SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
勢正宗GREEN CARP もち米熱掛四段仕込純米原酒生酒無濾過
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At home. It has been a little while since the beginning of the year. I thought it was time for a drink, so I went to my usual Abetaya. There it was, there it was, the Green Carp. I had a discussion with the manager about Sei, or rather, he gave me some information about the brewery. ‼️ Sei Masamune, Marusei Shuzo, seems to have invested in facilities, and the taste on the first day may or may not be a little more refreshing. I don't want them to grow too big, but they also need to make money. And as for the taste...I didn't feel much difference from the first day's taste ⁉️, the same gorgeous aroma, the same good balance of sweetness, flavor and acidity as usual...yes, this is the sake I want to have regularly so I don't forget. I would like to buy a bottle of this sake and enjoy it again.
Good evening, purple pride! I see what you mean: ❗️ I don't want it to get bigger, but I do want it to make money... 👍✨I've got Karp on standby now too, so I'm looking forward to it more and more😄.
Good evening, good evening, good evening, good evening. Oh no, you got it. ‼️ Please try it by all means.
Good evening, purple pride 🍶. I bought some sake from Abetaya online store the other day 😁 but there was no Sei Masamune in the online store 😭.
付喪神さん、こんばんは。 そうでしたか、オンラインショップでは購入できないのかな? 店頭には四合瓶も並んでいましたねー。
That's not fair 🫢.
Hi purple pride, ☀️ I'm glad the taste hasn't changed that much😊I'd like to drink it regularly as it's one of my favorites among the recently popular Shinshu sake. So I'm glad it tastes as good as ever: ❣️
Good evening, Pon. It didn't seem to change at all to me~. The gorgeous aroma and sweetness seemed to become stronger after the second day. ‼️ Don't worry, it's still as delicious as ever.