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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.
Jujiasahi Check-in 1Jujiasahi Check-in 2
Today's sake is "Ten Asahi Nikki Magena Nigori". It is a dry sake with a sake strength of +15. When I bought it 3 months ago and opened it, it had almost zero sizzle. The liquor store told me that if I let it sit a little longer, it would be more like a schnitzel, so I let it sit... It was so shwashy that I couldn't believe it! It must have been eating sugar and giving off gas in our fridge for the past 3 months! I guess it's rare in active nigori. It's really not sweet! It's a gassy and bitter type! It was refreshing in today's hot weather.
Tamagawa Check-in 1Tamagawa Check-in 2
Today's sake is.... But we had already opened the bottle about 2 days ago. It is "Tamagawa Ice Breaker". It's delicious. I drank it with ice on top, just like Phillip said. It starts out crisp and refreshing, but later on it has a rich, brown sugar-like aroma. It's fun to watch it change as the ice melts. It was a stylish looking and tasting drink 😊.
Musubito Check-in 1Musubito Check-in 2
Today's sake is "Yuijin Summer Arabashiri". The aroma is oh so fruity! In the mouth, fruity sweetness and umami lead to bitterness. The color is slightly cloudy. It is delicious and well tasted!
Kariho Check-in 1Kariho Check-in 2
Today's sake is "Kariho Junmai Ginjo Rokusyu Summer Mist". I drank a lot of it, and now it's time to drink it. This refreshing feeling after working, exercising, and taking a bath in the torrential downpour in the morning is so familiar to me. There's a little bit of oriole at the bottom of the glass, and you can see it glimmering in the glass. I like that feeling too. It was a delicious sake today, too.
Yamamoto Check-in 1Yamamoto Check-in 2
Today we have "Yamamoto's Test Brewing Sake Junmai 90". The color is yellow. The aroma has a strong alcohol taste. When I put it in my mouth, I thought, "Oh, it's easier to drink than I expected. The sweetness is stronger than usual Yamamoto, and the first impression is that it is a white wine. But "I am Yamamoto" appears. The taste is firm but sharp, so it can be drunk with food. I also like the slight quirkiness. I can only be thankful to the brewers who must have gone through a lot of trial and error to make such a delicious sake.
Bo Check-in 1Bo Check-in 2
My younger daughter picked out this sake at a nearby liquor store. It is "Nozomu Junmai Daiginjo Akita Sake Komachi". The aroma is gorgeous. When you put it in your mouth, you will be surprised by the sweetness. Like a woman who is elegant but has a strong core. The pink label fits perfectly. My daughter asked me, "Is it good? She asked me, "How good? I can't rank sake! They are all different and all good!
Shichiken Check-in 1Shichiken Check-in 2
Today's sake is "Shichiken Activated Nigori Junmai". The blue bottle is still very nice. When you put it in your mouth, you can taste the acidity from the slight firing and the gorgeous aroma. But after that, it has a nutty taste. It was the first time for me to taste nuts. Nuts at this timing. But thanks to that, it is gorgeous but not too gorgeous. It ends with a refreshing finish. Delicious 😋. The alcohol content is 13%. I have work and personal meetings tomorrow, so I have to be careful with my drinking.
Tako mama konbanhasan ´´takomama´´. smells like alcohol If you say so I disinfected it with alcohol. I'll be fine😆.
Good evening, Eirin. I see! That's the way to do it 😆. The mask hides most of my face, so I can fool them...now that's a technique I can pull off!
Akabu Check-in 1
Akabu Check-in 2Akabu Check-in 3
Today's sake is "Akabu Junmai-shu". The color is slightly yellowish. The aroma is pleasant. Nice aroma. When you put it in your mouth, it is delicious. It has a nice balance of sourness and sweetness. The aftertaste is refreshing, so it is great during a meal. It was a good sake that was easy to drink while retaining the feeling of a dinner drink.
