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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


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Rice polishing ratio 65 Alcohol content 14 Ogawa yeast (Association No. 10) The aroma is clear and sweet. When you take a sip, you will find that it is really thick and sweet. As you eat, you will notice a little spiciness, which makes it refreshing and easy to drink without getting tired of it. Urasato is brewed using traditional methods with rice, water, and yeast from Ibaraki Prefecture, but with such a stylish label 👀❗ Even those who do not normally drink sake will find it acceptable 😆.
Morishima雄町 14号酵母 瓶燗火入純米大吟醸原酒
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100% Omachi, Polishing ratio 50%. Alcohol content 15 We compared 3 types of Omachi jun-dai, one is the 14 yeast draft, one is the hi-ire version, and the other is the regular hi-ire version 😆. The last one is a fire-aged 14 yeast 🍶. Almost clear and gassy. More acidic than the regular version. It is easier to drink than the other two, but the spiciness comes out later. I tried to compare them under the same conditions as much as possible with a snake-eyed boar cup and it was fun to see the characteristics of each in the clear sweetness 😋 A valuable experience ✨.
Morishima雄町 瓶燗火入純米大吟醸原酒
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100% Omachi, Polishing ratio 50%. Alcohol content 15 We compared 3 types of sake: the regular hi-ire version, the raw sake with 14 yeast and the hi-ire Omachi jun-dai 😆. This is the normal version Hi-ire 🍶. It has a little color, and although it is hi-ire, it has a gaseous and clear sweetness. I could clearly see that the aroma and taste were more powerful than the two 14 yeast ones 💡.
Morishima雄町 14号酵母純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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100% Omachi, Polishing ratio 50%. Alcohol content 15 Comparison of three different types of Omachi jun-dai: the No. 14 yeast raw and hi-ire, and the regular hi-ire version 😆. The first one is an unfiltered raw sake with #14 yeast 🍶. Almost clear and not much aroma. It's schwaggy and fresher with more acidity than the other two. Plenty of air bubbles in the bowl. I heard that Kanazawa yeast is characterized by low acidity and high ginjo aroma, but I got the opposite impression 😅. Even though it was made in April, my husband suggested, "Why don't we wait until it comes out of the fire and compare the two?" I've been waiting to open the bottle 🎉.
UrazatoURAZATO PROTOTYPE 4純米吟醸生酛原酒
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Rice polishing ratio 60 Alcohol content 12 It is clear and easy to drink with sweetness and acidity, but the sensation that leaves the nose after swallowing is so strong that it is hard to believe it is low-alcohol. According to the explanation on the back label, it is a test brew, made by lactic acid fermentation of amazake called "Sanki Amazake Moto", and it is recommended to drink with soda. I had it chilled today, but I'd like to keep a little and drink it as a highball to refresh me during the heat wave 🌊.
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Rice polishing ratio 55 Alcohol content 15 Degree of sweetness/spiciness: Somewhat dry Degree of lightness Somewhat light There is a little bit of ooze at the bottom of the bottle. When poured as gently as possible, it has a freshness like a slightly sweet and sour green apple, and after swallowing, it is quite strong. Next, I knocked the bottle down a few times to mix in the oriki, and the gasiness and sweetness became a little stronger. I found myself drinking a lot of it, but since the sake was shipped refrigerated for half a year without being heated, I wanted to see how it progressed after opening the bottle a little 😅.
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Rice polishing ratio 60 Alcohol content 16%. Transparent and aromatic even when just taken out of the refrigerator. It has a fresh, yet refreshing taste with a moderate sweetness. I love it, but it's been a long time since I've had it. It's still delicious ✨I drank it easily 😆. I don't think I drank this label even before I started drinking Sake-no-wa...
Morishima山田錦 瓶燗火入純米吟醸原酒
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100% Yamadanishiki, 60% polished rice Alcohol content 15%. It is clear and has a moderate aroma. There are a lot of air bubbles on the container, but there is a slight gaseous sensation when you drink it, right? It is about the same. It has a refreshing acidity and a bit of sweetness and spiciness. The first Yamada-Nishiki to switch to fire-aged Morishima was made in May, and I actually opened the bottle and took a picture of it quite a while ago💦I drank it several times without posting 😅I think I have about 1 gou left... enjoy 😆.
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100% Miyamanishiki Polishing ratio 65 Alcohol content 15%. The first sip is sweet and gassy. After that, the umami and the spiciness comes through strongly from the nose. This Miyamanishiki junmai sake should be tried by those who think Morishima is too clear and not enough 🙋.
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Rice polishing ratio 60 Alcohol content 15 (Taken while worrying about the direction of the lid...sorry if it is wrong) The aroma is subdued. There is a sweetness in the fresh acidity that is typical of nama-zake. In the morning I went to the local liquor store to pick up some otsukai and bought 2 bottles of summer sake for home ✨In the evening I went to the fish shop to get a 3-piece set of Batsugun and horse mackerel sashimi and decided to enjoy the sake I brought home that day even though it is rare for us to open the bottle 😁. Today's weather wasn't great, but it's time to enjoy a nice cold sake 😆.
