SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Ugonotsuki純米大吟醸 Black Moon
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The Moon after the Rain is a warehouse in Kure City, Hiroshima Prefecture. A few years ago, my boss at work was from Kure city, and he said, "Kure's sake is delicious. You should try Amago no Tsuki and Kahato's Kijoushu. I remember him saying, "The sake of Kure is delicious. I don't usually buy namaishu for home use, but I was attracted by the brand name of Amago no Tsuki, so I bought it. The aroma is subdued, but when you put it in your mouth, the umami hits you hard. There is also a complex bitterness that is similar to Omachi in the umami. The aftertaste is not too heavy. In my opinion, many of the Omachi sakes have a strong umami taste, and depending on your point of view, they are quite popular with connoisseurs. There is even a word for it, "omatist" (laughs). However, in the case of this sake, even those who are not familiar with sake will think "YUM! Even those who are not familiar with sake will probably say, "Wow! Although it is a Daiginjo, the aroma is moderate and the flavor is strong, so it goes perfectly with fish dishes such as sashimi. I would like to try this brand when I visit Kure City.