SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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It's a famous sake of Toyama. I used to see it often when I traveled to Hokuriku. I took the plunge and bought a bottle for everyday use. My criteria for buying a bottle for home drinking are mainly (1) It's not peculiar and can be used as a mid-meal drink (2) It's good cold, room temperature or warmed up (3) Fire-roasted sake (because raw sake is more difficult to manage) etc. This drink meets the above criteria for me personally. In the mouth, it has a subtle aroma and flavor at the same time and kicks off quickly. It is a very clear sake without any unwanted aroma. It is delicious with sashimi or simmered dishes. I personally recommend using cold sake, but it is also good to drink it warmed since it is getting cold. The flavor of the sake comes out even better when it is warmed. This Tateyama is of this quality at less than 2,000 yen for a bottle of sake. In recent years, the most popular type of sake is the one with a strong ginjo flavor, but I personally find that type of sake hard to use on a daily basis. A delicious sake with a powerful aroma doesn't necessarily mean that you can't get enough of it. If you buy a bottle of sake easily, you may end up consuming it too much. (I've been there!)