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Nakameguro Isego (中目黒 伊勢五本店)

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Nakameguro Isego (中目黒 伊勢五本店)
Drinking outside. When you enter the restaurant, you can smell the nice scent of wood. It has a stylish atmosphere based on wood 😊. A corner shop in such a store. 100% Miyamanishiki The color is clear. The aroma is sweet from a distance, but crisp and refreshing up close. In the mouth, the sweetness is moderate and the acidity is strong. It reminds me of a delicious Yamahai that was like this. The label reads "Modern Classic," which I think means it is a classic that is easy to drink 🤔. I think it means an easy-drinking classic 🤔. I think the label is the "one stone" from the description, but the picture can be taken as either large or small, so I guess it is left to the drinker 🤔. I thought it looked like a stone about the size of a baseball ⚾️.
SaraThe Polar 赤磐雄町純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Nakameguro Isego (中目黒 伊勢五本店)
It's been a while since I've had a Sairai. I gave it to my colleague M-kun and he was quite pleased, so I bought one myself! As I thought, this brand has a great aroma. It smells like yogurt the moment you taste it. The gasiness is slight. It is sweet, but this is how this sake should be! The sweetness is combined with the aroma and acidity, making this a lactic acid type sake. The sweetness and acidity continues and finishes with a touch of alcohol. Sairai is delicious! It is rare to find such a lactic-acid type sake. If possible, I wish they would serve it with lower alcohol content.
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Nakameguro Isego (中目黒 伊勢五本店)
Finally opened a bottle of spring sake. I'm a little late this season. Ah, always... After opening the bottle, I sniffed the mouth of the bottle. I drank it while remembering what it was like, and found it to have a refreshing, crisp aroma. It is indeed slightly capsule-like. The gasiness is weak. The sweetness and acidity are strong. The acidity is especially impressive. Lactic acidity. The acidity continues, and there is a bit of a bitter taste at the end, but it is not a bad end. I was really into Kouei Kiku when it first came out, but recently I've had an unstable impression of it, so I've been keeping my distance from it for a while. But this one is very tasty. I'm thinking of raising the priority level.
Senkinオーガニック ナチュール 2024(00:ドブロク)生酛原酒生酒にごり酒
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Nakameguro Isego (中目黒 伊勢五本店)
I can't help but buy it when I see a new bottle of Sentori! But I wonder if there will be any more of last year's blue label nigori... The first sip of the bottle has a nice melon-like aroma that makes you groan. The aroma is so intense even though it is so cloudy, it is wonderful. The gasiness is also strong. The sweetness is moderate and the acidity is strong, a taste that is right on target for me. After the acidity, the nigori umami comes in thickly, and it is a happy finish. This is the best one I've had recently! This would be a good substitute for the blue label. But I wonder if they will ever come out with a blue one...
Mr. disry This Sentori is delicious!
Good morning, Kozo-san. ☀️ Hirotogawa is delicious too 👍‼️ Of course I drank it this season👍 This Sentori is also good to drink this season‼️
Hi disry 😃 Sentori's Dobrok! It's a delicious taste that also predicts its future evolution 😋 I'm excited to see Sentori's challenge 🤗.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 🌇. Yes, I heard that next season will be a complete change, so will it be even more advanced? 🤔 I'm looking forward to it: ‼️
Shinshu Kirei山恵錦純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Nakameguro Isego (中目黒 伊勢五本店)
Last year, I consciously stayed away from the heatedly popular Shinshu Kamerei, but the last time I drank Hitogokochi, I enjoyed it so much that I decided to buy it when I saw it! I'm glad I did! The aroma is a bit milder than usual, but it has a fresh apple aroma. A little gassy. Gentle sweetness and very refreshing acidity. The acidity is followed by a slight bitterness. I've been trying not to be aware of it as much as possible because it's so popular that I have to sacrifice my work and private life to buy it, but it's still delicious, so I have to buy it....
Good evening, Mr. DISRY ^_^ Shinshu Kamerei, when I see it, I buy it immediately👍 It's not so easy to find it nowadays 🥲. I want to drink it again.
Good morning, Manta 🌞. It's hard to be jittery when you get the news of the arrival at work 🥲.... But I won't hesitate anymore 😤. I'll buy it: ‼️
Sogga pere et filsヌメロシス 池田ロット生酛原酒生酒無濾過
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Nakameguro Isego (中目黒 伊勢五本店)
We got it safely again this year. I wonder how many bottles I can drink this year. This year's wine is more gorgeous than usual, with a nice grape-like aroma. Slightly gassy on the first day. Sweetness and acidity are clear. The acidity is strong and nice as usual. After the acidity, there was a sharp taste of bitterness. Less bitterness than usual. We enjoyed it again this year. Last year, I drank the normal lot with my neighbors and they raved about it, so I'll definitely be getting some this year.