Okunokami Check-in 1
Okunokami Check-in 2Okunokami Check-in 3
It is the season for summer sake. Today's sake is "Okunokami Junmai Nakadori Nao Kumi Nama" from Tokyo. The bright blue bottle is beautiful. The aroma is subtle. The color is clear and fresh and cool. When you put it in your mouth, you can feel a subtle sizzling sensation. I see what you mean by "rummy" type. You can feel the sweetness at first, but the bitterness comes later, so you can drink it refreshingly. The aroma that comes through the nose may not be to everyone's liking, but I like it! It is too perfect for a gloomy day like today. I am proud to say that my choice today was a nice one. And I hope a gecko will come to our window this year, too.
Nito Check-in 1Nito Check-in 2
Nito Check-in 3Nito Check-in 4
I want to drink a schwag!!! I want to drink it on a regular basis. When I told my husband, he said, "It's chronic, isn't it? Yes, I am. Today's sake is "Ni-Utto Junmai Yamadanishiki 65 Nigori Nama-zake" (Junmai Yamadanishiki 65 Nigori raw sake). The rabbit is famous for being violent. I got it in a bottle. I'm a beginner, so I watched the instructional video, and it was interesting to see the video when I made a mistake. With a takoyaki (octopus ball) flipper and a hammer, we opened the bottle! It's already shrieking. If you open it normally, it will definitely pop. It took 5-10 minutes while my oldest daughter and I were talking about how great it was, but we were able to open it✨✨. In the mouth, the sweetness is less than I imagined. Gentle sweetness like honey. And the schwarziness as expected. It's delicious. It's a bit hot in May, but it's refreshing and easy to pair with food. But be careful, it is 16% Al!
Shinshu Kirei Check-in 1
Shinshu Kirei Check-in 2Shinshu Kirei Check-in 3
The other day, I brought "Shinshu Kamerei Hitogochi Junmai Ginjo" to my parents' house. Today was the third day after opening the bottle. It is so juicy that it is hard to believe it is fire-aged. But the bitterness that comes afterwards gives it a nice kick. It also has a nice hot feeling in the throat. My mother said, "It is a beautiful sake," but yes, it is Kamerei. However, at my parents' house, Shinta Kachi-yo was even more popular than that, which made me think that Japanese sake is interesting.
Good evening, Takomama! This liquor is on my to-drink list, but I haven't had it yet!
Hello, Red Rabbit! I also happened to come across a place that sells only one bottle per household, so maybe I was lucky. It would be nice if they were more readily available.
Yamamoto Check-in 1Yamamoto Check-in 2
We will have it on Sunday afternoon. Today's sake is "Sparkling Yamamoto". Maybe because I opened it right after I bought it, it had a lot of shwash and took a long time to open because I was a rambunctious boy. Thanks to that, the orikori was mixed well. It looks like Calpis soda. The aroma is that of nigori sake. When you put it in your mouth, you will feel the expected shwash as it leaves your nose. It reminded me of Yamamoto's "Do", which I like.
Akabu Check-in 1Akabu Check-in 2
It was hot today - after a bath, it was time to open the bottle. Today's sake is "AKABU AIR". The aroma is subdued. When you put it in your mouth, you will be amazed! The best after-bath sake ever! This is no longer sake. In a very good way. It is a clear, beautiful, sweet and sour drink. It is so easy to drink that I am sure I will drink 4 gou today.
Takomama konbanhaha! I just got out of ♨️ and opened up the sake wa and saw AIR❣️. The review looks really good and makes me want to drink it 😆.
Good evening, Eririn 😊. I recommend it after your bath! This baby is delicious. If I come across it again, I think I'll buy it 😋.
Fusano Kankiku純米吟醸
Fusano Kankiku Check-in 1Fusano Kankiku Check-in 2
Actually, it was opened yesterday. It is "Kukai - Inflight - Once Fire-applied Unfiltered Unoaked Sake". The aroma was like cider when it was just opened yesterday. The taste was sweet. (I still drank about 2 gou of it though.) And today. Yes, I like the second day better. It's sweet and juicy, but you can also taste the bitterness. Kujukuri beach comes to mind (I've never been there). I thought the label was stylish and cosy.
