tanabeaiWakagomaキレコマ原酒生酒無濾過Wakakoma ShuzoTochigi3/20/2025, 2:58:25 PM3/20/202521tanabeaiRefreshing aroma. As the name suggests, it is crisp and dry, but the umami flavor is well pronounced. It is delicious.Japanese>English
tanabeaiShichiyo黒ラベルShichiyo ShuzoFukuoka3/14/2025, 2:02:09 PM3/14/202513tanabeaiIt is good with a fresh aroma of grapes and a crisp dry taste.Japanese>English
tanabeaiHanaizumi上げ桶直詰め純米原酒生酒無濾過Hanaizumi ShuzoFukushima3/7/2025, 2:32:35 PM3/7/202519tanabeaiApricot-like aroma. Dark, sweet, moderately sour and very good.Japanese>EnglishnabeHello. Thank you for having a drink from my hometown, Minamiaizu Town!Japanese>EnglishtanabeaiHello nabe-san! I see that this sake is from Aizu. I love Hanaizumi.Japanese>English
tanabeaiHakurakusei雪華純米大吟醸生酒おりがらみNiizawa JozotenMiyagi2/28/2025, 2:06:38 PM2/28/202523tanabeaiGorgeous pineapple aroma. Sweet and light, you can drink as much as you want. Very tasty.Japanese>English
tanabeaiSenkinモダン弐式オリガラミ生酛原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみせんきんTochigi2/21/2025, 2:36:05 PM2/21/202525tanabeaiIt's schwarzy. The elegant aroma and sweet and sour taste make it easy to drink. It is delicious.Japanese>English
tanabeaiOosakazukiMacho 愛山80%純米生酒Makino ShuzoGunma2/15/2025, 1:55:15 PM2/15/202522tanabeaiMelon and sour cream aroma. Sweet and rich, but rather refreshing thanks to a slight effervescence. Quite tasty.Japanese>English
tanabeaiHokusetsuYK35大吟醸Hokusetsu ShuzoNiigata2/13/2025, 2:21:08 PM2/13/202518tanabeaiIt has a gorgeous aroma and a rich mouthfeel. But it is surprisingly crisp and dry.Japanese>English
tanabeaiJokigen4 seasons 冬純米吟醸生酒Sakata ShuzoYamagata2/7/2025, 2:27:27 PM2/7/202522tanabeaiFresh acidity and light mouthfeel. But 16 degrees. It's good.Japanese>English
tanabeaiYanmaORI-ORI ROCK特別純米にごり酒Niigatadaiichi ShuzoNiigata1/31/2025, 2:13:01 PM1/31/202522tanabeaiSlightly carbonated and refreshing. But it is surprisingly dry and muscular. It is delicious.Japanese>English
tanabeaiRukaモルフォ中取り純米大吟醸Matsuya ShuzoGunma1/24/2025, 2:07:13 PM1/24/202518tanabeaiAroma of restrained grapes. The taste is surprisingly light for a wine with high viscosity.Japanese>English
tanabeaiKikuhimek-7 山廃仕込純米山廃原酒生酒無濾過KikuhimeIshikawa1/17/2025, 1:58:50 PM1/17/202518tanabeaiSweet and sour aroma like a lactobacillus drink. The alcohol content is 19 degrees Celsius! But it has a strong flavor, so it is surprisingly well-balanced and easy to drink. It is delicious.Japanese>English
tanabeaiFukuumi山田錦 にごり生酒にごり酒Fukuda ShuzoNagasaki1/10/2025, 3:09:21 PM1/10/202523tanabeaiThe cork blew out but the contents didn't, so it was safe. It's slightly effervescent, refreshing, and easy to drink. It is delicious.Japanese>English
tanabeaiGlorious Mt.Fuji白燿2024純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみFuji ShuzoYamagata1/3/2025, 1:55:17 PM1/3/202531tanabeaiThe refreshing apple aroma and gaseous sensation make it easy to drink without feeling the 16.6 degree alcohol content, and it's very delicious.Japanese>English
tanabeaiYuki Daruma生酒せんきんTochigi12/28/2024, 1:26:28 PM12/28/202416tanabeaiSweet aroma of rice. Soft mouthfeel and surprisingly dry finish. Quite good.Japanese>English
tanabeaiDaina特別純米生酒にごり酒Kikunosato ShuzoTochigi12/20/2024, 2:12:09 PM12/20/202423tanabeaiLightly bitter and powerful flavor. Very good.Japanese>English
tanabeaiHiranHappy New Born原酒生酒無濾過森酒造場Nagasaki12/14/2024, 2:08:43 PM12/14/202421tanabeaiSlightly effervescent and light on the palate. Sweet, juicy and very good.Japanese>English
tanabeaiShichisui純米吟醸生酛Toraya HontenTochigi12/7/2024, 2:16:13 PM12/7/202420tanabeaiModest aroma and refreshing acidity. It has a crisp, dry taste and is very good.Japanese>English
tanabeaiAKABUNEWBORN純米吟醸生酒赤武酒造Iwate11/30/2024, 2:44:44 PM11/30/202420tanabeaiNice aroma of melon. Juicy but lightly bitter with a strong drinking experience. Quite good.Japanese>English
tanabeaiHououbidenBLUE PHOENIX純米大吟醸原酒生酒発泡Kobayashi ShuzoTochigi11/23/2024, 1:35:25 PM11/23/202418tanabeaiThe aroma is gorgeous but surprisingly bitter and dry. The bottle is thick and hard to grab. Good taste.Japanese>English
tanabeaiSara純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過Kitanishi ShuzoSaitama11/16/2024, 2:43:15 PM11/16/202425tanabeaiGorgeous muscat aroma. Fresh, full-bodied and sweet.Japanese>English