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Kameizumi純米大吟醸 亀の尾
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This is a sake from Kameizumi Shuzo, a sake brewery in Tosa City, Kochi Prefecture. Kameizumi's most popular sake is CEL-24. This brand is made from Kame no O, which is said to be a fantastic sake rice. CEL-19 and A-14 are both made with the prefecture's own yeast developed by Kochi Prefecture, giving them a strong local flavor. On the palate, the aroma is low for a nama-shu, and the umami is quite strong. However, at the end, as is the case with Tosa sake, the sake finishes quickly and smoothly, so I paired it with sashimi, and it was quite good. Personally, I would like to try this kind of sake with dishes that have a strong flavor, such as boiled or stewed dishes. However, I finished it before I could try that...