the Nara sake with Kakinoha Sushi. ‼️ I have not been able to drink barley shochu since I was given it in the past, so I wanted to take this opportunity to drink it.
Good evening, Mr. Purple Pride 💫. Yamatsuru⁉️ know, I didn't know that😅.
Good evening, good evening, good evening, good evening. I know, right? I finally found out about a sake brewery in Ikoma City, Nara. There really are sake breweries in many places. ‼️
Good evening, Mr. Purple Pride 😃 Yamatsuru, Ikari supermarket sometimes sells raw sake but I've never seen it anywhere else😳I see you have a brewery in Ikoma! Maybe I'll go there next time 😊.
Good evening, bouken. After the second day, it became a little more alcoholic, but it was still easy to drink. There may be only a few stores selling it in Nara. I am a little surprised to find it in a residential area. ‼️

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