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100% "Watafune" (short-stalked) sake rice produced in Ibaraki Prefecture Rice polishing ratio 55 Alcohol content 15 Limited edition It has a gorgeous aroma and gasiness, juicy but not too sweet. It is a refreshing sake that fits the image of the beautifully colored label ✨. It was made in March, but it was still fresh, and even though I've been drinking less lately, for the first time in a long time I realized that we both had emptied a four-pack ➰ even though it was a weekday 😅.
Morishimaひたち錦 辛口生酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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100% Hitanishiki Polishing ratio 55 Alcohol content 15%. It has a fresh gaseous taste typical of nama-shu, but it is refreshing. In Morishima, the red label of Hitachi Nishiki is labeled as dry with a moderate sweetness 😋. I've been cutting back a bit on sake lately, but it's still so good that I can't stop drinking it, so this time I put the sake bottle away in the fridge with only a glass saucer full 😅.
Morishima美山錦 生酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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100% Miyamanishiki, Polishing ratio 55 Alcohol content 15%. A nice sound when opening the bottle 🎉This sake is clear with a moderate aroma, full of gas and freshness that is typical of nama-zake, and is delicious both as it is and with a meal 😋. I drank "Comet" first, so I opened the bottle in April... I used to try to drink it in the month of production, but my pace is much slower these days😅.
BuyuBuyu Cycle Ogawa Yeast nama zake特別純米生酛原酒生酒
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100% Hitanishiki produced in Ibaraki Prefecture Polishing ratio 58 Alcohol content 14%. Yeast used: Ogawa yeast produced in Ibaraki Koji mold used: Marufuku Moyashi produced in Ibaraki The color is clear and the aroma is subdued. It is gassy and has a strong acidity that makes it refreshing ✨. It's a raw version of the sake we had the other day, with a similar color on the label but wiry 🚲. The liquid is thick and sweet when poured, but as you drink it, you get a strong alcohol taste through the nose 💨 but I don't think it's spicy 🍶.
BuyuBuyu Cycle Ogawa Yeast純米吟醸生酛原酒
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100% Hitanishiki produced in Ibaraki Prefecture Polishing ratio 58 Alcohol content 14%. Yeast used: Ogawa yeast produced in Ibaraki Koji mold used: Marufuku Moyashi produced in Ibaraki There is a slight ooze. The aroma is subdued, but in the mouth it is like a fully ripe melon 🍈 with plenty of juiciness, but as you drink it, the seme smell and spiciness come out 😋. The label design is by Kitaro Kosaka, the same animator who designed the label released for the Ibaraki Prefecture's project to revitalize young sake breweries🚲. When I hear the word "Marufuku Bean Sprouts" the first thing that comes to mind is sprout-like "bean sprouts"🌱Maybe kids who read the manga "Moyashimon" are more aware of the fact that bean sprouts = seed malt😳.
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100% Hitanishiki Polishing ratio 55 Alcohol content: 17° to 18 Acidity 1.5 Sake meter degree +4 The aroma is subdued. It is slightly colored and spicy, with a strong alcohol taste coming out through the nose. Unlike regular Fukushin, this sake is specially ordered by a liquor store in the same city as the brewery, and this was the first time I had it ✨. I thought it might not be my favorite 😅 at first sip, but when I paired it with a salty or oily meal, it was very nice and sharp👍
Morishima彗星 無濾過生原酒純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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100% Comet Polishing ratio 50%. Alcohol content 15%. The gas is released when the war begins, and the aroma is subdued, with just a hint of color when poured into a snake's eye. I opened it before the Miyamanishiki Jungin because it is a new product and I wanted to taste it first 😜The first sip was fresh, dry, and clear with high acidity, but it became sweeter and stronger as we ate 😋. The color of this label seems to be reddish or completely different depending on the camera 😅.
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100% Fukumaru produced in Ho Prefecture Polishing ratio 55 Alcohol content 16%. The fresh aroma makes you think it might be refreshing, but it's juicy and full of flavor 😆 I forgot it was a limited edition sake and drank it in droves 😋. Fukumaru is a common rice, very large and tasty even when cold, so it can be used for lunch 👍It's my favorite Ibaraki rice to eat these days 💕It's great that it tastes so good as a sake 🎉!
Morishima雄町 しぼりたて純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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100% Omachi Polishing ratio 50%. Alcohol content 15%. When you open the bottle, you will see a lot of tiny bubbles when you pour it into a cup. All Morishima's are clear and easy to drink with no jumpy characteristics, but this Omachi has a slight bitterness that makes it seem strangely flavorful when paired with fats and strong flavored meals ✨.
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Rice polishing ratio 65 Alcohol content 15 Ogawa yeast (Association No. 10) The bottle was opened after gently removing it from the refrigerator to prevent the sunken cakes from rising to the surface, and the aroma was refreshing. The supernatant alone has a sweet taste and is easy to drink. 😋 Then, when the bottle is turned upside down and stirred, it starts out as a lump and gradually becomes fine and cloudy. When you drink it, the gasiness becomes stronger and more fruity 😆. The label is cute compared to Urasato Shuzo's signature brand, Kiri-Tsukuba, and if you're not a fan of Ibaraki sake, you should definitely try this sake made entirely from Ibaraki Prefecture, including the yeast! I think you'll love it ✨.