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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)

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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
The sake is rated at +6, but it doesn't really feel like it. It's mellow and pear-like at first, but has a slight hiyaoroshi-like thickness. It's not as strong as the nama-shu, but it's tingling all the way through, and you can taste the acidity at the end of the drink.
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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
It is a Junmai Ginjo-shu made from "Yamadaho", which is only available once a year. Yamadaho is the mother of Yamadanishiki. At first, it has a freshness like Isshaku Suisei, but it has a thicker umami impression than the others in the series. I drank a can of it yesterday, and I can't believe it's the same alcohol.
大嶺ohmine 3粒 火入れ 愛山純米吟醸
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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
Cool and sweet. It has a refreshing impression with its acidity, but it also has a sweetness that is present. That sweetness is not heavy, but it is firmly entwined with the tongue. There is a bitter aftertaste. Personally, I thought it was very Aizan-like.
Morishimaひたち錦 純米吟醸純米吟醸
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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
Dry with a cool impression. It is sharp and has a sweet atmosphere on the palate, although there is no stretch to the sweetness. It also has acidity, making it a clear or neutral sake. The rice used, Hitanishiki, is a rice suitable for sake brewing, and it seems to give a clear and clean taste.
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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
An alternative sake brewed with hops. It does not have a strong beer-like taste, but its somewhat subdued sweetness and light bitterness in the aftertaste make it seem like a beer. However, the taste is still within the sake category, giving the impression of a clean junmai sake. It also has a light acidity and a bubbly taste. If I were to compare it to beer, I would say it is similar to white beer. On the liquor store's website, lychee and grapefruit were mentioned. I think I can understand that.
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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
A neutral tasting food wine. It seems to go well with all kinds of food, and in a sense, it may be a highly versatile bottle. It does not have a strong flavor, but it has a light astringency, and behind the astringency, a full-bodied, umami flavor can be seen. It also has an acidity that stimulates the tongue. The alcohol content is light at 12.5 degrees, so you will find yourself emptying your cup before you know it.
Good evening, shitakke! Kochira's instant-kill masayo! Like you said, it's scary how it empties without your knowledge 😆.
Thank you for your comments, Jay & Nobby! Sorry for the delay in replying. All of the Gagakuyo are scary good, aren't they? É
Kazenomori6号への敬意 2023純米原酒生酒無濾過
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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
The sixth bottle of GW sake opened Kaze no Mori: Homage to No.6 Nakadori Unfiltered Nama-shu This is the Nakadori version of the Respect for No. 6, which was also released around March. The chutori has a plate that looks like a dog tag of 6! The last year it was a picture of a flax cat, but this year it was a letter 6 in the shape of rice! The taste is light and shwashy, just like Kaze no Mori. It tasted like an adult's cider, and you could drink it in one gulp! Rice polishing ratio: 70% (100% Akitsuho rice used) Alcohol content: 14%.
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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
The brewery was destroyed by fire about two years ago. Now, the couple is making Yui at a different brewery. This time it was the Sanzen Sakura type. The other one is Raifuku, I think. Basically, it seems that the only difference is the brewing water. I should have bought both. The taste is mellow and fruity, and has the depth of a noble sake. It is not a trendy sweet sake, but has strength. It is a luxurious taste that should be savored well on its own.
Hi sikamaru😃 Yes 🥲, but I saw an article on ‼️ where they are aiming to rebuild in 2 years, so I hope we can drink and support them 📣😋.
Hi Jay & Novi. Yes, I see. I hope they never run out because they can make such a delicious drink.
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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
I went out with my wife to the all-you-can-eat tai-meshi restaurant at Tokyo Station, which was crowded with GW people. We stopped by Hasegawa Sake Shop. I bought a bottle of Kamezumi, which I had been curious about but had missed the timing to buy! I immediately opened the bottle! Oh, pineapple! It's just like that one! It's even sweeter, but I personally liked it very much! It's hard to find in western Saitama unless you go to Kawagoe!