sonzyMasuizumiMasuda ShuzotenToyama2/3/2024, 6:59:48 AM2/3/20242sonzyThis sake from Toyama is famous for its dry taste. It is gentle to drink.Japanese>English
sonzyHakuryuYoshida ShuzoFukui1/20/2024, 11:42:13 AM1/19/20241sonzyIn honor of the Year of the Dragon! Refreshing to drinkJapanese>English
sonzyFukuchitose普通酒Tajima ShuzoFukui1/2/2024, 12:14:32 AM1/1/20243sonzyA New Year's staple in our family. A drop-off during Hatsumode (New Year's visit) to a local shrine.Japanese>English
sonzy田中酒造純米大吟醸Tanaka ShuzoHokkaido12/31/2023, 7:08:53 AMsonzySouvenir! To the label collection!Japanese>English
sonzyKitaakita大吟醸HokushikaAkita12/31/2023, 7:04:37 AMsonzyImpulse buy at the supermarket. Then went to the label collection!Japanese>English
sonzyIppongi純米吟醸原酒Ippongikubo HontenFukui12/31/2023, 7:04:03 AM8/12/2023sonzyI bought your recommendation!Japanese>English
sonzyYukikirara純米吟醸Hatakeyama ShuzoFukui12/31/2023, 7:00:53 AM7/8/2023sonzyI was introduced to it at a public accommodation I visited on business!Japanese>English
sonzyYukinomatsushima純米吟醸Taiwagura ShuzoMiyagi12/31/2023, 6:44:31 AM6/10/2023sonzySouvenirs.Japanese>English
sonzyHanagaki純米大吟醸Nanbu ShuzojoFukui12/31/2023, 6:42:22 AMsonzyI bought two kinds, one with a schwarziness and the other with a gentle mouthfeel. Then, of course, we went to the label collection!Japanese>English
sonzyTengumai純米大吟醸Shata ShuzoIshikawa12/31/2023, 6:36:41 AMsonzyI bought this for New Year's. Go to label collection!Japanese>English
sonzyTanigawadake吟醸Nagai ShuzoGunma12/31/2023, 6:31:16 AMsonzySouvenirs~! To the label collection, of course!Japanese>English
sonzyKagatobi純米大吟醸FukumitsuyaIshikawa12/31/2023, 6:28:44 AM11/5/2022sonzyI won a great prize in a tobacco manufacturer's sweepstakes! and bought it as a gift.Japanese>English
sonzyBorn純米大吟醸Katokichibei ShotenFukui12/31/2023, 6:23:08 AM9/30/2022sonzyI went to buy it while I was on duty because of its reputation!Japanese>English
sonzyHaneya純米大吟醸Fumigiku ShuzoToyama12/31/2023, 6:19:51 AM2/26/2022sonzyI met this sake from Toyama at an izakaya in Fukui. Unable to forget it, I went to the sake brewery to purchase it!Japanese>English
sonzyChikuha純米吟醸Kazuma ShuzoIshikawa12/31/2023, 6:12:17 AM3sonzyDry sake from Ishikawa. Goes well with seafood. And now to the label collection!Japanese>English
sonzyMansairaku純米大吟醸Kobori ShuzotenIshikawa12/31/2023, 6:08:32 AM9/30/20233sonzyGifts! Special version for Hometown! SetJapanese>English
sonzyShinsen純米吟醸Higashi ShuzoIshikawa12/31/2023, 4:58:47 AM12/30/2021sonzyI couldn't forget how good it tasted when I was introduced to it, so I bought a mini-bottle set for New Year's!Japanese>English
sonzyTakaragawa純米大吟醸Tanaka ShuzoHokkaido12/31/2023, 4:54:23 AMsonzySouvenirs! To the label collection!Japanese>English
sonzyAizuchujo純米吟醸Tsurunoe ShuzoFukushima12/31/2023, 4:45:06 AM12/12/20212sonzySouvenirs! And of course, to the label collection!Japanese>English
sonzyDassai純米大吟醸Asahi ShuzoYamaguchi12/31/2023, 4:41:31 AM12/30/20183sonzyI found it in the supermarket and bought it for New Year's. And the label collectionJapanese>English