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随分と前から気になっていたのですが、ようやく始めてみました。 日本酒は人一倍飲んでいるのかなとは思いますが、皆様からの情報なども参考にさせていただきつつ、奥深い日本酒の世界へさらにどっぷりと浸かりたいです。 やっぱり、日本酒って、イイもんですね。 よろしくお願いします。 時と場合にもよりますが、生酒よりも火入れで、香りが強過ぎない淡麗系のお酒が好みです。 出身:高知県 現在:京都

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Sake Map

The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


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This is the second bottle in the Ishikawa sake drinking comparison set. Despite the classic label, it has an impressive ginjo aroma with just the right amount of ginjo flavor. It is refreshing on the palate and seems to go well with all kinds of food and as an everyday sake. I tried to find detailed information about this sake on the Shikano Sake Brewery's website, but to my surprise, it was not even listed on the official website. Is it only available in the local area? Personally, I love old-fashioned "regular" sake brands, so this was one that really stuck out to me.
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This is one of the bottles in a set of sake comparison set given to me by a colleague. It is a sake made by Fukumitsuya, which also makes Kagatobi. After the classic aroma, it had a clean taste and a modern aroma, a true fusion of old and new. Because it was 300 ml, it was gone in an instant. It is on the level of a personal candidate for purchase in a bottle. The degree is also good at 14 degrees!
DaisekkeiSUMMER LIGHT 純米生原酒
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Lately, I've been liking low-alcoholic drinks. This Daisetsukei is also quite low in alcohol content at 13%. Open the bottle and take a sip. It has a sparkling taste and is quite easy to drink. It is really refreshing and goes well with all kinds of food. After that, I enjoyed the change in flavor over the next week or so. After the fizziness was gone, I felt a solid taste that was not typical of low-alcohol (?). I felt a solid flavor. In this state, you wouldn't even know it was low-alcohol if you weren't told.
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This is a special pure rice from Hakurakusei. I don't think it is a draft sake, but the label says it needs to be kept cold. It is served cold. As the label says "the ultimate food sake," it is a very refreshing sake that goes very well with food. It is not boring to drink and goes well with all kinds of food. The aroma is exquisite, and I personally love the flavor. I am looking forward to seeing how it tastes when heated. There are many delicious sakes from Miyagi Prefecture.
Kagatobi山廃純米 超辛口
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A colleague from Ishikawa recommended Kagatobi to me and said it was delicious. Since it is a draft sake, of course it was served cold at first. Although it is described as "super dry," the aroma is still quite strong because it is a draft sake, so it does not feel super dry. It has a hint of aroma that is typical of nama-shu, then a complex flavor unique to yamahai, and finally it finishes with a nice crispness, which I feel is well integrated. It would go well with sashimi or yakitori! Yamahai and Namahashi are quite difficult to make because if you make a mistake, the complexity of the wine becomes just a cloying taste, but many of them are really tasty these days.
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It is my favorite brand. I never get tired of drinking this F in particular. This time I bought it in a bottle. I think it is fire-aged, but it has a freshness like a fresh sake. I heard that it was named "F" for short for "for you". The price is also surprisingly low... Akabu Shuzo is a brewery that was damaged in the 3.11 disaster, but has since recovered and is brewing excellent sake.
Kozaemon特別純米 信濃美山錦
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Kozaemon is a popular brand in Gifu. We bought this one because of its clean and dry taste. It is said to be a standard product of Kozaemon. It has a strong hint of green apple aroma. With this quality at this price, it is no wonder it is so popular. The recommended pairing dishes on the label are all crisp Japanese-style dishes, but if the aroma is this strong, I would rather pair it with Western-style dishes. Bolognese pasta, for example.
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I have recently been discovering low alcohol consumption. The reason is that I have become weaker than I used to be, perhaps due to the fact that I am no longer drinking, or simply because I... The sake I bought this time is called "TAMA", which is produced by Tamanomitsu. To be honest, I bought it on the spot. I bought it because it's "sweet and sour" and "slightly sweet", but... well, it's much darker and sweeter than I imagined. I personally find it hard to pair with food. I immediately added ice and drank the first glass on the rocks. Next, I'll try it with soda. "Hmm? It's... it's good! It's low in alcohol by nature, and now that I've made it 50:50, it's even lower, but I think I can pair it with fried chicken or meat. It would be nice if the product label said something like "Also available with soda! I thought it would be good to have it written on the product label.
