SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
2022年元旦から家呑みを記録しています✏️ 外呑みも記録したいけど色々忘れるので😅 最近は事情により開栓数は減っているし、コメントも得意じゃないですが、皆さんの記録で発見があったり楽しんでいます😆 地元茨城のお酒を応援しているので、まだ飲んだことない方が興味を持ってくれるきっかけにもなれば嬉しいです🙋

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Sake Map

The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


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100% Omachi grown in Okayama Prefecture Polishing ratio 50%. Alcohol content 16%. Yeast AOK-1 The aroma is mild when it is poured into a cup, but when it is in the mouth, it has a sweet apple-like aroma and a slight tingling sensation on the tongue. Like the Hatsushibori I drank a while ago, the first sip of the Yabari Gokeijo made me think "I love it! (especially this Oumachi Jungin!). I always drink sake while eating, but this one has such a strong flavor that I tend to forget to eat😅.
YamamotoNEXT5 Color’s 2022純米
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Polishing ratio 50%. Alcohol content 15 When the bottle is opened and poured into a vessel, it makes a nice sound. It is clear and colorless, with an apple-like aroma. When drunk, it is crisp without any sweetness. The reason why it does not seem to have a gaseous taste may be because it has been five months since it was produced. NEXT5 Color's 2022" is released for the first time in two years. Yamamoto is relatively easy to find among the "NEXT FIVE" bottles, so I was able to buy this one, but being a poor person, I opened it on a random day while I was thinking of an opportunity to drink it while making sure the design bottle with a strong presence was in the fridge 😅.
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Omachi 100%, Polishing ratio 50%. Alcohol content 15 A vigorous popping sound at the opening of the bottle. It is clear and the aroma is subdued. The first sip is juicy and there are lots of bubbles in the glass. Due to some circumstances, I opened a new bottle of sake for the first time in a little over a month. I've been drinking some half-opened bottles in the meantime, but I'm still in a good mood when I open a new bottle.
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100% Yamadanishiki from Tojo, Hyogo Prefecture Polishing ratio 60 Alcohol 16-17%. There is a little color, and the aroma and acidity are strong and clear. This is a 2016 sake, and since I have drunk it about once every year since I bought it and kept it in the refrigerator, I honestly don't remember any changes in taste. So, I usually keep track of freshly opened sakes, but this one is special. At the time, I was surprised that Yoshikyo, whom I tasted at a liquor store, refrigerated it after opening the bottle in the same way, and it tasted so good, so I decided to copy him. It's delicious without being twitchy!
100th check-in 🎉.
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100% Yamada-Nishiki Polishing ratio 60 Alcohol content 15%. When the bottle is opened, there is a nice popping sound and the aroma is soft and gentle. When you put it in your mouth, you can feel the tangy gas and the aroma is stronger than before through the nose. It has a fresh flavor that is typical of unfiltered, unpasteurized sake. Since we buy Morishima by the bottle, we often have a lot of it "mokkiri" and intended to stop after that one glass, but we drank it while eating... and drank some more... and drank more than my husband did tonight! I drank more than my husband tonight 😜.
Rafa papa
Good evening Mr. Chizu😃 I was wondering if you were drinking 👍My wife is from Ibaraki 😆I haven't had much Ibaraki sake so please tell me more about it 😊.
Hello Rafa papa ☀️ Your wife is from Ibaraki 😆 Neither of us have lived outside of Ibaraki 😅. Please keep in touch ✨
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Kame-no-o 100%, Rice polishing ratio 55 Alcohol content 15%. The aroma and acidity in the mouth are juicier and more tangy and gassy than when it is closer to the sake cup. I was in quite a hurry to find the October production in the fridge 💦 but I'm glad it wasn't twisted or anything😆. I still like Yamamoto👍It's one of the breweries I want to go to now, and I want to tell the brewer that I've been waiting for years for a red label that hasn't been released from "Can we meet again, Omachi" ‼️ (I've decided to use only Akita rice, so I'm not sure the last time I'll get a meaningful label like that...)
