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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)

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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
It has a sweet and fruity taste that is typical of Oriental beauties. The aroma is strong, but it doesn't seem to be coming through the nose. I think it is because my nose is stuffy. I feel it is one of the most fruity among the oriental beauties.
Senkin雪だるま UAコレクションにごり酒
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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
This bottle is a collaboration with United Arrows, so it has a snowman holding a United Arrows bag, and the nigori is a snowy background for a tasteful look. The gas escapes when the lid is opened, as if it is still fermenting. It was to the point where it would spill if you didn't open it a little at a time. I thought about mixing it a little after opening it, but it mixed on its own without any need to do so. It was so fizzy that I wondered if it was carbonated juice. The taste has the smoothness characteristic of nigori sake, strong gas, and a pear-like aroma, followed by Sengoku's unique umami. It is quite good.
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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
I was actually looking forward to it very much. It is similar to wine, and although fruity, it has a more intense flavor than, for example, Crop Impression. It is slightly effervescent. I like the aroma through the nose, but I wonder if the other series are like this. I haven't had it recently, so I forgot about it.
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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
It looks like melon. Actually, I remember Isojumo as having a strong alcoholic taste, and I didn't like it very much, but this is not like that, and it is very easy to drink. I think this is probably because it is so soon after opening the package. I think the taste will probably change a lot as time goes by after opening the bottle.
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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
Snowman from Red Dragonfly. Winter is quickly approaching. Reviewing my post on last year's Snowman, I think the taste impression is about the same. The sweetness and bitterness are well balanced and easy to drink. But the carbonation is stronger than last year. I also have an impression that the nigoriness is stronger. Overall, I think I like it better than last year's. I don't know exactly whether this one or the snowman has changed.
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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
A lot of things made me feel bad... I was walking around the Nihonbashi area... Oops - liquor store 🤣 I was sucked in IN‼️ Oh~‼️Tenbi🍶😵! I got it without hesitation 👍 Chilled until the evening and did some muscle training first. After I squeeze my body properly.... This is delicious 😋‼️ My favorite ultra-fine sparkling wine is this 👍‼️👍 I can't get enough of it 🤣. A little bit too much drink warning ❗️ I knew it!