Kameizumi純米大吟醸 亀の尾
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This is a sake from Kameizumi Shuzo, a sake brewery in Tosa City, Kochi Prefecture. Kameizumi's most popular sake is CEL-24. This brand is made from Kame no O, which is said to be a fantastic sake rice. CEL-19 and A-14 are both made with the prefecture's own yeast developed by Kochi Prefecture, giving them a strong local flavor. On the palate, the aroma is low for a nama-shu, and the umami is quite strong. However, at the end, as is the case with Tosa sake, the sake finishes quickly and smoothly, so I paired it with sashimi, and it was quite good. Personally, I would like to try this kind of sake with dishes that have a strong flavor, such as boiled or stewed dishes. However, I finished it before I could try that...
Bijofu純米吟醸 CEL-66
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Bijou is a famous sake from Kochi. It is a namaishu named "CEL-66" which is Kochi's original yeast. The rice used for this sake is "Gin no Yume", Kochi's own sake rice. It has a refreshing mouthfeel and a slight foam. It is a dangerous sake that is easy to drink. It also has a strong umami taste. Kochi sake is often said to be dry, but recently there have been many trendy, aromatic sakes on the market. However, people in Kochi tend to shy away from sake that has a strong aftertaste, so most of the sake seems to retain its lightness. This Bijou is also a namaishu, but the aftertaste is really refreshing, so you won't get tired of it. I paired it with almonds and other nuts, and it was outstandingly delicious.
Tsukasabotan土佐麗 純米吟醸酒
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This is my first review of a Tosa sake from my hometown. Tsukabotan. The name of the product, "Tosa-Rei", is a new brewing rice developed by the Kochi Prefectural Agricultural Technology Center. (The name before naming was "Takaiku 80-go") The most famous sake rice in Kochi is "Gin no Yume", but Tosa Re is expected to become the representative sake rice of Kochi in the future. First, drink it at room temperature. It is so refreshing and light! This is what Tosa sake is all about. Some people who have drunk this sake say that it is sweet for a Shippotan. The expressions "sweet" and "spicy" are short-sighted and not liked very much, but on the other hand, they are the words that most clearly express the subjectivity of the drinker. Personally, I think it is a "refreshing and light" sake, and if I had to choose between sweet and spicy, I would say it is overwhelmingly "dry", but some people seem to find it "sweet". Perhaps it is the refreshing ginjo aroma that makes people feel this way, but it is interesting to note that the way you feel it will vary depending on the type of sake you usually drink. Next, let's try it with cold sake. The refreshing sensation increases, and it's like "delicious water. (That's a compliment.) It goes down so easily that it's gone in no time. A bottle of Tosa sake is a must.
Ugonotsuki純米大吟醸 Black Moon
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The Moon after the Rain is a warehouse in Kure City, Hiroshima Prefecture. A few years ago, my boss at work was from Kure city, and he said, "Kure's sake is delicious. You should try Amago no Tsuki and Kahato's Kijoushu. I remember him saying, "The sake of Kure is delicious. I don't usually buy namaishu for home use, but I was attracted by the brand name of Amago no Tsuki, so I bought it. The aroma is subdued, but when you put it in your mouth, the umami hits you hard. There is also a complex bitterness that is similar to Omachi in the umami. The aftertaste is not too heavy. In my opinion, many of the Omachi sakes have a strong umami taste, and depending on your point of view, they are quite popular with connoisseurs. There is even a word for it, "omatist" (laughs). However, in the case of this sake, even those who are not familiar with sake will think "YUM! Even those who are not familiar with sake will probably say, "Wow! Although it is a Daiginjo, the aroma is moderate and the flavor is strong, so it goes perfectly with fish dishes such as sashimi. I would like to try this brand when I visit Kure City.