Iyokagiya初仕込壱番搾り 限定酒純米原酒生酒
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Ehime 100% Shizuku Ehime Polishing ratio 60 Alcohol content 15.5 Refreshing sake with a rich aroma, acidity and umami. It was produced in December of R4BY. You can tell by the letter "Ichi" in the brand name that the brewer takes special care of it every year in the first tank of brewing ✨. It's been a while since I've had a Kagiya, but it's still delicious👍.
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Rice polishing ratio 60 Alcohol content 14%. A popping sound is heard when the bottle is opened and gas can be seen like white smoke when pouring into a vessel. It has no color and is fruity and easy to drink because of its gassy, sweet and sour taste. Thankful to be able to have sake pressed on the morning of Risshun again this year on the same day✨. The third and final bottle was Senkou. Every year I can rest assured that the taste will not betray my expectations: ☺️
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Polishing ratio 60 Alcohol content 19 It has just a little bit of color. Not much gasiness, but it has a nice aroma, a little acidity, and is deliciously spicy. It has a nice mouthfeel, but you are reminded by the aftertaste after swallowing that the alcohol content is high 💡. Thankful to be able to have sake pressed on the morning of Risshun again this year on the same day✨. The second bottle was the Tsuki no I. I thought it would be very strong even before I drank it. Before I drank it, I thought it would be powerful, but it was so delicious that I couldn't resist 😅 this is not good 😅.
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Polishing ratio 60 Alcohol content: 16° to 17° C There is just a little bit of color. When I poured it into a bowl, I could see a few air bubbles, but it was not so gaseous. The aroma was strong through the nose after the woody and sour aroma spread on the palate. I was thankful to be able to enjoy the sake pressed on the morning of Risshun again this year ✨. I bought the same three brands as last year. Every year I worry about the order in which to taste them, but I decided to start with my only daughter who has been drinking them for a long time 😆.
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100% Hitanishiki, Polishing ratio 55 Alcohol content 16%. When poured into a vessel, it has a clear and gorgeous sweet aroma. (The bubbled glass vessel makes it difficult to discern the subtle color.) The taste is gassy, sweet and juicy. After swallowing, a strong aroma escapes through the nose. Aoki Sake Brewery makes delicious, easy-to-drink Hitanishiki, a sake-compatible rice variety from Ibaraki Prefecture. I enjoyed talking with Mr. Chisa, the managing director, at the sake event in front of Corona ❤. By the way, Chisa-san is going on maternity leave next month, so we'll have to have another toast at our house soon 😆.
Morishima雄町 しぼりたて純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Omachi 100%, Polishing ratio 50%. Alcohol content 15 The wine is clear and colorless, and the aroma is subdued. It is fresh and gaseous with just enough bubbles to stick to the glass. Enjoy it at home with soba noodles. It is an unfiltered, unpasteurized sake, but there seems to be no oriki in the bottle. It has become a well-known brand, but just like Shinmasa is hard to find here, it is a local strong point! I'd like to start Morishima's monthly drink again this year 😋. ...and this one was purchased in December, so I'm already behind 💦.
Hi Chizu😃 I see 🤔It's nice to have a regular local sake 🍶 once a month 👍. We also have the advantage of being local and see the ⛄️ big line of snowmen 😁. I love Ibaraki 🥰It's good ❗️
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 🌛. The snowman⛄s are too cute 😆 Unfortunately, my husband doesn't like nigori sake so I never brought him home, but I like Sentori so I reserved Risshun Asashimusubori this year too👍.
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100% Hachitan-Nishiki produced in Hiroshima Prefecture Polishing ratio: Koji rice 55%, Kake rice 60 Alcohol content 16%. It has a gorgeous aroma, and the first sip is gassy, sweet and umami like a sweet ripe melon. The spiciness comes later, so you can drink more and more. I was curious about it when I went to a local liquor store to buy some at the end of the year, but they didn't have any Yongo bottles and I gave up crying because I couldn't fit a 1.5 liter bottle in my refrigerator. My husband asked me, "Do you really want to drink that much?" but it was a great decision✌.
