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Imadeya Sumida

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Imadeya Sumida
Special pure rice 🍶. Sweet 😆, gentle and loose. Gentle ☺️. Pleasant. I feel again that Fukushima's sake is so familiar to my body. Pair it with assorted sashimi from Noguchi Nidaime Fresh Fish Restaurant (二代目野口鮮魚店)🐟. IMADEYA SUMIDA @ Kinshicho PARCO 20230325
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Imadeya Sumida
Special Junmai Namaishibarashu🍶IMADEYA's original blend ✨Tochigi-grown special A district Yamadanishiki🌾. Sudden, light ✨, moderate spiciness. Good acidity in the back. ☺️ It was a fine taste. IMADEYA SUMIDA @ Kinshicho PARCO 20230325
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Imadeya Sumida
Peachiness is visible in the light sweetness. It is fresh and juicy. It is salable and gives the illusion that you can drink as much as you want. I thought there was a fruity aftertaste. I wonder if there is a light acidity.
Ippakusuisei純米吟醸 美郷錦純米吟醸
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Imadeya Sumida
It has a duality that is clean but also complex! At first there is a beautiful impression with light acidity. It also has a mild sweetness in the mouth. However, a slight bitterness and mild acidity lingers in the aftertaste. And although you would expect it to be a light sake, it has a heavy alcohol content of 16 degrees. As the temperature rises, the acidity rises. Surprisingly, the "weight" also increases.
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Imadeya Sumida
Against the production land, Koei Chrysanthemum, twilight orange. The taste is stable, with a slightly muddy, subdued sweetness that flows into a sourness. It is a stable flavor that flows from a slightly muddy sweetness to a sourness. CC lemon for adults. I was a little surprised to find that the vendor was not a good one. The tasting started and the tasting session started. I was so excited to see the tasting party, I'm out of here 😆. I asked the guy if Sogapale was available for tasting. He said we rarely see Sogapert. I guess we can't see Sogapert in Tokyo 😅.
Good evening, Harry! I'm so glad you're here 😄 I went shopping at IMADEYA the other day too! 😆👍There was no twilight orange yet so I'm aiming for around this weekend 😁Sogape's hurdles are the same in Tokyo. 😭
⭐︎ Good morning, Harry. IMADEYA, that's nice! I want to drink sogapale too! Never had it 😢.
Good morning, MAJ😊. IMADEYA handles quite a lot, IMADEYA handles quite a lot of sake, but because there are so many customers, the Sogapale tasting is instantaneous. I heard that the limited edition sake may be hard to find,
Good morning, Duke 😊. Bottles are heavy these days, and I've been on a bit of a corner. I'm in the mood for tasting. Sogapale seems to be hard to find in Tokyo, if I travel to Matsumoto in winter, I might be able to buy it, but I'm not good in cold weather😅.
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Imadeya Sumida
Today is an adult stopover. Not the 0th party, but a side trip just after going out to Tokyo. IMADEYA Kaku-uchi in Kinshicho, Tokyo. Joe-san stopped by the other day, too, I bought my favorite raw oyster & oyster fry set I bought my favorite raw oyster & oyster fry set at another store and let's have a drink. ❣️ San-do 2022 Hozu - this is my first time to try it! It has a pleasantly sweet and sour taste. It's a grown-up 7-Up. I guess 75ml is not enough...at least 1 gou, I'd like to drink at least one sake. A mini banquet for one with oyster set
Good evening Harry, I can buy some Yamadanishiki, but I can't buy Hozu! It looks like it would go well with sour oysters😍.
Hi Harry, good evening 🌙 What a nice adult side trip 😁👍I got a bite at the offline meeting 😆 It was delicious but a little too little to really understand 💦.
Manachie, good morning 😊. I drank Yamada Nishiki last year, so I went to Hozu, I don't remember the taste though. Iwate oysters 🦪 were large and delicious😄.
Good morning, Pon 😊. Adult stopovers are like a child's shopping spree. It's similar, but with a bigger budget â 75ml 800yen, oyster set 1100yen, ah, bottle I can buy that 🤣.
KudokijozuJr. のヒ蜜純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過貴醸酒
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Imadeya Sumida
I was curious about this sake at a corner liquor store. I was curious about this sake, so I had it right away! The nector The nector" is a kind of flower honey. It's just like a flower's honey! It has a perfect sweetness of kijo sake! It may be suitable for a stand-alone or dessert sake! 70ml 600 yen The snack is a set of oyster comparison set at the seafood tavern next door. Oyster comparison set take out! A large raw oyster and fried oyster for 1,177 yen! This is a must for oyster lovers!