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Nakameguro Isego (中目黒 伊勢五本店)
Tobiramen is often recommended by Sake-no-Wawa. I'm sure it's my favorite flavor, but I don't really like the label and I simply haven't seen it very often, so this is the first time I've bought it. A bit expensive one. It's rather sweet as I imagined, but with a fine sprinkling of sourness and umami. It has a pleasant taste coupled with a slight effervescence that you can feel. It is delicious.
HiranHappy New Born 無濾過生原酒 おりがらみ原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ
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Nakameguro Isego (中目黒 伊勢五本店)
This is a new sake from Hiran, and it is orikarami. This is my favorite spec, an unfiltered, unpasteurized sake. It is also the best fruity sake at the sake shop. I felt it was a little less fruity right after opening the bottle, but after a couple of days it was more fruity. I remember that the taste of "Hiran" had a modern fruity flavor while retaining some of the classic sake characteristics, and although this sake is definitely fruity, it has a complex taste with some sake-like characteristics. It has a strong acidity and bitterness, and I think grapefruitiness is the best way to describe it. If you mix it with carbonated water, you can drink it like a juice. It was a very tasty sake.
Fusano Kankiku愛山50 -Red Diamond-純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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I'm feeling better and resuming normal drinking. Because the fridge is full... I buy Red Diamond every year. How about this year? The aroma is more pineapple than usual. Very floral and refreshing. The gasiness is so-so. The impression of the chrysanthemum is sweet, but the sourness is more impressive this time. So, I really like the taste. Especially, the timing of opening the mouth was the best of the season. The aftertaste is sweet and sour, with a strong fruity feeling, like a pineapple juice. Amazing. It's been a while since I've had such a fruity, delicious drink, and I'm so happy. It gets a little dry after a few days, so it's best to drink it as soon as possible.
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Nakameguro Isego (中目黒 伊勢五本店)
I've had Chiebijin itself, but would you dare to say that you hide the specs and leave it to the sensibilities of each person who drinks it? The sweetness, acidity, and bitterness are well balanced. The sweetness comes to the fore from the second day after opening the bottle.... Before I forget, I'd like to drink Chiebijin again to compare 😅.
Hiranにこまる Queen生酒無濾過
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先週末から持病の腸炎になってしまい、今週は絶食しての回復期間。重湯からお粥と続き、昨日から普通の食事が摂れるようになったので、お酒の試運転開始! 香りは、穏やかめだけど、柔らかなマスカット香。ガス感はしっかり。 初日はアルコール感のアタックが強かったけど、3日経つと柔らかくなって、キュートな甘味が前に出て、酸味は穏やかに変化。 酸味が薄く続いて、最後はほんの少しの苦味でフィニッシュ。 先日、とある酒屋さんでネクスト新政って言われてるんですよー、という会話を小耳に挟んだけど、ちゃんとオリジナリティあって、かつこのまとまりの良さ、いつか新政を超えるってことですね!
Hi disry 😃 I'm sorry to hear about your intestinal infection 💦 how are you feeling? I feel like you're in the right place for a test drive of alcohol 🤗Take your time and enjoy your health 😊.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 🌆. I'm sorry for your constant concern: 🙇🏻 It's a bit of a chronic illness, so it would be ideal if we could coexist with alcohol. 🤔 but I drank again today... 🤪.
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Nakameguro Isego (中目黒 伊勢五本店)
Purchased at Isego Honten Murayu is a hit-or-miss product, so I asked the store staff which of the two varieties they had. I asked the shopkeeper about it and chose the sweeter of the two varieties. I chose the sweeter one. It is a sweet sake and close to my taste. But it smells a little bit like sake. I think it's hard to drink 4 gou of sake, but I will drink it. Alcohol content 16 degrees
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Nakameguro Isego (中目黒 伊勢五本店)
It has been a long time since I have had Genshu Mai. It's been a long time since I got this very fantastic sake. It is a ginjo without junmai (pure rice), which I rarely buy. Moreover, it is a raw sake. I wonder what it tastes like. The aroma is quite mild. There is a faint capsule aroma. No gassiness. Very gentle sweetness. A shocking marriage with Kaga's specialty, kabura-zushi, which I happened to be eating. The second half is really beautiful, with no unpleasant alcohol taste and a smooth, gentle finish. This is the best food wine of the season. It made the meal very flavorful. I recommend the combination of kaburazushi and sake!