ささまさむね Check-in 1ささまさむね Check-in 2
Today's sake is "Tokubetsu Junmai Sake Sasasamune". Since the bottle is marked "be careful when opening," I opened it slowly, but it didn't come up very high, or so I thought, but it came up quite a bit later, so I enjoyed it with a squeal. When poured into a glass, it is finely shrieking. In the mouth, it's, duh, silky! Delicious combined with a gentle sweetness. Price is also ◎ I wish I had bought it in a bottle.
abe Check-in 1abe Check-in 2
Today's sake is from Abe Shuzo's ★ series "ARCTURUS". I thought it would be too hard to open the bottle, since I bought it. So, of course, I asked my husband, who is not a drinker, to open it for me. When I pushed the bottle open, the wine came up in the bottle and I had to hold it down for a while. I opened it slowly so there was no spillage. (I just watched it). The aroma is smoky. The color is slightly pink. It is said that this is the color of the rice used to make it. When you put it in your mouth, it is refreshing. The sweetness is less than it appears, and it is still smoky. This may be the first sake like this. Perhaps it is because it is not so sweet, but even at 13% alcohol, I haven't forgotten the feeling of drinking sake. I am getting numb to the alcohol content when I drink sake. It is 500ml, 2,000 yen, so it is a little expensive for everyday drinking. I thought it would be fun to bring this kind of sake to my friends.
Yokoyama Check-in 1Yokoyama Check-in 2
Today's sake is "YOKOYAMA SILVER 10 Junmai Ginjo (Hiiri)". Nice from the aroma...Mesa fragrance... When you put it in your mouth, it is sweet and tasty, and then it disappears. The sweetness is probably what one would call muscat-like. It is fresh at first, but then it becomes crisp and smooth in the middle, and I think I like it. But it is 16% alcohol. Be careful not to drink too much.
Kid Check-in 1Kid Check-in 2
Today's sake is "KID - Junmai Ginjo-shu Nigori Sake Nama". The aroma of nigori sake is a nice aroma of nigori sake. I haven't smelled this aroma for a long time. In the mouth From the shwashwashwashwashwashwashwashwashwashwashwashwashwashwashwashwash The feeling that goes out through the nose. Mmmm nigori sake! It retains a creamy atmosphere, but is easy to drink. By the way, I waited 5 minutes for the bottle to open because I was careful not to open it.
Odayaka Check-in 1Odayaka Check-in 2
Odayaka Check-in 3Odayaka Check-in 4
Today's Sake Odayaka Namaishi Namaishi Hashimoto Junmai Ginjyo Usu Nigori Nama" and Odayaka Namaisho Junmai Ginjyo Shiboritate Nama" (freshly brewed). Today, we are proud to present a luxurious comparison of two types of Niidashi Zenju. First, the light nigori. When you open the seal, it is time-delayed. A little bit of a squish-squish-squish. It starts to foam. The aroma is rather strong and alcoholic. When you put it in your mouth, you will feel a gentle sweetness and a shwash feeling. Light and easy to drink. Next is Shiboritate Nama. This one has a cute crown! A very frog🐸. At this point, I was excited. The aroma is calm. Sweetness and sourness in the mouth. Ah, melon. This one is more drinkable. It gently spreads over my tired body as I prepare for the new semester.
Gakki Masamune本醸造中取り
Gakki Masamune Check-in 1Gakki Masamune Check-in 2
Today's sake is "Gakki Masamune Nakadori". I was careless because a certain liquor store had it at room temperature and because it was a honjozo. I looked at it now and saw that it says "Requires refrigeration. The aroma has a brewed-al feel. It is also good. In the mouth, there is a sense of schwarziness, sweetness, and bitterness. I think the price was a little over 1000 yen for a bottle of No. 4. This taste is too cosy. I've kept it at room temperature, and it was a damn tasty saké!