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Happy New Year, everyone! The first sake I bought for the new year was the Yamahai Junmai from Yukino Kayasha. There was also a namaizake version of the same sake on sale, but I wanted to warm it up, so I bought the regular heated version. (Although the heated version might be good too.) We started with a cold sake. It has a lactic acid aroma and a sour taste in the mouth. After that, you can taste the complex umami unique to Yamahai, but the acidity covers it, so the aftertaste is rather refreshing. This is a sake that you will never get tired of drinking. Dangerous. Then I warm it up. It's heated to 50°C. You'd think the aroma and flavor would burst forth, but what? The aroma has calmed down, and the taste has become sharper. It's just the way I like it. I paired it with boiled firefly squid. It's a good marriage. This is a great example of Yuki no Kayasha's ability to create such a fun flavor with Yamahai style. As a side note, we also tasted the Yamahai Junmai Ginjo, but the taste was completely different. (The Junmai Ginjo had less acidity and was more of an honor student. I guess there are different tastes, but it is interesting to see how much the taste changes between Junmai and Junmai Ginjo)
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Thank you all for your hard work. This year is almost over. This time, we will be drinking a sake from Shichisho Shuzo in Nagano Prefecture. Nagano Prefecture is famous for its Miyamanishiki, and it seems that this sake is made from Miyamanishiki grown by the brewery and contract farmers. The aroma has a strong ginjo flavor, but the taste is light and has a nice crispness. (The label says "faint aroma", but I personally feel that the aroma is also quite strong. This is one of the interesting aspects of sake. I've heard that in Nagano Prefecture, sake is often paired with foods with strong flavors, such as miso and pickles, so there are many sake with strong aromas and flavors. This sake has a strong aroma, but the taste is relatively light, so it is classified as a "kunshu" in the recent classification. Since it has a strong aroma, we paired it with smoked gizzards. It is quite a good marriage. If you drink the sake by itself, you may feel that it is a little sweet because of the strong ginjo aroma, but I feel that the potential of this sake can be brought out by pairing it with snacks that have an impact.
Senkinクラシック仙禽 無垢
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Here it is, Classic Senkou Muketsu. It's my favorite brewery. It has an aroma like melon, and when you put it in your mouth, it dances in your mouth in the order of transparency, gasiness, and umami, leaving a light aftertaste, and then it snaps quickly. It is delicious. The pop-up at the liquor store where I bought it said it was "watery", but I know what you mean. I can't really put it into words, but I think it must be quite difficult to achieve this balance. Senkou has become famous for its domaine, but this sake is made with a traditional yeast mash. I was surprised to find out that this sake was made with a traditional yeast mash as I have a preconceived notion that "yeast mash ≒ complex umami ≒ peculiar taste". Preconceptions are no good. It goes well with food, but this time I paired it with sashimi. This time, I paired it with sashimi. It is a nama-shu, so it has an aroma, but it is relatively light, so it goes well unexpectedly. Of course it goes well with cheese, but I think it goes well with western food in general. We have a feeling that we will run out of 720ml soon.
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It's a famous sake of Toyama. I used to see it often when I traveled to Hokuriku. I took the plunge and bought a bottle for everyday use. My criteria for buying a bottle for home drinking are mainly (1) It's not peculiar and can be used as a mid-meal drink (2) It's good cold, room temperature or warmed up (3) Fire-roasted sake (because raw sake is more difficult to manage) etc. This drink meets the above criteria for me personally. In the mouth, it has a subtle aroma and flavor at the same time and kicks off quickly. It is a very clear sake without any unwanted aroma. It is delicious with sashimi or simmered dishes. I personally recommend using cold sake, but it is also good to drink it warmed since it is getting cold. The flavor of the sake comes out even better when it is warmed. This Tateyama is of this quality at less than 2,000 yen for a bottle of sake. In recent years, the most popular type of sake is the one with a strong ginjo flavor, but I personally find that type of sake hard to use on a daily basis. A delicious sake with a powerful aroma doesn't necessarily mean that you can't get enough of it. If you buy a bottle of sake easily, you may end up consuming it too much. (I've been there!)
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Don't underestimate that it's a cup of sake. It's delicious. (It's a plastic container, not a bottle. It's not a bottle, but a plastic container. It is served with cold sake. The aroma of the Yoshino cedar on the nose is clear, and then the deliciousness rolls through the mouth with the aroma of the Yoshino cedar. I personally think this cask sake goes perfectly with cheese. (I had it with baby cheese.) Try it once. I think it's good warmed up. I'll try it next time. I've never had a good impression of the major breweries, but for a cup of sake, this level of quality is a foul on me personally. It's a quintessential sake.
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It has a gorgeous aroma, but not too strong, and the mouthfeel is dry and smooth with the aroma. It is exquisite and you will never get tired of drinking it. The sake has a nice freshness to it once it's been cooked. Onuma Sake Brewing Co. made this sake with the idea that "a new story begins by overcoming corona".