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100% Gohyakumangoku grown in Tochigi Prefecture Rice polishing ratio 55 Alcohol content 16%. Acidity: 1.5, Sake meter: -2.5 Yeast used: Kyokai 1808.1401 I accidentally knocked the bottle over when I was photographing the lid, so I couldn't drink it right away and waited for the ooze to settle before opening the bottle. It has a sweet aroma and is sweet and juicy when drunk. When I mixed it, it became spicy and refreshing. After mixing it with the supernatant, which was like a completely different alcohol, both were really delicious 😋.
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Rice polishing ratio 40 Alcohol content 17 The aroma is sweet and unobtrusive. The sweetness is the first impression, followed by sourness and umami. It was a gift, but it reminds me of when I visited Ise. The afternoon before visiting the Inner Shrine, I had some time to spare, so I went to the brewery to check it out, found it, and drank a lot of sake while listening to the stories of the people there. It was hard to say which was more important, the visit to the shrine or the sake, but it was a lot of fun and I would like to go back again ✈.
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Rice polishing ratio 55 Alcohol content 16%. Production date: November 2022 It is beautifully clear and colorless, with a fruity aroma. The aroma is fruity and the taste is moderate, but when you take a sip, you can taste the acidity. It is listed as having its own yeast, but it is unknown if it is brewed in the brewery or not😅. As I continue drinking...what? The aroma is much stronger than before! Maybe I chilled it a little too much. I felt like the Snow Kayasha was looking at me in the refrigerator of the liquor store. I bought it thinking that I probably didn't drink it at home last year. It was delicious from mid-meal to after dinner.
Fuji Taikan首席受賞酒純米大吟醸原酒袋吊り斗瓶取り
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100% Yamadanishiki, 40% polished rice Alcohol content 15%. Winner of the top prize in the Junmai-shu category of the 103rd (2022) Nanbu Touji Sake Competition As soon as the bottle is opened, it has a gorgeous aroma. It has a slightly colored, strong and robust flavor. As you continue to drink, the spiciness comes in spurts. Happy New Year, everyone! I have been looking forward to the opening of the first bottle of the new year, having decided to drink this one from the moment I got it, while taking better care of myself than usual. It is a very limited 21 bottles from the same tank that was awarded the top prize by Morishima Shuzo, whose "Morishima" is now the center of attention. It's the most expensive sake I've ever had, but New Year's Day is special✨. Let's have some good sake this year!
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100% Watafune (short-stalked) produced in Ibaraki Prefecture Polishing ratio 55 Alcohol content 15%. When the bottle is opened, there is a pus-pus-pus-pus sound typical of nama-zake and a gorgeous aroma that is typical of ginjo-zake. The first sip has the fresh, juicy, thick flavor you would expect. The taste is sweet, but as you continue drinking, you can feel the spiciness. A satisfying bottle to end the year with. This year I started "Sake-no-wa" on New Year's Day. I really enjoyed drinking sake while reading back my own records and learning about sake that I have not encountered in your records. I hope you all have a happy New Year. See you all next year!
Holy chizu, konbanhar! Have a happy new year 🎍🐇.
I wish you a happy new year, too, Eririn☆.
Happy New Year, Chizu 🎍 and I look forward to working with you in the new year ✨. Let's enjoy the sake life 🎶!
Happy New Year, Pon! I look forward to working with you this year as well 🐰
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Polishing ratio 69% (super flat polished rice) Alcohol content 15%. It has a barrel aroma and flavor that seems a bit sour. We buy it every year because it is delicious and we are happy that the sake brewer puts a mouthful of it from the barrel into the sake bottle. I wanted to enjoy the original aroma of the sake but I also wanted to know the original aroma of the sake. I don't often use this sake container for other sake because the aroma is too strong, but it was very relaxing.
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100% Yamagata rice, Dewa Tsanzan (new rice) Polishing ratio 45 Alcohol content 16%. Sake degree -5, Acidity 1.5 Yeast: Yamagata yeast YK009 A high pitched pop when the bottle is opened. When pouring it into a vessel, it makes a nice tok-tok sound. Is this sound caused by the shape of the bottle? When you take a sip, it has a sweet, fresh taste with a tangy, gaseous sensation that is typical of nama sake. Even sake is nouveau because a new local sake is released in November. I hope it becomes as well recognized as wine☆.