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辛口こそ日本酒!と思っていましたが、最近はすっきり甘めの日本酒も好きになってきました。 ⭐︎は自分の好みかどうかを数値化しているだけなので、気にしないでください

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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.
Hououbiden純米吟醸酒 瓶燗火入
Hououbiden Check-in 1Hououbiden Check-in 2
肉林 潤
Hououmida made with wine yeast It is strange that you feel as if you are drinking white wine even though it is rice. It smells sweet. It is like a white wine without acidity. The sweetness is not too strong and easy to drink. ⭐︎2
Ippongi Check-in 1
Ippongi Check-in 2Ippongi Check-in 3
肉林 潤
Clean and dry. Stable Ippongi Paired with steamed turnip. The sweetness of the rice spreads in your mouth when you drink Ippongi immediately after drinking the soup stock. ⭐︎3.2
一辛 Check-in 1
肉林 潤
Maybe because I bought it six months ago and let it sit in the vegetable room, it's more drinkable now that the corners have been removed. It is clean and dry. How is it possible to drink sake from Himeji with a glass from Shiga? But I love this glass! ⭐︎3
Horai生々 純米大吟醸 今朝しぼり
Horai Check-in 1Horai Check-in 2
Horai Check-in 3Horai Check-in 4
肉林 潤
This sake was selling like hotcakes at a product exhibition we stopped by! If someone said, "Only brewers can drink this morning's junmai daiginjo," I would buy it, wouldn't I? Even so, it was limited to 300 bottles, and even when I bought it, the remaining 15 or so bottles were disappearing before my eyes. Amazing! As for the taste, it was fresh and slightly carbonated, as if it had been squeezed this morning. It has a gorgeous sweetness. The pairing was homemade boiled egg and grilled squid. Since we drank at home, the accompaniments were not so good 🤣. ⭐︎2.5
七冠馬 Check-in 1
肉林 潤
Spicy and a little glamorous. Pairing with cooked eggplant. I like the feeling that the eggplant with a little bit of ginger makes it a little less gorgeous and a little drier. I had never had a "cold oroshi" sake before, so I looked it up and found out that it is a sake that has been aged since Risshun. The clarity is so clear that it is hard to believe that it has been matured since Risshun (February). It has no acidity. I guess sake should be kept at -5 degrees Celsius? I wonder if I can keep it at minus 5 degrees Celsius, I would be able to drink delicious sake. I want a refrigerator for sake. ⭐︎3.2
Mifuku Check-in 1
Mifuku Check-in 2Mifuku Check-in 3
肉林 潤
Mifuku's Yamahai brew, hot sake. I prefer to drink this sake hot. Pairing: Senmaizuke pickles. I tried drinking this sake while biting into a Senmaizuke pickle, but it did not taste good on the palate. The acidity of the Senmaizuke is not good. However, when I took a breath after eating the senmaizuke and drank the sake, the richness of the sake seemed to stand out.
Zuikan Check-in 1
Zuikan Check-in 2Zuikan Check-in 3
肉林 潤
It's been laid down for 3 years and the corners have been removed. Very easy to drink dry. Transparency that you wouldn't believe it has been aged for 3 years. I had no expectations for a sake that had been aged for 3 years. I always thought it was 🤔 for hiyaoroshi that comes out in the fall. (I'm using emojis to disguise my impression) I learned for the first time that sake that has been stored in a proper environment tastes good. The pairing was spinach with sesame paste. I love pairing sake with dishes that have a moderate soy sauce taste, as it does not interfere with either! ⭐︎3.5
Koro Check-in 1Koro Check-in 2
肉林 潤
I hadn't had a "Kumamoto" sake yet, so I chose the only Kumamoto sake in the store, but it was sweet 😖. I ordered it while we were eating sashimi, so I feel like I failed a bit with the pairing, but it also gives the impression that we are eating sashimi with Kyushu's sweet soy sauce, so maybe that's a good thing! ⭐︎2.2
You are the creator of Kyokai #9! I'd like to drink it 👏.
肉林 潤
Oh, by the way, I think the store owner said something about yeast...