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Morishima雄町 瓶燗火入純米大吟醸原酒
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100% Omachi, Polishing ratio ... 50%. Alcohol content: 15%. It is clear and colorless, with a moderate aroma. It has a gaseous taste even though it is hi-ire, and it has sweetness and acidity while being crisp due to the cold temperatures, so it is easy to drink while eating 😆. The first time I went out for a drink last month, I went to a restaurant that had Morishima and the picture on the menu was a silver lapel (it was a little early for this Omachi Hi-Katsuki to be available, and the draft sake was six months old), so I asked the waiter about the label color when I ordered. I asked the waiter, "Are you related to a sake shop or something like that?