Good morning, Harry 😃. Sweet and juicy, that too a noble sake Kudo Jr. and oysters ❓ It's an interesting pairing: ❗️
Good morning Harry, ☺️ I have also had raw oysters from this corner shop & the seafood bowl shop next door 😆❣️ They had a great lineup on the Kaku-uchi menu then too 😊. I'd love to go back 💕.
Good evening, Mr. Chichi. I was lured by the honey and drank a lot, The oysters were really big and perfect for a quick drink 😅. It was perfect for a quick drink😅.
Kuni, good evening 🌇. Yes, that's right, I went back and forth between the corner store and the seafood store there. back and forth between the corner restaurant and the seafood shop to come up with a combination. I thought about it😊The process is fun, isn't it? I think the process is fun 😀.
Roman純米吟醸 一回入れ純米吟醸
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Imadeya Sumida
Clean, fresh and sweet. Soft on the palate. There is also a light acidity. The impression is rather light, but not diluted, which I thought was exquisite. The alcohol is moderate and not too much! The lingering finish is gentle, and there may be a slightly bitter nuance. It has an image of penetrating easily and without any sense of resistance. This is the second time I have posted the same specs of this brand. When I drank it last year, it seemed to have a mineral impression. This time it is not without it, but I thought it was not worth mentioning. Anyway, it is a sake that you can drink for a long time without getting tired of it.
KazenomoriALPHA8 大地の力原酒生酒無濾過
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Imadeya Sumida
Sake with a beer taste. The aftertaste somehow reminds me of beer with sweetness. It has a barley-like sweetness. According to the back of the label, it seems to be made by a production method that is closer to the brewing method of beer. It is made from 100% brown rice from Akitsuho, and I personally have never tasted a sake made from brown rice before. It has a graininess to it, but it's still easy to drink, probably because it's a Kaze no Mori sake. It also has the usual fizzy taste.
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Imadeya Sumida
Junmai Unrefined Unpasteurized Unpasteurized Unpasteurized Unpasteurized 🍶Akitsuho from Nara Prefecture🌾. Gorgeous aroma ✨, shuwakire, muscat 😆 served with 8 gorgeous sashimi 😋! IMADEYA SUMIDA@Kinshicho 20220504
KoeigikuSNOW CRESCENT さがびより原酒生酒無濾過
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Imadeya Sumida
Strangely, lemon squash feeling! Slightly carbonated, with a pungent acidity. And a bit bitter. It is very refreshing and you can drink it in small gulps. The sweetness or umami that lingers on the tongue is also nice. It probably has a different taste from the image of sweet or dry sake, so I would like people who do not drink much to try it. I am sure they will think it is delicious. Now that I mention it, is the brand name Crescent because the address of Koei Kiku Shuzo is Mikazuki-cho, Ogi City? The rice used is called "Sagabiyori," which means "edible rice. I'd love to try this as cooked rice!
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Imadeya Sumida
Junmai 🍶 Ise Nishiki Strong taste. From sweet umami. Juicy, sweetness with raw oysters. ⤴️ Imadeya here is located in the food court, so it's easy to combine with good food, and it's a yucky environment 😆. IMADEYA SUMIDA @ Kinshicho 20220430
Sohomare生酛仕込 特別純米 原酒特別純米生酛原酒
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Imadeya Sumida
It has a banana aroma, with a hint of banana and a keynote aroma. The aroma also reveals a hint of sourness. The body is slightly heavy and moist, as is typical of the original. It has a moderate sweetness with a hint of sourness, and its strong flavor makes it possible to drink it like a straight whiskey. It has the feel of a calm sake. It is not extremely fruity.
Kamikawataisetsu特別純米 彗星 特別純米
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Imadeya Sumida
The taste rises quickly and cleanly like a junmai ginjo. The aroma is melon-like, and the sweetness is melon and pear-like. The slight acidity makes it very easy to drink, and the aftertaste slowly fades away. It is very easy to drink for those who are just starting to drink sake.
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Imadeya Sumida
It is a guess brand name, Kaze no Mori. It's a good sake, no hassles! The sweetness of the rice spreads when you taste it, and the acidity soon spreads and finishes crisp and clean. The bitter taste lingers on the palate. It is exquisite!